Chapter 41. Back

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I got all of us back. Look a beautiful complete Susano and a lovely pair of Sasuke and Naruto, that were mad , and kind of scary. Oh they grew up so much. Just look at them. I was the first that arrived there and all their attacks were directed through me. It was kind of too easy to stop them all, even for me. Wow this power is kind of scary. I can see the death in all those things. Suddenly I remember that out there is still a Hagoromo that I have to talk to.

"Guys I have to go. See you soon. " I said as I took Madara, Kaguya and the shinigami with me.

I was arrived there and I saw Hagoromo and the Hokages trying to get Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi back. I stepped in front of Hagoromo and Tobirama was so ready to fight with Madara.

" Come on, let's not fight here." I smiled sweetly to Tobirama and he calmed down a bit.

There were all looking to me, probably expecting an explanation, but I don't have time for that... Pfffftt yeah sure. I have all the time I want.

" Alright. Kaguya here will explain you all what you should know. And I... I'm going to have a nice walk with this little sage here."

I went next to Hagoromo and teleport us to another dimension.

" You're still so naive." I said looking at the beautiful sky that was full of shiny stars.

"And why do you say that, Chiyoko?" he asked sitting next to me.

" You wanna to help humans. Look at you, giving Naruto and Sasuke parts of your power, wanting to rescue them. It's a childish way of thinking."

" You may be right. But you're just the same aren't you? "

" Me?! Hmm, maybe, still...I'm seeing this different. Life and death. What are they really. I mean you know that you could've bring your children back, but you didn't. And now I'm free to bring mine, but still I..." and a small tear escaped my eye...

" You feel guilty. For all of your sins. You've done a lot all this time and the only person that could forgive you for your sins is now dead. "

" No... He's alive."

" Chiyoko.. I know that you killed that demon. I can see in your eyes how sad you are because of that."

" He is alive. Within that girl, within me. He lives."

" Chiyoko. Don't do that. Let it go.. Let it all go."

" Why?! Why should I let it go?! I always stay the same and thing just evolve. I always am the one how suffers the most. So why?! " now I burst into tears and I was slowly losing control over my body

" Shh. It's okey. This will be the last time you can cry. " He said and hugged me like a protective father.

It's true... Now I much more further away than my family, those ninjas. It will be harder for me to live with them, to learn to love them, to be patient. They are merely humans, and I'm not.

"You should go now. " I said wiping my tears off and getting up.

" Be careful, Chiyoko. "

"I can't do that."

He suddenly disappeared, and I left wiping the last tear from the corner of my eye. I went back to the war just to see a too cocky Sasuke. Madara, Kaguya and the shinigami were gone, probably they were still talking about the things just happen. But here, with the sage of six paths gone and with a too messed up Kakashi, without Sharingan, Sasuke was a little too childish. I put a step on the ground that sound so powerful like a thunder. Everybody was looking at me and Sasuke stopped for a second.
" What do you think you're doing here ?!" I said looking straight to him.
He took over the tail beasts and he really thought that he's powerful.
" Over the course of the war I've gotten rather used to the using of the abilities of the Rinnegan. And now everyone who would have been I'm my way is gone. Except the two of you, Chiyoko, Naruto."
At this Naruto tried to fight back but I was already boiling inside with all this anger.
" I think that you have a little problem." I said quietly taking small steps towards him.
" After all the things that happened you really can't move on?" now my steps become bigger and louder.
" Grow up, you stupid jerk!" I was running, making holes in the earth with every step.
When I reached him I activated my Rinnegan that was very creepy. The thing is that my Rinnegan is different. On the blue eye it looks like a galaxy

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