Chapter 22: The after Party

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Chapter 22: The after Party

I turned around and started walking towards the food area when Wade pulled me back

and looked into my eyes. It was intense. Blue eyes should be banned I tell you! I

couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe all I could do was stare into that expanse of blue.

I saw him looking at my lips and I licked them nervously. He smiled softly and bent

close. My heart was hammering in my chest. His mouth was near my ear and then he

whispered, “I know your secret.”

Natasha’s P.O.V

I looked up at him in panic. How could he possibly know? How in the world did he know

unless Jude? No that’s not possible Jude would’ve have warned me wouldn’t he?

“What the hell is going on?” someone growled near us. I turned my head to see Jude

standing there furious.

“Where were you?” I asked. I stared at him confusion. He disappears at our engagement

party and he is furious? Seriously?

He stomped up to us and whispered furiously, “Do you have any idea how you two look

from afar?”

I looked down to see that Wade was still holding my arm and we were rally close. He

let go of my arm suddenly and said, “My bad Jude she tripped and I caught her in


I gasped at how easily Wade lied.

Jude scoffed and said, “Yeah right!”

Wade lowered his voice and said, “Oh alright then I was just telling Natasha that I

knew about what you two have been cooking and she need not be so wound up to pretend

around me at least.”

“How the hell do you know?”

“Er I told him?” All of us looked up to see Sean approaching.

“Oh brilliant! Why don’t you go tell the press already?”

“Jude-” began Sean but Jude cut him off and said, “I thought I could trust you Sean!”

“Listen to-” said Wade but Jude silenced him with a look.

“Jude” I said “let us hear them out first.”

“Well” said Sean, “you guys do realize that when you move into the city you will be

constantly visited by every Smith?”

I turned to look at Jude who shrugged and said, “So?”

“Well I can’t be there all the time Jude because I will have to go back to my

university for my final semester. You need an inside man and-”

“I stay in the city and would be available round the clock” finished Wade.

“Why do we need an inside man?” asked Jude.

“Think of it Jude, there will be little slip ups like your disappearance today

evening. I had to make excuses for you while Natasha had to play the part of the

perfect bride to be. This is only the beginning. You need someone on the inside and

it has to be Wade and I.”

“Jude when have I ever given you a reason to not trust me?” asked Wade. He looked a

little hurt. Jude looked at him and his gaze softened, “Never. I trust you Wade. I am

sorry I over reacted.”

“Its ok bro. if I didn’t know better I would’ve thought that you had spoken in

jealous rage.”

Jude scoffed at him while Sean and I giggled. We all proceeded to eat dinner. We

joined the family members at a long table. Most of the guests had finished eating and

were leaving while some children played in the lawn. Soon it was only the immediate

family members left.

I felt my stomach growl and looked around quickly hoping no one had heard it and sat

down. I saw Wade smirking at me and realized he had heard my stomach growl and

blushed. Jud and Wade sat down on either side of me.

The menu was elaborate. I chose a chicken mushroom ravioli and had garlic mushrooms

and grilled chicken for starters. I saw Jude do the same however his main course was

a huge beef steak with chips on the side. I snorted at him and he looked at me

defensively and said, “What? I am famished!”

I shrugged and took my mask off it was annoying me a little now. I turned to Wade and

said, “Why didn’t you wear a mask?”

“I arrived really late, didn’t really think about it.” I nodded and ate in silence

while the rest of the family members shot questions at Wade.

“So Wade” asked Mr. Smith, “when are you getting hitched eh?”
Everyone laughed as if it was an elaborate joke. I honestly didn’t find it that

funny. What was it with the elders? One person would decide to marry and they would

be after the entire generation to get them all married at once!

Wade cleared his throat and said, “I don’t know Uncle Harry but if I do find someone

like Natasha here I might settle down!”

I looked at him in surprise and saw him smile at me which I returned a little

“Well” said Jude sounding a little strained, “too bad I found her before you. Shes

mine now buddy!” I rolled my eyes at how Jude sometimes took his role of being the

over protective husband too seriously. He was of course only acting for everyone

else’s benefit.

“Yeah” said Wade sadly, “too bad.”

Everyone continued eating and talking about what a success the ball had been. I ate

in silence and spoke only when spoken to. Most of the time, it was Wade who was

trying to make conversation with e while Jude sulked and was grumpy. His attitude was

getting on my nerves now. I finished my dinner quickly and excused myself saying I

was tired and would like to change. Everyone wished me goodnight and I kissed Mr. and

Mrs. Smith goodnight before going up to my room.

I rushed up and quickly changed. I took my jewellery off and kept it on a shelf in

the closet. I washed my face and removed all traces of make up from it. I put my gown

carefully in the bag and hung it. I removed the pins from my hair and let it fall

loosely around my shoulders. I was sitting on the bed brushing my hair when someone

knocked on the door. I frowned wondering who it could be at this time. Jude would

never knock.

“Come in” I called out.

Wade walked in and smiled at me. He leant against the door and just stared at me.

“Well well well what do you know? You look just as good without make up!”

I knew I was blushing up to the roots of my hair and that made me look really

unattractive. Wade walked in an sat next to me.

“Sean told me about your mother, I am really sorry.”

I nodded and said, ‘Thanks.”

“Natasha if you feel that all this is becoming too much, if you ever feel over

whelmed by it all just give me a call. I will be there.” He smiled at me, it was a

heart breaking smile, it was a smile filled with understanding. At that moment I knew

that Wade was a really kind person. A friend that I would love to keep. More than a

friend said a voice in my head but I asked it to shut the hell up. On an impulse I

reached forward and hugged Wade, he seemed surprised but hugged me back. I rest my

head against his shoulder and felt myself relax. It felt so good that I didn’t have

to pretend in front of him. It was a relief!

“Ahem” someone cleared their throat and Wade and I jumped apart to see Jude standing

in the room with a frown on his face.

“Alright I will get going now. See you later Tasha!”

“Goodnight Wade.”

‘Yeah goodnight Wade” said Jude pointedly.

“Goodnight bro.”

Jude turned to me and raised an eyebrow.


“Since when does he call you Tasha?”

“Since he’s my friend?”

“Oh and since when is he your friend?”

“Since you abandoned me at OUR engagement party for that hag!”

“Wh-what? Pfft! I did not abandon you! And Stephanie is not a hag!”

“FYI you did abandon me and you are right. Stephanie is not a hag she is an UGLY and

OLD hag.”

With that I turned on my side and pulled the covers and squeezed my eyes shut. Jude

changed and slipped under the covers.

“Nats you awake?”

“What do you want?”


I sat up in astonishment.

“What do you need my advice for?”

“Well its about Stephanie”

I felt my hands and jaw clench.

“Just hear me out.”


“She told me that Nick was a mistake. That she never meant for it to happen. She said

that she loves me and that we were meant to be. Somewhere deep inside I believe that

too. I think that maybe I should give it another try?”

I breathed out the air that I had been holding.

“Jude she doesn’t deserve you. If she truly believed that Nick was a mistake why is

she still with him.”

“I have been thinking about it as well but maybe its because I had left her and she

needed someone in her life? Maybe she wanted Nick and her to work but it isn’t

working out? All I know is that if I don’t give it a try I will keep wondering all my

life. I mean life would be full of what ifs.”

I nodded and said, “Jude its your decision to make. I personally don’t like her and

think she is fake but if you really want to make it work then go ahead.”

“Do you think so Natasha? I mean we were together for 3 years! Doesn’t that count for

anything? I really feel like I cant love another woman as I loved her.”

“Jude the Human heart is big enough to love more than one person in a lifetime. Like

I said give it a try but I don’t want to see you get hurt. You wont face any trouble

from me but just be careful if the press gets a wind of you guys meeting up or

anything we will be in major trouble.”

I didn’t know why I felt my heart squeeze when I said this or why my stomach was in

knots but I felt my throat choke and I couldn’t speak anymore. Jude got up and hugged

me and whispered, “Thanks. Wade and Sean didn’t understand but you did. They told me

I am an idiot but I needed to hear someone say go for it.”

I nodded mutely and quickly wiped my eyes as Jude and I pulled apart. I lay back on

the bed “Goodnight Jude”

“Goodnight nats”

Jude’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and frowned. Natasha had already woken up and packed her

bag. I saw it lying near the closet. Why didn’t she wake me up? I checked my phone

and there were 21 missed calls from Stephanie and 3 messages asking me if we could

talk. I smiled to myself; maybe she has really changed and realized her mistake. I

got out of my bed happily and got into the shower. I took a leisurely bath and then

changed into a pair of shorts and a white T shirt. I pulled on my sneakers and ran

downstairs. I couldn’t wait to get back and meet Stephanie.

I frowned as I saw Natasha wasn’t at the dining table. I sat down next to Sean, and

asked, “Where is Natasha?”

“Oh Wade and she went for a walk.”

Only when Sean said that did I realize Wade wasn’t there either.

“Where did they go?” I asked nonchalantly.

“I am not sure but I do believe that Wade wanted to show Natasha the lake.”

I ate my breakfast in silence as I contemplated what Sean had said. Why would Wade

take her there? The lake was a few kilometers away from my home and it was situated

in a small wood. When we were younger Wade and I would take the girls we were dating

over there to woo them. Suddenly it hit me, was Wade trying to woo Natasha? That’s

ridiculous! Why would he? Well why wouldn’t he asked a voice in my head. Sometime I

wish I could just shut it up for good. I suddenly didn’t feel like eating. I got up

and called Natasha. She disconnected my call! Why would she disconnect my call? What

were they so busy with? I called on Wade’s number and he didn’t answer at all!

I went out to shoot a few baskets on the basket ball court. It had been 30 minutes

now and they still hadn’t returned. I decided to take my car and see for myself. What

if they were in trouble? Oh you really believe that? Shut up! I said to my inner


I took my car and drove like a crazy man. I was way above speed limit but I didn’t

care. I soon reached the clearing and started jogging towards the woods. I froze as I

heard Natasha yelling, “No Wade no! Stop please!”

I moved closer to see that Wade was holding Natasha bridal style. There was fear on

Natasha’s face I stepped forward and roared, “What the hell do you think you are


A/N: Ok as promised the next chapter is up within 3 hours, i deserve some votes guys! So vote away and spread the word :D leave a comment it motivates me. Chapter dedicated to my sister. My biggest fan, my biggest critic :D All those who like Romance and adventure check out TomFeltonlove's we meet again its intriguing :) Oh and those who write leave me a link to your story and i will check it out :) Love ya guys keep commenting and voting it makes my day. Question of the day: What does Wade think he is doing? o_0

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