Chapter 5: Showdown!

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Chapter 5: Showdown!

Jude's POV

I felt like a jerk as I watched Natasha's smile disappear and as she turned pale. I wanted to kick myself. We had spent the day having fun and honestly I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun with a girl.

All the girls that I had been with wanted to go to a fancy restaurant or clubbing or holidaying or just well you know stay in bed, if you get my drift. All except for one and I would not allow myself to think of her. We drove in an uncomfortable silence. As we reached the club, I sighed, I had to make this right, I had to apologise.

"Natasha, I swear I did not mean it that way. I am really sorry."

She maintained a stony silence, I thought of what else I could say, I thought of sniveling. Hell we were supposed to stay together for a year and I was already ruining it. I couldn't keep bringing up the fact that she was being paid for it!

"What I meant to say was Natasha that you look like a million bucks."

She turned to me her face red, and I gulped. I realized that it wasn't the smartest thing to say given the circumstances. Suddenly she bursted out laughing and we both were laughing like idiots.

"It's ok Jude. I do realize you didn't mean it that way. I guess I may have over reacted a little" she said.

I shook my head, "No Natasha you had a right to be angry and I promise never to bring this payment stuff up again."

She nodded as I pulled into the parking lot of the club. As soon as I got out of the car my phone rang. I checked the display and saw that it was Gary.

"Hello" I said

"Jude" said Gary in a voice that I associated with trouble.

"Jude er Sophie is here." Gary said.

I smiled and said "yeah I know. I invited her."

I could hear Gary practically choking over the phone, "You did what?" I grimaced as Gary yelled over the phone.

'Relax I have it all under control!" I said and disconnected.

I grabbed Natasha's arm and guided her towards the entrance. I paid the cover charges and we went in. T

here was loud music playing in the background. I looked around and saw Gary waving us over. We pushed our way through to them. I looked around and saw my friends Jason, Jason's girlfriend Gloria, Luke and my heart skipped a beat as I saw Stephanie my ex- girlfriend. The only one whom I had truly cared about and the only one who had broken my heart. I almost stopped breathing when I felt a nudge.

I turned to see Natasha looking at me quizzically. I shook my head and smiled. I pulled her forward and started the introductions.

Suddenly I heard a shrill voice behind me, "Ju baby."

I turned and saw Sophie and immediately put my arm around Natasha. I watched as Sophie's eyes widened and her face fell.

"Sophie meet the girl I am going to marry, Natasha Blake." I yelled over the noise. I heard a choking sound and turned to see that Stephanie had choked on her drink.

Strangely that left me with a feeling of satisfaction and I smiled.

"Hey Natasha" said Gloria, "I am going to the washroom do you want to come with me?" Natasha nodded, she looked uncomfortable.

The two girls left together. Sophie turned to me with a fake smile, "Well congratulations Jude. I wish you all the best."

She came forward and hugged me, then softly so that no one would hear she whispered in my ear, "and if you ever need a real woman you have my number."

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