Chapter 2:The Proposal.

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  • Dedicated to Joan Rebello

Chapter 2: The Proposal

He took a deep breath looked into my eyes and said "I want you to be my wife." Ok. Someday and I do mean I did think like every other girl, someday a handsome guy read 'prince charming' would say those words to me but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be like this. It was supposed to be romantic not so crass and confusing!

"Are you serious? Is this a hobby of yours? Freak out strangers you meet at parks? I don't even know you!" He looked at me exasperated. "Look hear me out ok?" I looked at him and any girl with common sense would've walked away but not me! No sir. I just had to sit there hanging onto everything he had to say. "I come from one of the richest families here." I rolled my eyes.

That had to be the biggest understatement of the year. He ignored me and went on "I just graduated and now my parents want me to marry a 'nice girl' and settle down and take care of the family business. Its either that or they cut my trust funds completely."

I am not exaggerating when I say that he actually pouted at that last part. I looked at him amused and said, "so why me? I bet you have a girlfriend!" At this he smirked and said "I have a lot of girlfriends. The problem is my parents won't approve any of them. Besides, none of them would agree to divorce me later on."

He was brimming so much of self confidence that I wanted to slap him. How dare he assume that about girls? However he continued, "Now my parents have never met you so even if you are a wild party animal they would never know! All they want is a mature girl who will keep their son in control."

I stared at him incredulously; seriously did parents like that even exist anymore? Well I guess they did. "So" I started cautiously "what's the deal?" He smiled and nodded approvingly, "well nothing much. You have to marry me and after a year we get divorced with mutual consent."

I looked at him flabbergasted. A wedding is a girl's dream. Where she marries a guy she loves. A guy who thinks his world revolves around her and here was this jerk trying to ruin it for me. I could've said no I really could but the problem was I really couldn't.

I was running out of time. "Ok." I said "but on one condition you have to pay me weekly or the deal is off." He looked at me with a glint. "So" he said "what is it? I bet you are high maintenance and keep running out of money to buy things."

I turned around and almost slapped him again when I stopped. Let this arrogant jerk think what he likes I do not want his pity. "Don't talk about things you know nothing about." I said coldly. With that I got up and started walking away.

He followed, "we need to exchange numbers." I gave him my number and saved his number as well. He then surprised me by offering to drop me home. He then justified saying if he we had to get this act right we would need to share details of each other's lives.

I saw his car and let out a low whistle. It was a red porche. This guy was loaded and then some. We drove in silence and I spoke only to give him directions to my home. When we reached he had wrinkled his nose and asked "do you live here?" I didn't deem it necessary to answer that. Ofcourse I lived there and it was not in an expensive part of the town but still it was ok.

When my dad was alive we lived in a better place and were certainly much better off. He followed me inside and when I glared at him he just shrugged and said, "look it has to be real. Like we have to really convince them we know each other and have been dating and love each other so much that we can't live without each other."

I wanted to punch him so bad. I just about controlled my urge. "Ok so you can leave now. You know where I stay now." I crossed my arms and stared at him. "Ok" he said, "but tomorrow we need to meet again and plan this thoroughly. You need to meet my friends and I need to meet yours. Also we need to get to know each other."

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