Chapter 4. Meeting

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I'm  staring at the new man that's also looking at me. We're having a staring contest, he looks kind of dumb but also really determined to win.

" Who is she? And where are the rest? " he asked without moving his eyes from me, he's certainly not the one who ordered the hit on me.

" Yeah about that... " tries Konan to answer something but fails miserably.

" I am Chiyo-...I mean just Chi. And I killed those people. " I say smiling, still not moving my eyes from his.

His expression changes, looking terrified and surprised now, like can't believe what I told him. At this point his eyes shift to Konan, like he's waiting for her to tell him I lied.

"What? Haha that's so funny. Are you lost little girl? " he says with a soft laugh, putting a hand on my head.

Okay... now he's pissing me off. Konan  notices my angry expression and takes  Yahiko's hand, pushing him a step back.

" Now Now, let's not jump on conclusions. "her voice is trembling, continuing to push him far away from me.

I telesport behind Yahiko and lightly touching the back of his head before  punching him in the spine. He goes flying in the wall, making a hole shaped as his body.

" I'm not a kid..brat! I'm older than your fucking mother, stupid boy!"I yell clenching my fist and ready to punch him again.

Looking like a kid throwing a tantrum, I calm myself down and dust off my clothes.  I swear, the next person that will look down on me will die. And it will not be a short one, but a long, slow, very painful death. Konan tries to calm me down and Nagato runs to Yahiko, helping him to get up.

" I guess she's the girl you where talking about." Yahiko says with a quite voice, only to whisper the second part: "I didn't expect her to be so small."

I just smile and heal him, then we go to a big room.

" So now that we're here, how about you give us some explanations? "they ask with precaution, ready to defend themselves and standing a few steps behind me.

" Sure. what do you want to know?"I answer sitting in the cold ground and looking at the ceiling.

I always find myself in this type of situations. Who am I, what am I doing here then a routine check up, just the same as in the Secret Anbu. I sigh and shake my head, focusing on this new beginning again.

" Basic information. Name, age, village, purposes, and your orders, and maybe just for curiosity: Why do you kill all of my friends?!"slightly yells Yasuo, popping his head in my view rage and meanly blocking my previous staring.

Annoyed I jump on my feet and growl at him.

" Chi, more then you can count, all villages, having some fun, no ones, because they were weak. "

" What? We didn't find out something about you except your name."

" I just say the truth. It's up to you if you believe it or not. " I shrug my shoulders and inhale deeply, not desiring to kill him yet.

" Could you say something real please?" interferes Nagato, I took him for the quiet one, hiding in the shadow of his leader... I actually thought he's a bit dumb, having so much power yet only following orders, but one thing I can easily see about him is that he's determined to protect his friends, even from me.

I circle the Rinnegan Man and smirk at the enormous power simply emanating from him.

" Okay. I don't have a last name, they weren't a thing when I was born. My real fist name is Chiyoko-written with the kanjis: 千 (chi) "thousand" and 代 (yo) "generations" and 子 (ko) "child". My age... Well I really lost the count after 3000 probably around 7000 or 8000 thousands years old, plus minus a few thousands. I'm not from a specific village, but you could count water, the last one. And my goal is traveling and discover new things. "

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