Chapter 39: What happens at the party stays at the party.

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Chapter 39:  What happens at the party stays at the party.

Natasha’s P.O.V:

The wedding preparations were in full swing. There was just a week

left for the wedding. I was sitting in the living room surrounded by

people. Jude’s cousins, aunts and his mom. We all going through the

wedding plans meticulously trying to figure out if we had left out

anything when Sean burst in the room and yelled dramatically.

“Oh my God! I just figured out what’s missing!”

“What?” asked several people at the same time, including me.

“Well I cant believe how you guys didn’t even think about this! I

mean how could you forget such an important detail!”

“Sean what is it?” asked Jude’s mom.

“The bachelor and bachelorette party! I mean seriously? These are

the last few days of your freedom Natasha, relish them and enjoy


“Sean! Enough with the dramatics” said Jude’s mom relieved that it

was nothing major. “But Natasha honey you absolutely must have a

bachelorette party.”

“Umm mom I don’t think-”

“Nuh uh you don’t have a say in this” spoke up Sean, “allow moi to

plan this out for you”

“But Sean-”

“End of discussion, see ya later honey” he blew a kiss at me and

walked out. I rolled my eyes, I don’t party, I don’t drink, and

that’s just not me. What was I going to do at my own bachelorette

party? I don’t know.

We all got back to serious discussions. My dress had come in

yesterday and was locked in my cupboard. I hadn’t allowed Jude to

see it, Jude had tried really hard to try and get a glimpse of it

but I was adamant to let him only see it at the wedding.

“Mom” I said, “is you dress ready?”

“Yes, Jasper called me for a trial yesterday, I must say he is a

darling and his fitting is perfect!”

“I agree”

Finally everyone had left, all the arrangements were in place. I was

so excited I could barely eat these days.

It was time for Jude to come home, he had been working harder than

ever on his nascent project and he was doing a good job. I was very

proud of him. The brat had become a responsible man.

I was watching TV when Jude came home.


“Hey beautiful” he said bending to kiss me on my head.

“How was your day?”

“It was good”

“What about you?”

“It was busy, everyone was here going over the wedding plans”



“Hmm you know I sympathize with you”

“Yeah right that’s why you asked your mom to ask me everything

before okaying it!” I glared at him.

“Anyhow I thing they’re done for most of the part right?”

“Yeah except Sean has come up with this brilliant idea of a bachelor

and bachelorette party”

“Woohoo! Yeah baby! That’s my mine”

I raised an eyebrow at him and he became defensive, “What? These are

my last few days of freedom”

I rolled my eyes, all men were the same, straight or gay.

“What do you wanna do?”

“I don’t know usually the best man plans it for the groom” said Jude


“Uhuh so Gary is going to surprise you?”

“I guess so”

“Well I think the boys are going to fight over what sort of a party

to throw for you”

“You’re right” said Jude his smile disappearing.

“Well enjoy” I sang and Jude scowled.

Just then Jude’s phone rang.


I left the room to go to the washroom. As I came out I saw Jude

lounging on the bed in his night clothes while his office clothes

were strewn all over the floor.

“Ahem” I cleared my throat looking pointedly at the clothes. Jude

had been texting someone when he looked up.

“Oh I’ll pick them up in a while”

“Pick them up now”

“Oh come on I am tired”


He got off the bed and glared at me as he collected his clothes and

put them in the laundry basket.

I smiled and went about doing my work.

“Sean called” said Jude.

“uhuh and what did he say?”

“He said that they are holding the bachelor’s party tomorrow”


“Apparently it’s a surprise”

“Why do you sound so apprehensive?”

“What have they decided?”

“Well I could ask Sean”

“No, he’ll know I asked you to”

“Well then just wait and watch its nice to be surprised”

“Yeah I am sure” snorted Jude.

Just then my phone rang and I saw it was Joanna.


“Bachelorette party. Tomorrow. Be ready at 8.00 p.m sharp. It’s a

surprise” and before I could ask anything she hung up.

“What happened?”

“Joanna called”


“She says she has planned a surprise bachelorette party”

“So why are you apprehensive?”

“I hate surprises!”

“Jut wait and watch its nice to be surprised once in a while” he

repeated and I threw a pillow at him.

We spent the rest of the evening addressing invitations to our

friends. Wade and Sean were going to post them for us.

Soon it was bedtime and I was really tired so was Jude. He held me

as usual close to his heart as we slept.

The next morning we woke up to a lot of noise coming from the living

room. I went out to see Joanna, Sean, Wade, Gary, Natalie and Leah

all chattering away.

“Hey some of us are trying to sleep!”

“Good morning to you too sunshine” said Sean kissing me on my cheek.

“What’s going on?”

“We are planning your respective parties”

“What do you guys have in mind”

“Ohhh it’s a surprise” said Natalie and Leah clapping their hands

together making Joanna wince.

“oh right”

“Oh come on it will be fun” said Wade winking at me and smiling and

I had to smile back despite my grumpy morning mood.

“Yeah yeah we’ll see”

“What’s happening?” asked Jude entering the room rubbing his eyes.

I smiled at him and handed him a cup of coffee.

“Thanks” he said kissing me on my temple.

We stood there with Jude’s am around my shoulders and my arm around

his waist.

“We were discussing about your respective parties tonight” said



“Hey! What’s with the lack of enthusiasm?” asked Leah frowning.

“Nothing” I replied, “we are usually this grumpy early in the




“So cool” said Sean, “Jude be ready at 9.00 p.m. we will be here to

pick you up”

“Same with you Natasha but you be ready by 8 we will pick you up a

little earlier”


We all ate breakfast together and then everyone left. Soon Jude left

for work and I went about my daily routine. I had already applied at

the University for a Course in interior designing. The course would

begin two months after my wedding.

I was so excited to begin my life as Mrs. Natasha Jude Smith. I

smiled and hugged my pillow to me. I really like d the sound of it.

I picked up the pone and called the old age home to ask about my


It seemed she had been doing fine but didn’t have anymore lucid

moments. Though I was disappointed I wasn’t surprised because lucid

moments in an Alzheimer’s patient wee very rare.

I didn’t talk to my mom but was satisfied with the answer the matron

gave. Mom had been doing well, she didn’t have many bouts of

depression anymore and most of the times she was cheerfully

embroidering or painting with the materials Jude got for her.

All in all my life was pretty much perfect at the moment. It

couldn’t get any better. I hummed as I did the laundry. Mrs. Bowers

hadn’t been well this last week so I had given her an off so that

she could recuperate quickly and be there for Jude and my wedding.

I had my lunch quickly then logged into my facebook account and

browsed a little. I caught up with a few of my university

classmates. All in all it was a boring day and I couldn’t wait for

Jude to get back home.

Jude’s P.O.V:

I was going through the day monotonously. I was counting to the days

when I would be married to Natasha and would look forward to going

to my wife everyday. My wife I thought rolling the word over and

over in my head. I liked the sound of that.

“Sir?” said Pete waving his hand in front of my face.

I sat up in my chair snapping out of my day dream.


“I was wondering whether you finalized the positions of the


“Yes I was about to”

“So sir did you manage to choose a best man”



“I have Natasha to thank for it, that girl is something”

“Well if the expression on your face when you talk about her is

anything to go by, then she definitely is something”

I smiled and went about finalizing the designs I was ok with and

making changes in the ones I wasn’t satisfied with. Soon it was time

to go home and I shut all the files in front of me happily and

packed up.

As I was about to get into the car my phone rang and I answered.


“Its me”

“Hey Gary”

“Dude be ready at 9 we have a major surprise for you”

“Sure will do”

“Wear casuals”

“yeah ok”

“Be ready for the time of your like”

“Ok ok can I go now?”


I drove home with a smile on my face. I entered the home and went

straight to my room and stopped. Natasha stood there wrapped only in

a towel. Thee were droplets of water running down her back. There

was one droplet running down from the back of her knee to her ankle.

I gulped and cleared my throat.

“Jude!” said Natasha jumping.

“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you”

“No you just startled me that’s all”


“Its ok” she replied smiling.

Then suddenly she seemed to realize she was just in her towel and

she blushed furiously.

“I- I was just trying to decide what to wear tonight.”

I nodded and swallowed and stepped up next to her. I bent down and

pulled out  bottle green T shirt and a pair of  black skinny jeans.

“Wear these”

She nodded and took the clothes from me.  My eyes followed a droplet

that trailed her neck and disappeared under the towel where it was

wrapped around her chest. She started breathing heavily and so did


“Jude” she whispered and I took a step towards her. I wrapped my

hand in her wet hair and twisted it a little as I pulled her head

back and kissed her. We were kissing passionately not even stopping

to catch our breath.

Natasha wrapped one leg around my waist and I deepened the kiss as

she moaned deep inside her throat. My hands were all over her and

hers were wrapped tightly around me. None of us were willing to

break the kiss.

Just then her phone rang but I refused to let go of her. She tried

to gently break away but I wouldn’t let go. I lifted her and put her

on the bed without breaking our kiss. My hand went to her towel when

she suddenly stopped me.

“Jude I have never- I want to wait until my wedding night”

I looked at her in shock.

“You’ve never you know been with a man?”

“No” she said breathing hard, “you’re my first”

“Oh” I said rolling off her and sitting up.

“Are you mad at me?”

“What? No! Why would I be mad at you?”

“I dunno I just thought you might be”

“I am not ok?”


Then she jumped off the bed and went to get dressed while I went to

the kitchen to get a glass of cold water. I really needed to cool


Natasha changed quickly and came out looking gorgeous as always.

“You look great”

“Thanks” she said smiling, all the earlier awkwardness forgotten. We

spent time catching up with each other about our day. At exactly

8.00 p.m the girls arrived to take Natasha.

“Noting too wild” I said sternly to Joanna.

“Don’t worry!”

“I mean it, she doesn’t drink you guys had better not force her to”

Joanna just rolled her eyes at me and pulled Natasha out of the

house. She seemed as reluctant as me to go. I hugged her hard and

let her go.

“Have fun” I called out.

She waved then hurriedly sat in the car as Joanna glared at her


I went to hurry up and get dresses for my party.

Natasha’s P.O.V:

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To my place” replied Joanna.

“Really>” I asked relieved.

“Hey I am your maid of honor, its my duty to see that you are happy

and comfortable. I know you don’t like noisy, crowded places. I

wasn’t about to take you there!”


When we reached her apartment there was another surprise for me.

“Jennifer!” I squealed as I entered Joanna’s apartment. My blonde

haired friend who worked with me at Matt’s café was there as well.

“How did you find her?” I asked Joanna as I hugged Jennifer.

“Well I had to ask around a bit but found out finally”

“Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome”

“So what are we going to do tonight?” asked Jennifer as she stood

with an arm around my shoulder.

“Oh its going to be like a regular pyjama party. Nothing too wild”

“Yay” I yelled.

“Those who drink will drink those who don’t will have juice and well

there is stuff to eat but first we need to dress Natasha like a


“What! No!”

“Yes” they all chorused and set about dressing me up. An hour later

I stood in front of the mirror staring at my image. I didn’t look

bad, just a little ridiculous. The girls enjoyed dressing me up, I

was their doll for the night.

I was standing in a gown with loves on my hands, a fake tiara on my

head and a feather boa around my neck. The girls took turns posing

with me and clicking snaps.

“Ok can I get out of this ridiculous costume?”

“Nope” they replied.

I just gave up and sat down. The girls were already drinking. Only

Leah and I didn’t drink so we sipped on our juice cautiously.

“Truth and dare!” yelled Joanna suddenly.

“What?” I asked.

“We are playing truth and dare”


“Yes” the others chorused and giggled like idiots. Oh dear I

thought, they’re high already.

We sat down on the floor as Joanna spun an empty beer bottle on the

floor. The neck of the bottle pointed towards Jennifer while the

base pointed towards Leah.

“Oooh what is it going to be Truth or dare?” asked Leah jumping up

and down in her place.

“Er truth”

“Ok, what is the meanest thought you ever had?”

Jennifer didn’t even think twice before replying, “I fantasized

about killing my ld boss everyday. I mean castrating him and then

killing him!”

Leah looked at her horrified while Joanna and I laughed

uncontrollably at the expression on Leah’s face. She looked a little


Joanna spun the bottle again and this time the base was pointing

towards me and the neck of the bottle towards Joanna.

“What’s it going to be? Truth or dare?”

“Dare” she replied.

“Hmmmmm” I contemplated for a really long time and then snapped my


“Go get your neighbor’s underwear!”

“What? You do know he is a 70 year old grumpy man?”

“Yep that’s where the fun lies” I said and the other girls giggled.

It was close to midnight and he was probably asleep. I looked at

Joey challenging her. She lifted her chin and got up with

determination. Well as much determination as she could muster

because she stumbled as soon as she was up.

She went to her balcony and we followed her. She tried walking ninja

style but since she was drunk she failed miserably and staggered. We

all followed her giggling hard.

“Shhhh” she turned to us and put a finger on her lips.

We all tried controlling our laughter. She stepped into her

neighbor’s balcony easily and we watched from hers. We all leaned

over and we could see her neighbor sitting in his room and watching


“Damn it!” she whispered, “he usually has his clothes out drying in

the balcony!”

“Bad luck’ I whispered.

“Not yet” she said and opened the balcony door a crack. I gasped and

tried to stop her but she was too far gone.

Suddenly her neighbor stood up and stretched. We nearly gagged at

seeing his enormous belly. He turned around with his back facing the

balcony door. Joanna was now crouched just inside the balcony door.

Suddenly her neighbor stripped off his shorts and threw them over

his shoulder. They landed directly on Joanna’s face who nearly

passed out. Then he did the unthinkable, he stripped off his

underwear and threw it as well. It landed directly on Joanna’s head

she grabbed it furiously and was about to turn around when her

neighbor turned. We waited with bated breath and breathed out in

unison when he didn’t turn completely.

Natalie was clutching my arm so hard it was begin to get numb.

“What is she gets caught” whispered Leah.

“She’ll figure a way out”

We waited as her neighbor just stood there exposing the crack of his

hairy butt and bent just a little and let out a loud fart. Joanna

ducked quickly and crawled out fast. She climbed back into her

balcony and we pulled her back inside.

“Oxygen! I need oxygen!” she yelled frantically.

“Eww gross what the hell did he eat for dinner?” and on and on she


I went back into the balcony and peered over the railing and saw her

neighbor now standing in his shorts and scratching his head,

searching for his underwear no doubt!

We continued playing but nobody chose dare again, not even Joanna.

Soon it was past 2.00 a.m. and we were all very sleepy and we

crashed at Joey’s. I went to sleep with a smile on my face as I

thought about Jude.

Jude’s P.O.V:

I went to Wade’s and saw that they had converted his home into a

mini Vegas. There were colorful lights everywhere. Gary had invited

Luke as well. They had hired waitresses and strippers. It was a

typical boy’s night out and I was happy. But soon I was

disinterested in the strippers. My mind kept drifting to Natasha and

what she was doing.

I had picked up my phone a lot of times to call her but each time

kept it back thinking she would think that I was very clingy.

Soon I had one drinks too many. I sat there cheering with the boys

as the girls danced. Sean didn’t look particularly happy.

“Sean! What’s wrong?”

“This is so crass!” he replied primly.

I laughed at him and asked him to loosen up. A lot of girls tried

rubbing on Sean and get him to dance, poor girls didn’t know that

Sean swung the other way.

Soon we were all so drunk we didn’t know what we were doing. The

last thing that I remembered before passing out was someone removing

my shoes.

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. My mouth felt

like sandpaper. I needed some water but eyes wouldn’t just open. I

tried getting up and sitting but my body felt too heavy. I tried

remembering what we had done last night but it was all to hazy.

I tried getting up again and realized that there was something

obstructing me. I opened my eyes with great effort and saw that a

woman was lying on my chest, she wore absolutely nothing. As for me

I was in my boxers. My heart started beating really hard, I didn’t

know what to do. I turned the woman and saw a familiar blonde- it

was Stephanie.

A/N: Ta-Da! Surprised? Shocked? Angry? I went on thinking how would the wedding be when I realized there is room for more twists and turns :D Sorry to keep you waiting I was really busy with work, my bday and school reunion! Anyhoo let me know what you guys think about this chapter eh? Please don't hate me, everything is happening for a reason.... commenta nd vote <3

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