Chapter 5. Along with them

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        I slept really bad tonight. Basically I didn't sleep too much... Just a few hours... Minutes... Not a all. I'm insomniac okay?! And it's definitely not my fault!!!

      The hokage said that I will stay with my Sensei, AFTER I have one, but didn't said anything about this night. Yeah I guess he forgot.. Damn old man.

      All I've done is to stare at the sky all night on the training fields. For a village so big only two people were there but they left as soon as the sun set.

      I sense someone's Chakra, and he's coming very fast as I stand up. It's a man with grey-white hair and a hairband that covers his left eye. He approaches me looking slightly curious about me. Duh of course he's curios, you're a ten years old girl walking in the fields at 3 in the morning. It's nothing strange...

" What are you doing here?" he asks but I don't think he's really expecting an answer.. He just looks bored and done with everything, the result of having a hard life probably.

" Umm I was looking for the academy. "I lie through my teeth, looking at him all innocent and cute.

" At this hour on the training field? "he frowns, tensing his arm, probably ready to unravel his covered eye.

" I'm an early bird."my smile only makes him rise his eyebrow and scan me up and down

" Ninjas are fighting here. You could be attacked by one. "

" Oh I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone. But first could you tell me where I can find the academy?"

" 1 kilometer straight ahead then turn left. You can't miss it. "

                  I nod and start running till he can't see me anymore. Yeah hun, like getting attacked by a ninja could hurt me. Walking straight into a shop, I grab everything I need from simple things to weapons and food.  You may ask from where have I the money. Back in Akatsuki I was the one that hunted people and sell their corpse of huge amounts. And I still have the rest of my ANBU missions money. Now I don't really have to worry about a thing.

I put them all my things in a small scroll that I keep in my leg pouch. After that I go and have some breakfast. Ugh I hate when I can't find a good food shop. I just take a bottle of water and some fruits. Yeah that will do it, it's not like I have to eat anyway, I just enjoy it. When I get in front of the academy, which was in the exact same spot as hundreds of years ago, a lot of people stared at me. Then they start whispering behind my back. Jerks.

I walk in and look for my classroom. It's bigger than I remember. The bell rings and everybody goes to their classes, but I'm still searching for my classroom. Marvelous, now I'm late for my first day. I eventually find the right door. I knock and a kind man's voice softly says  to come in.  Walking in everybody's eyes are now on me. Okay... let's do this. I'm shyly glancing at the teacher and he just smiles at me.

" Hello. You should be the new student. I'm Iruka you're sensei , it's nice to meet you... "

" Chi."

" nice to meet you Chi. Now would you like to present yourself to the class. "

I peek at my classmates then I shake my head a bit rudely. I don't need a bunch of kids to know about me.

" Then does anybody have questions? Let's help our new classmate here. "

A lot if hands rise up like snails after rain making me sigh at the horrible view.

" Where are you from? "

" You look younger then us. How old are you? "

" You look like a doll! "

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