Chapter 7. Emotions

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Kakashi begins to explain his little lessons, but I cut him off with an wave

" Sorry but I don't have time now. I will see you again later."

I teleport to Sasuke and put him on my shoulders then to Naruto and taks him in my arms, after that I put those two next to Neji and wake them up.

" Hi. how are you? "I shout loud enough to wake them up completely.

" Wait I wasn't here?!" yells Naruto trying to get up but his body is still too weak.

" What have you done? " questions Sasuke, looking around us to see if it's safe.

Neji just watchs me probably with the same concerns as his team mates. I trow the bells at them as they barely catch them.

" Take it. "I order, taking them by surprise.

" Are they real?! "stupidly asks Naruto looking at the sparkling piece of metal in his hands.

" why do you have them?"

" Yes they are real and I took those from Kakashi."I explain but of course it wasn't good enough to staify Neji.

" All by yourself? "this time Sasuke asks looking closely at his bell

" Yeah." and it wasn't that hard actually...

" Wait. If you give them to us. What about you? "

" Don't need them."I shrugg, taking out the scroll where I sealed the sandwiches and giving them the food...poor boys were famished.

When the alarm rings Kakashi poofs behind us, with a disappointed look all over his face.

" You didn't manage to take even one bell. What a shame. I guess all of you go back to the academy."he says taking the fake bells in his hands.

The boys proudly show Kakashi the true bells as I undo the transformation, letting the leaves fall on the ground.

" What, but I had those right here.. "

He looks over and realizes that they're telling the truth.

" You! You give them the bells!" he says, being really mad, pointing at me.

I decided it's best if I don't say anything so he goes on with this rage.

" You fail. You don't have a bell So you'll be the one tied up."of course he wants to tie me up.

I refrain from making another smut comment as he takes the ropes to tie me to the log, giving the bentos to the rest.

" Here. Open your mouth." says Neji, taking some rise with his chopsticks and holding it  in front of my mouth.

" If you want me to eat it then you have to give it to me with your mouth." I seductively say, winking at him again.

He blushes but that only makes Sasuke look at me possessivly. Haha, it's so funny to tease them!

" I will do it!" says Sasuke taking a slice of cucuber between his lips.

Neji, on the other hand is faster and takes a piece of carrot, crushing his lips over mine. I greatly accept it and kiss him back until  Sasuke pushes him. Kakashi appears again and says that we all pass. A dissatisfied look is taking over his face when his eyes meet mine, but he doesn't say anything else. They all go home and I untie myself, looking at Neji who decided to stay with me unil I finished.

" I want to ask you something. "

Neji says he wants to talk and he seems very determined to do so. I never took him for the type of guy to take responsibility for such a little thing as a kiss. Honestly, I just hope he's not going to make a big deal out of it, it was just a little game. I walk along side with him until we reach a beautiful lake near a small park. The view is beautiful as the sun is setting and I take a sit on the sand to admire it. He reluctantly comes closer and sits down, but he doesn't watch the painted sky, his eyes are only pinned on me.

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