Chapter 27: One step forward two steps back

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Chapter 27: One step forward two steps back


I walked away from the table and told Jude about mom and the pillow 

cover that she made for me. I left out the part where I bawled my 

eyes out. I was about to hang up hen Wade come up from behind.

“Natasha I have something important to tell you”

“What’s wrong Wade?” I asked looking at his serious expression

“I need to tell you something”

“What is it?”

“Natasha I think I am falling for you”

Natasha’s P.O.V

I stared at Wade with my mouth open. He couldn’t be serious. “You 

can’t be serious!” I said, my conversation with Jude already 


“Oh, but I am”

“But Wade, when? How? This just does nit make ay sense!”

“It makes perfect sense Natasha, we both have lost a parent, we both 

value love and both of us are the kind of people who would marry for 

love and both of us are capable of loving our better half more than 


“Wade I-”

“Shhh don’t, don’t knock it off till you’ve tried it!” Wade walked 

towards me and leant close, his mouth was near my ear. My heartbeats 

accelerated as he moved his face in frnt of mine, one hand encased 

my hand and he took my cell phone and disconnected.

“Haha” he guffawed, “that will give him something to think about!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that if you so completely bought the story of me falling for 

you then so has Jude!”

I hit him on his chest and said, “Don’t you scare me like that ever 

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