Chapter 25: Jealousy is a sin

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Chapter 25: Jealousy is a sin

Just then my phone rang and I glanced at the display, it was Stephanie. I stared at

it for a long time then pressed the disconnect button, I would deal with this later I

thought as I glanced at the now sleeping Natasha. She had fallen asleep with her head

on my chest and an arm across my waist. I smiled and rested my chin on top of her

head feeling like she belonged right here.

Jude’s P.O.V

I stared at her sleeping form and thought ‘whoa Jude you’re going to be a married man

in a year!’ I frowned as I realized I was getting cramps in my right hand. That was

the side that Natasha was sleeping on and I didn’t want to wake her up. The poor girl

had been awake all night taking care of me. I felt myself smiling as I thought of all

the time that I had awakened at night and Natasha had always been there.

Ok I seriously couldn’t feel my right arm now. I tried shifting her a little and

after a lot of effort I managed to get my arm free. I sat there flexing it, trying to

get some feeling back in it. All this while Natasha slept soundly, snoring a little.

As soon as I felt the tingling sensation leaving my arm, I got up and took Natasha

gently in my arms. I smiled as murmured in her sleep. ‘I want blue cotton candy!’ I

carried her bridal style towards our room and put her on the bed and lay down next to

her. Soon I felt exhaustion take over me and I fell asleep as well. I woke up to the

shrill ringing of my phone and was dimly aware of Natasha burying her head in her

pillow. I got up and saw it was Stephanie. Sheesh she was persistent.


“Hey Jude! I have been trying to call you since morning. We were supposed to meet for

lunch what happened?”

“Umm yeah about that, I am really sorry Stephanie but I fell ill last night.”

“What happened?”

“Mild food poisoning”

“uh-oh are you ok? Do you need me to come over?”

“No thanks, Nats is here.”

“What is she doing there?”

“Er she is my fiancée? Why wouldn’t she be here?”

There was silence as Stephanie contemplated it. “Jude I really would love for you to

give us a chance again.”

“I don’t know Stephanie you hurt me the last time.”

“I know- I know that baby but give me a chance to prove myself? Please? I have really


“What about Nick?”

“Well what about him?”

“You guys still together?”

“Its complicated”

“This isn’t your facebook relationship status I am asking about? Damn it Steph how do

you want me to take a decision when you haven’t made yours?”

“Lets take it one step at a time? How about we take baby steps? I mean you are

engaged to Natasha! How do you want me to take a decision when you plan on marrying

someone who is so wrong for you!”

“You don’t know here! You’ve got no right to say those things”

“True, so what say? Do we take baby steps?”

“I guess”

“Meet for dinner tonight if you feel up to it?”

I gave it a thought and realized if I went easy on the food I should be alright.

“Alright meet you at 8.00”

“It’s a date”

I hung up and turned around to check on Natasha. “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” I yelled

clutching at my chest as I realized she was up and sitting right behind me listening

to me wide eyed.


“You scared me!”

“You scare too easily”
“Right. Whatever. I am going out tonight for dinner”

“I heard”

“So what do you plan to do tonight?”

“I dunno maybe catch up with Joey?”

“Ok do you want me to drop you on my way?”

“No its cool I will ask her to pick me up”


I got up and tried to decide what to wear. I decided to wear something casual. I was

not taking her somewhere fancy, this was going to be her first test. I pulled out my

T shirts and threw them on the floor trying to decide which one to wear.

“Jude! What the hell! I had just organized the closet a few days back”

“I can’t decide what to wear”

“So? What does that have to do with you pulling all the clothes out?”

“I can decide better”

“I can’t believe you”


I rummaged through the pile and as soon as I would select one T shirt I would discard

it. I couldn’t believe it, I was acting like it was my first date!

“I have seen someone act like you” said Natasha coming in with a glass of juice.

“Oh yeah who?”

“ummmmm oh! It was my teenage neighbour on her first date. She did exactly what you

are doing” said Natasha smiling sweetly. I froze as I realized that’s exactly how I

had been behaving. I picked up a white T shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. I

decided to shave while Natasha sat on the bed rolling her eyes at me.

“You do realise when you get back you have to fold your clothes and keep them back as

they were kept before?”

I groaned and said, “Natasha give me a break!”
“Nope. It takes hard work to organize a closet and I am not doing that for you all

over again.”

“Ok ok just get off my back”

She made a face at me and started singing.

“You make me feel like I’m living the teenage dream”

“The way you turn me on, I can’t sleep”

“Nats shut up! For the last time I am not acting like a lovesick teenager!”

It didn’t help one bit she just started singing louder. I shut the bathroom door and

put the shower on; this drowned her voice out a little.”

I changed and I got out and picked out a pair of shoes to wear. I decided to go with

my blue Nike keds. While Natasha was sitting just where I had left her but thankfully

wasn’t singing anymore. If anything she looked a little thoughtful.

“What’s up with you?”


“No seriously why do you sound so low?”


“Nats! What’s wrong?”


Ok, I had been in enough relationships to know that when a woman said nothing she

meant you are in a lot of trouble. But for the life of me I couldn’t understand what

I had done wrong.

“Are you sure?”


“ok” I tried styling my hair but just couldn’t get them to set the way I wanted it.

“Damn it!” I said throwing away my brush. Natasha got up and picked up the brush. She

made me sit in a chair in front of the mirror.

“What are you doing?”
“I am trying to style your hair. I think I know what you want.”

“Yeah but its of no use. I am having a bad hair day.”

“Just wait and watch.”

Natasha took some styling gel and I don’t know what she did but she had my hair

looking just the way I wanted it to look. I got up and hugged her tight.

“Natasha you’re a genius!” I gave a her a quick kiss on her forehead and went to wear

my shoes.

“Lock up behind you and give me a call so that I know where to pick you from.”

“That’s ok Joey could drop me back.”

“Nope it will probably be late so I’d feel better if I picked you up”


“No, its just that while you are with me you are my responsibility”

“I am not a child!”

“Quit arguing Nats! God! What would it take for you to listen to me for once without




“Ok I will call you and then you can come pick me”

“Now that’s my girl!”

At that Natasha turned away and started picking up my clothes and throwing them in a


“Hey I am leaving”

“Ok you have a nice evening”

“Thanks and you too” I don’t know why I was hovering, “Ok then bye!” I got out of the

room and was about to open the front door when Natasha yelled, “Jude!”

I turned quickly, “Yeah?”

“Um please take care, I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Don’t worry, I know what I am doing” with that I ruffled her hair and walked out.

Natasha’s P.O.V

I watched him leave with a sinking feeling. I quickly blinked away the unshed tears

and went to pick my phone up. Why the hell am I worried for that idiot? He could do

what the hell he liked, I mean its not like I was responsible for him. I am done

babysitting, yep I am past that aged where I had to baby sit.

I punched the keys on the mobile a little harder than necessary, I waited for Joey to

answer. I was getting ready to hang up when she answered.


“Hey Joey want to hang out tonight?”

“I am so sorry baby girl, I have a bitch of a headache, I think I have the migraine.

I wouldn’t be too much of a company tonight. Where is that gorgeous husband of


“He’s out with his friends so I thought I’d hangout with mine”

“Oh! I am so sorry Natasha but I could come over if you want me to”

“No, you should rest I will call you tomorrow ok?”

“Sure thing, you take care”

“You too”

I hung up and sighed. I looked around and decided I could not sit here by myself. I

kept expecting Jude to suddenly pop up from somewhere. I scrolled down my contacts

and smiled wheni saw a name and this time I dialed a little gently, feeling better



“Wade, its me Natasha”

“Hi! What’s up?”

“I was wondering whether umm whether you want to catch up maybe?”

“Sure do you want me to come there? You, Jude and I could have dinner together.”
“um about Jude, he’s not home”

“Oh, where is he?”

“Er Wade can you pick me up really quickly?” I asked my voice breaking a little.

“Sure I will be there soon”

I disconnected and went to get dressed. As I waited for Wade I realized how much my

life had changed. At first I would start my day looking for a job and would come back

home only at night and nowadays ever since I woke up I would be getting ready to go

somewhere or the other. It was fun but I missed working. The ringing of the door bell

brought me out of my reverie. I opened and there stood Wade looking breathtakingly

handsome. He was wearing khakis and a maroon shirt and a beige jacket, his hair fell

in his eyes and he stood there smiling.

“Hi!” I reached forward and hugged him.

“Whoa! Hey Natasha? Can’t breathe!” I released him blushing.

“Thank you for coming Wade”

“Anytime. Now what is the matter?”

“Jude’s gone out with Stephanie”

“He WHAT?”

“Yep you heard me right” I quickly grabbed my slippers and shut the door. “Where are

we going?” He smiled and said, “I know just the place that will cheer you up”

We drove in comfortable silence. Wade seemed to sense that I didn’t want to talk and

he was really sweet and considerate about my wishes. We stopped on the way to buy

some take away Chinese and soda cans. Wade was being really secretive about where we

were going. We were now at the outskirts of the city. We came to an area that had

hills and Wade drove up a smaller one that had a little flat land on top and stopped.

He got out and came and opened my door for me.

“Wade where are we?”

“Wait for it”

He took my hand and pulled me toward the edge. I gasped at the sight, we could see

the city lights from here. It was beautiful!

“Wade this place is beeeeaaaauuuuutiiiful!” Wade chuckled and said, “Come on you

haven’t seen the best part yet.” He pulled me towards the car and pulled out a

blanket and the food we had bought. We lay the blanket out and sat on it. I kicked

off my slippers before sitting. Wade lay down and pulled me beside him. I saw up and

the sight took my breath away. It was a starry night and there were a million stars

up there! It was a full moon night and there were wafts of clouds there as well.

“Its so beautiful” I whispered

“I know right? Its my favorite place”

“Wow, isn’t that the north star?” I asked pointing out to the brightest star in the



“You know when I was a kid my mom always told me that it was my dad and he was

watching over me. Whenever I misbehave she’d tell me that he was watching and was sad

because I was being naughty”

Wade laughed and said, “No! The honorable Natasha was naughty?”

“Shut up!”

“So now, tell me why are you upset?”

I lay there in silence looking at the drifting clouds and the stars. “Natasha?”

“I don’t want him to get hurt you know? What she did to him last time changed him


“Ok now answer this, why do you care so much?”

“Because I l- er because he is a friend”

“Really now Natasha, don’t lie to me atleast. I mean I come here at night at a

moment’s notice and try cheering you up and this is what I get?” I turned to look at

him and to my relief he was smiling mischievously.

“No fair, you are playing the guilt card”

Wade just shrugged and raised his eyebrow. Just then I had my epiphany, OH MY GOD I

am in love with Jude Smith.

“I am in love with him” I whispered.

“Took you long enough”
“Shut up!”

“Well Sean and I had already figured you like him and he likes you too he is just to

stubborn to admit it or too daft to realize it”

“Yeah but it doesn’t matter he loves Stephanie”

“No that’s just his ego. He is just trying to get her back so that he can prove a

point to Nick”

“Did he say so?”

“Nope but hey I am a guy so I know why he is doing what he is doing. That idiot

doesn’t realize he likes you too”

“What am I going to do? What if he goes back to Stephanie? She loves him when he’s

all happy and she loves his money!”

“I know”

“Whereas I put up with his crap and his crankiness and his sloppiness. He acts like a

jerk with me and I don’t care if he isn’t rich! Because I have seen the other side to

him and if ever anyone would ask me about the guy I wanted to marry I would’ve

described Jude well the Jude who is not a jerk anyway. ”

“I know”

“Wade what am I going to do?”

“I thought you’d never ask! Here’s the plan…..”

Jude’s P.O.V:

I called Stephanie and asked her to meet me at Joe’s. It was a local burger place,

nothing fancy but they had delicious food. She was a little surprised at my choice of

the restaurant but she agreed to meet me there. I arrived before her and sat down.

The interior of this restaurant was like a barn. There was hay in a corner and

different booths were made from straw huts. I sat down and called for an iced tea. No

alcohol for me tonight, I was going to take it light. About five minutes later,

Stephanie arrived. She looked stunning in a strapless black dress that fell just

above her knees. She had left her blonde hair open and the wind blew them around her


“Hi” she said sitting down.

“I’m sorry I am late”

“No biggie I just arrived a few minutes back”

Then there was an awkward silence. I looked around trying to get the waiter’s

attention and a boy came over.

“I’d like to call for uh chicken soup” I smiled as I remembered what Natasha had said

about chicken soup. I felt a pang as I thought about what she must be doing. This was

the first time we were spending time separately ever since she came over to stay with


“Jude? Hullo?” Stephanie was waving her hands in front of me.


“I was asking is that all you’re going to eat?”

“Oh yes, I will keep it light tonight, don’t want to fall ill”

“Oh right”

“Well did you place an order?”


“So long time huh?”

“You can say that again”

‘What is happening between you and Nick”

“Well I found him cheating on me”

“Yeah Karma is a bitch right?”

At this her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I am sorry Jude. I swear it was a

mistake, I don’t even remember how it happened but it did and I am really sorry.”

I looked at her and my expression softened, at this moment she looked so much like

the girl I had fallen in love with.

Maybe just maybe this could work?

Natasha’s P.O.V

“Are you serious? Do you really think this is going to work?”

“Like a charm” said Wade wiggling his eyebrows.

“You think this is a good idea?”

“Yeah and so does Sean”

“How do we go about this?”

“Um why don’t you call Jude right now and tell him that you aren’t going to go home


“Huh? Where do you want me to go then?”

“My place” he said smiling sexily. I shivered it was cold and I hadn’t grabbed a

jacket. Wade noticed and gave me his jacket. It smelled really good, spices and

citrus. Mmmm. Ok Natasha focus.

“What do I tell him where am I?”

“Why at my place of course!”

I looked at him doubtfully but called Jude anyway.


“Hi Jude, how’s your date going?” at this Wade smacked my arm. “Ouch!”

“What happened? Nothing, I just got bitten by a bug.”

Jude chuckled as Wade rolled his eyes at me and gestured for me to go on.

“I just called to say that I wont be coming home tonight.”

“Why? You staying over at Joey’s?”

“um no, actually Joey wasn’t free so”

“Oh no! why didn’t you tell me! Damn you didn’t have to spend the evening alone” I

gave Wade a ‘can you believe him look” at which Wade smirked.

‘Jude let me finish. Joey wasn’t free so I called Wade”
And then there was silence. Like a deafening silence.


“Yeah?” he said curtly.

“I am staying over at Wade’s” and I hung up quickly. Wade laughed like a moron and

gave me a high five. Dear God what have I done? Wade and I finish eating our takeaway

and then he drove us to his place. It was a fancy apartment, a bachelor pad but a

well kept one.

“Er Wade where will I be sleeping”

He smiled mischievously and said, “In my bed where else!”

I picked up a cushion from his couch and threw it at his head which he had no problem


“Wade I am serious”

He just raised a finger and glanced at his watch and said, “Wait for it, he said he

was at Joe’s right?” I nodded.

I jumped as I heard an incessant ringing of the doorbell. I looked at Wade in

surprise. Who could it be at this time of the night? It was almost 1.00 a.m. Wade got

up with a wide grin and went to open the door. He opened it to reveal a very angry

Jude with a stormy look on his face.

A/N: Ta-DA Cliffhanger. Ok so I was actually going to upload this on Saturday but a lot of people want me to upload so here it is :D So who is on team Wade and who is on team Jude? What do you think Wade and Natasha will do next :D As always vote and comment or comment and vote people. Spread the word make thi humble writer happy :D Oh next upload Saturday and if i get off work early then maybe sooner :D love u all <3 I am on team Wade, just saying ;)

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