Chapter 27. Kyubi

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I was humming a happy song when I suddenly feel Kushina's chakra. A soft smile curved on my lips. Such a great mother, it's such a petty that she's dead. She will love watching Naruto growing and being such an amazing ninja, and the best hokage in future. Let's see how are the things going.
I entered Naruto's head and a huge fight was still on. I just walked, touching Kushina's chains. You were powerful. Kurama noticed me and tried to kill Naruto as soon as I won't move. I jumped on him and he stopped moving. Naruto prepared a colossal rasengan and attached him. I hold him still so Naruto had time to get his chakra.
" Don't take it all. He has to live too you know? "
" Chi?! When did you get here? "
" Not for long. So you met your mother. "
" Yes. But wait you know her?"
" Of course. I'm the one that give her that nickname. "
"Then you know my father too. "
"Minato? Yes I knew him for a long time. He was very kind to me when I was in ANBU."
" Really? "
" Yes, but for now we should go back to the others. "
I looked around and now I was in the old room. Naruto show them his Kyubi mode and he was pretty cool this way. Then he felt Kisame's evil chakra and Samehada jumped from bee's back.
" Hello Kisame. How are you?"
" Chiyoko. I heard that you betray us, but I couldn't Belive... Till now. "
" It wasn't a betrayal. I just leave you alone. I won't be here too much either. "
Yamoto looked at me with venomos eyes and I just sigh . Man what a bother. Probably I should kill him. Naruto attacked Kisame and he was fast, I mean no so fast as his father or me, but fast. What a pity that Kisame's faster in reaction. He got out and we followed him. I don't want to see what's next So I teleported myself away. I went on a tree and sit down waiting for all of this to finish. Like Itachi, I knew that Kisame wouldn't die so easy. He has a lot of information and he know that he can't let it on the enemy hand. Suddenly he was outside and a guy was entering his head. Sorry, but I can't let you do that. He has to have a noble death.
I went there and kicked that guy. He flew on a rock and I took Kisame. Yamoto tried to stop me with Mokuton, but it stopped when it reaches to me. He tried again, with the same result.
" Come on so you want it to be 3/5 ? "
" Why isn't it working?! "
" Oh, move on and don't cry. I just take him and kill him. He's already dieing so I'll just make it quick."
" How can we trust you? "
" You don't have other options here. And trust me you don't want me to be against you. Your little army won't make me move even my leg. "
I teleported into a cave and put him down.
" Chi. You *cough cough * you h-have to help the Akatsuki."
" I can't. They don't have that Noble goal anymore. Now, don't bother about it, just sleep. It's better this way. "
" Don't let them touch my brain. "
" I won't. Is just like that mission , isn't it? "
" Yes."
He closed his eyes remembering thr old times. I put a little chakra into my hand and touch his head. Now all his memories are gone. He can rest in peace. I took his heart out. It was beating slowly.
" Goodbay Kisame."
I teleported back and they were all mad at me and tried to attack me but with a small move of my finger all of them were pinned on the walls.
" I don't have time to play. Now prepare yourself. The enemies are coming. "
" What enemies?"
" Shut up and don't ask questions! I'm not in the mood to hold a history lesson to you stupid brats."
I let them go and teleported myself in the top of this turtle. I hide myself under a strange rock. Kisame... I felt a small tear rolling on my cheek. You're dead too. Everybody die. That stupid pact with the... A huge explosion was heard and I saw the tsukikage fighting a reanimated Deidara. There was another man on the bird. Kabuto... The tsukikage and his guards hit him hard but it seems that he's more powerful. He spotted me and wanted to attack me but I just dodge.
" You. Because of you Orochimaru-sama is dead now. "
Yeah sure like I'll let him die by Sasuke's hand., but there's no use arguing with him.
" So. The reanimation jutsu. You're an interesting guy, Kabuto, but not good enough" o said punching him and now he flew right on deidara, making them to fall. Yamoto came and was catched in the falling. They took him and I just pretend nothing happened. He was going to die in my hands anyway. It's better when you don't have your hands dirty. Yeah like I didn't kill anyone... I went to Naruto that was trying to put some rocks one on another. I hugged him and wished him good luck. I guess that he will find out soon why. I teleported myself back in Konoha. There were the last preparations.
" Chiyoko. You're here! "
" Yes."
" Come. Everybody was waiting for you. You'll be the general comander as you requested. "
" Okey let's go."
We all went outside and man, it was a long time since I saw all the ninjas togheter like that. Now that I think about it, that's what he wanted. A smiled softly, but it was for a short time. I heard a lot of people complaining that I'm a kid and stipl I'm their leader. I undo the transformation and Gaara explains everything to them.
" Hello everybody. I'll announce every squad capitan, you will go to them for information and listen to everything they say. Understood? Okey now... Ambush squad leader: Kankuro. Medic squad leader: Shizune. Intel squad : Yamanaka Inoichi. Sensor squad leader: Ao. Let's move on. Squad one, midrange fighter division, leader : Darui. Squad two, close range fighter division, Kitsuchi. Squad three, close and mid range fighter division, leader Kakashi. Squad four, long range division , Gaara. Squad five, special ops division, Mifune. Is everybody at their squad? "
Some people moved and in one minute everyone was ready.

*play the music now please*

" Good. If anyone has a problem or can't find any leader, he comes to me, clear? I'm the leader of every squad so me or a clone of mine with be there. Be brave and don't give up your life without fighting till the end. And ninjas, I have to say one more thing. I'll say it just one time so listen carefully. I lived many years, I'm old and for me life is nothing I don't have to fight for it so don't depend on me. I won't help you if you come crying at me saying that you cut yourself in some paper so fight for you and your comrade with all you have. It's only one chance to dream of a peaceful day when the war will finish so LET'S GO!!!!"
Everybody was now ready and more prepared mentally Now. So that's it, let's go to war.
One request from the author. Read again the first 5 words from this chapter. It's quiet ironically if you ask me how it stared and where is it now.

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