Chapter 3: Meeting the friends

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(A/N): Hi!!! I did get 10 reads!! *does a happy dance* Thank you so much. So this chapter is dedicated to rax123 my very first fan. My previous chapter was dedicated to lilly- rain. Your story (sootb) made me wanna read other books on Wattpad! Beautiful story :) Ok so people i would be really grateful if you could leave a comment on how did u find the chapter. Just some insight? And vote if you liked pleasee!! Thank you!!

Chapter 3: Meeting the Friends.

I woke up to 'tick tock' by Keisha next morning and realised that it was my phone ringing. I answered it groggily, "hello?" "ARE YOU STILL ASLEEP?" Came Jude's voice from the other end.

"Jeez! What the hell are you yelling for?" I yelled back.

"Well we are supposed to meet today!"

I glanced at my watch "its only 9.00 a.m for God's sake!" What was he upto? It wouldn't take me all day to meet his friends! He made an impatient sound and said, "just be ready in 30 minutes. I am coming to pick you up." And he disconnected just like that. Well good morning to you to I said into the phone. I forced myself to leave my warm and cozy bed.

I rushed about selecting clothes randomly and took a quick shower. I brushed my teeth and left my towel dried hair to dry naturally. I put some kohl and gloss. I was wearing my shoes when I heard the honking of a horn. I rolled my eyes and tied the laces of my favorite purple converse. I took my keys from the table, picked my bag and hurried out of the house.

"Enough with the honking!" I yelled at Jude who by the way was looking absolutely yummylicious. He was wearing a dark blue T today that made his blue eyes look even more gorgeous and khakis. He smiled at me and honked once more just to irritate me. I got in and slammed the door hard.

"Hey!" Protested Jude, "go easy on my baby will you!" I just glared at him and shot him a nasty look. He shook his head and started the car. Did I say start? He took off on top speed dodging cars crazily. I struggled to get my seat belt in place and decided against telling him to slow down because I knew he would go faster just to annoy me!

"Where are we going?" I asked. He had stopped at a street that had all the high street fashion stores.

"We are going shopping!" He looked at me as if he had just said we are going to Disneyland. What? I love Disneyland! So sue me.

How the hell was I to go shopping when I didn't have a dime to spare for a meal! I looked at him contemplating about what I was going to say to him when I realized I didn't have to shop! I mean he could shop if he wants too.

"Well I don't need anything and don't tell me that you woke me up this early so that you could have a shopping buddy, you made a huge mistake pal!"

He looked at me incredulously and said, "I don't need anything! But look at yourself! You are wearing a ratty old T shirt. No girlfriend of mine would be wearing that! Much less the girl I was going to get married! Don't worry this shopping trip is on me."

I stared at him. Ok granted I had just grabbed something to wear randomly and it turned out to be my purple faded T shirt but it looked uber cool if I say so myself! Who the hell did he think he was turning his nose up at my clothes?

"But I don't want you to buy clothes for me!" I said. Jude rolled his eyes and said "look don't go an egoistical trip now. Just think of this um just think of it as the uniform you need for your job!" I stared at him wondering if he had lost his mind.

Oh this was going to cost him. He will be sorry he said that to me. I got out in a huff and slammed the door extra hard. Jude cursed some more and we got inside the store.

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