Special Chapter

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Hi there guys! Two nice events that happen in this period of time: This story hit 10 thousands reads and two of the shows I enjoy are ending/starting. So here comes a very special chapter, a cross over between this story and The Vampire Diaries/The originals. I recently heard that tvd came to an end so I thought that it'll be funny to do this cross over. I didn't watch all the series, just the first five seasons from The Vampire Diaries and all three seasons from The originals( which I like more). Also if you want me to do other cross over between this story and any other fandoms just write a comment or message me.
PS: Am I the only one thinking that Nicklaus and Madara are very similar. Both fallen kings, both with big dreams.(...I think Chiyoko has the fallen king complex, if you know what I mean)

Chiyoko's point of view.

I left the world of the living for the regular check out in the purgatory. I was together with the last remaining Shinigami, Nona. She was doing all the work that probably I should do, collecting souls, put them to rest, throw them in hell or get them in heaven. Technically when I absorbed all that power those things should be my responsibility, but ya all know that I'm not a responsible person. I was wondering around, putting souls in different categories, when suddenly a strange fact caught my attention. I saw a girl in the distance, that completely stood out in my opinion. Remember when I told you about my old friend, so called goodness, Amaterasu? Well that girl was standing in front of me! I approach her with a big smile on my face.

"Amaterasu! Oh God, I've missed you so much! I never thought that you'll still be alive!"

The girl had a very beautiful face, with big brown eyes, a cute yet sexy smile and a long brown hair. She seemed so surprised as she took a step back and stare at me.

"I'm sorry but I think you're confusing me with someone else. My name is Elena Gilbert."

What the fuck? Is she messing with me? I could recognize her anytime and I'm very sure she's Amaterasu.

"Care to explain?" I asked examining her

" I actually get confused by a lot of people. I'm part of a long doppelganger blood line."

I took a second or two to search in the information from the tree of this doppelganger thing, and eventually I found it. She was telling the absolute truth. She was indeed a descendant of Amaterasu, the last one actually and she had a pretty complicated life. She let a lot of people in the living world, and her world was different from mine, the ninja world. I vaguely found information of the other universes so I thought that it'll be a nice trip to this town Mystic Falls.

"You are completely right, my mistake. Now let me borrow you a bit."

I took her hands in mine and absorb a part of her spirit. She was a very strange creature, dependant on human blood. A vampire. My body felt somehow uneasy around her, but in the end I was able to make a link between the two world and I stepped in.

I found myself in a big town, where everyone seems to be completely normal, humans, most of them. I stared at my soundings, completely amazed by them. I saw a huge shiny pannel that said "New Orleans" . Well this isn't exactly what I was hoping for, but let's see what we can find here.

I was wondering on the streets, where a huge, colorful carnival was taking place. The French quarter was completely alive, with people having fun, just laughing and partying. I saw a man, with a red flash in his eyes. All full of hatred and pain. I walk over to him as I smiled crossing my hands behind my back.

"Hi there, mister..." I said with my usual sensual smile.

His eyes changed just a little bit, softened somehow.

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