Chapter 13: Re visiting bad memories

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Chapter 13: Re visiting bad memories

Recap: I knew Jeremy was being a jerk and yet I had taken his words to the heart and never had a relationship with anyone ever again.

Natasha’s POV:

I looked at Jude longingly, how I wish I had someone to love me and care for me the way he had done for Stephanie. I would’ve never let him go. I still remember how I had broken down after the creepy manager at the café I worked at had molested me. I had no one to comfort me except for Joey. Her way of comforting me was to offer to punch his face in.


It was a busy Friday evening. I was rushing to the café for my evening shift. I sighed as I realized my Biochemistry assignment was due tomorrow and I would have to probably stay up tonight finishing it.

I went into the café and rushed into the staff room for girls. I quickly pulled on the black skirt and red T-shirt which had the logo of the café along with its name. I checked my image in the mirror and was startled to see someone else behind me.


How long had the creep been in here and why the hell was he even here? This room was for the female staff! Matt was the owner of Radio café. He was in his mid thirties and had a beautiful wife called Lauren. He had rugged good looks, black hair, ice blue eyes and wore stubble. Most girls who didn’t know what a creep he was thought he was very handsome but the girls working at the Radio café knew he was sick. He had a wife but he yet had his eyes on everything that was female and breathing.

I turned around to see him smile and hold his hands up.

“Hey now Natasha, I just came in.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and asked, “Did you want something?”

He smirked and said, “Yeah you.”

I gasped and started hyperventilating, he looked at me and the desire was open in his eyes.

“I mean your shift started 10 minutes ago.”

“Oh. Yeah I will be there in a minute.”

He nodded and walked out his eyes lingering on my bare legs and I found myself wishing for the umpteenth time that I could just quit my job.

As soon as he walked out Jennifer rushed in.

“Are you ok?”

I nodded.

“I am so sorry he came in before I could warn you!”

“Its ok Jen. You wouldn’t have been able to stop him anyway.”

“I hate him.” She whimpered.

I nodded sympathetically.

Jennifer’s father was a drunk and her mother already was struggling to make ends meet. Jennifer couldn’t quit this job without another in hand and jobs were scarce when you were just a student.

 Matt had tried to get Jennifer in his bed a lot of times too but each time the girl had said no. When Natasha joined 3 weeks ago she became the object of his attention.

The shift went on as usual. Natasha juggled between the kitchen and the tables. When it was time for her break her legs were begging her for rest. Natasha went to the staff room and lay down on the bench. She closed her eyes for a second and suddenly felt a hand creeping up her leg.

Her eyes flew open and she opened her mouth to scream but a hand clamped down on her mouth. She looked up to see Matt leering at her. Her eyes went wide.


Natasha struggled to stay calm and nodded her head to indicate she wouldn’t make noise. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She heard the music blaring in the café and knew no one would be able to hear her unless they were standing right outside the door. Blake held her tightly his one hand still on her thigh.

“You’re beautiful Natasha.”

Natasha jerked her head behind as she realized Blake had been drinking.

“MAtt let me go.”

“Natasha you don’t have to put on an act in front of me. I have seen you looking at me. I know you want this.”

I couldn’t believe it! The only expression I had on my face when I looked at him was disgust! How could he mistake that for desire was beyond my understanding! I started struggling and kicking against him. I wish someone would walk in now for their break. I looked up at the door and realized he had latched it from inside.

He started inching one hand inside my t-shirt. I started crying and begging him to let go. All the while he gave me some delusional talk about wanting this as well. I yelled and screamed. I had seen this stuff happen in movies. A lot of shit had happened to me and a lot would happen later but getting raped was not going to be one of them. I started screaming louder and kicking more violently.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. A loud knock, I sobbed in relief. Blake let go of me in confusion. I didn’t hesitate and ran to the door sobbing and out into Lauren’s arms. She took one look at my tear stained face and my unkempt clothes and realization dawned on her face.

“Natasha! Who did this to you?”

“Lauren I –I “

She pushed me aside impatiently into Jennifer’s arms.

“Take her to my cabin and give her some water” Lauren said to Jennifer.

I had started shivering uncontrollably. Jennifer tried to take me to Lauren’s cabin but I stopped her. I didn’t want Lauren to find it out like this. She was a good woman and she sure as hell didn’t deserve this. Before I could stop her she had entered the room. I followed her and looked at her face. She had gone pale and there was disbelief all over her face.

“Why Matt?”

“Lauren babe!” slurred MAtt.

He approached her and tried to hug her but she pushed him away. There were tears flowing down her face. She sat down on the bench unable to stand anymore. This had come as a shocker to her that much was evident.

“She came on to me!” exclaimed Matt.

“That’s not true!” I shouted.

Lauren looked at me and then looked at Matt.

“Her clothes are torn, her eyes swollen from crying. Really Matt do you think I am that blind?”

Everyone stared at Lauren open mouthed.

“Yeah I know you have been fooling around behind my back. I turned a blind eye to it.” Her voice was shaking now.

“I turned a bind eye to it because I was too ashamed to admit it and realize I was never enough for you.”

I stared aghast at Lauren. Not only had Matt cheated on her and broken the sanctity of their marriage he had seriously damaged her self worth.

“But you went too far this time Matt. Raping a girl?” she asked as if still not believing it.

Finally she stood up and said, “My lawyer will get I touch with you soon. Just so you know there is no place for you in my home.”

I walked out with Lauren.

“Lauren I am so sorry.” I said sobbing and hating myself for apologizing for something that wasn’t my fault.

“It was not your fault Natasha. You have nothing to apologize for. I should have confronted him long back.”

I looked at her and said, “You are a strong and beautiful woman. He does not deserve you. None of this was your fault ok?”

Lauren rushed forward and hugged me. “Thank you so much Natasha” she sobbed. “I had started to believe I was inadequate.”

I hugged her back and she dropped me home.

I went home, grabbed my towel and ran straight to shower. I could still feel his creepy touch on my leg and stomach. I scrubbed myself hard. Every inch of my skin was red and burning by the time I was done. I changed into my pyjamas and T shirt and collapsed on my bed sobbing and shivering uncontrollably. It just didn’t seem to stop.

*Flashback ends*

Jude’s P.O.V.:

I was watching a sci fi movie when I felt Natasha shiver suddenly. At first I thought maybe she was shivering maybe because she was cold but it was a relatively warm night. I turned to look at her and to my horror Natasha was staring forward unfocussed and shivering as if she had some kind of a seizure. I leapt up in panic and started to shake her when she realized it was me in front of her, she squeezed her eyes shut in relief .

(A/N): Ta-Da! Cliff hanger :D I know I know how mean of me and all. But I will try to upload soon. Just wanted to give an insight on both their pasts. On another note sexual molestation is a serious offence and anyone touching you in appropriately must be reported. Never hesitate to voice your thoughts when someone's touch makes you feel uncomfortable. A lot of cases go un reported because the girls feel that they will be blamed. Its not true. If you are a victim you must go and tell a responsible adult and you will get help. On a more cheerful note: I love the support I am getting and now I am almost at 200o reads. Yayyyy. Thank you all and as always please leave a comment to let me know whether you like it or if there is room for improvement. Love you guys!!  Special thanks @ Nichole3194 for sending me the PM and becoming a fan. Luv ya guys mwah! <3  

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