Chapter 17: Meet the parents!

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Chapter 17: Meet the parents!

Natasha’s P.O.V.

I ate my ice cream and felt Jude’s glances on me frequently. I was so relieved to have finally gotten this out of my system. I wish I had told him from the start. He had been so understanding! It felt nice to have a shoulder to cry on. To break down and just let it all go instead of holding it inside. We sat in silence all the way till home. I went straight to bed I had a pounding headache.

When I woke up it was dark outside. I lay in bed with a smile on my lips as I thought about Jude and how he held me when I was crying. My ex-boyfriend used to just get up and walk away when I broke down. Some men were such jerks! Suddenly the light in the room went on. I turned to see Jude who was about to wake me up.

“Hey sleeping beauty”


“I was just going to wake you up for dinner”

“Dear God! Its time for dinner already?” For some reason this made Jude burst into laughter.


“Nothing you just reminded me of my cousin when you said ‘My God!’”

I looked at him in confusion. He shrugged and smiled, “Well you are going to meet him tomorrow anyway so you’ll know what I mean. Do not freak out when you meet him!”


“Yeah, Sean’s gay” he paused for effect but I just gave him a wide smile.

“I love gays!”

“Er Natasha? I thought you were straight?” I saw him struggling hard to keep his twitching lips straight.

“Yes I am but I think gays are really cute. They are great friends to have.”

Jude’s eyebrows rose but he didn’t say anything, just indicated that I should join him for dinner. Dinner was a delicious beef stew along with mashed potatoes and jasmine rice. After dinner we decided to play a game of dominoes. I was winning easily, suddenly Jude yawned and I realized that he was really sleepy. I was wide awake because of my long nap.

“You should sleep”

“Yeah we have to start early it’s a long journey”

“Yep, go ahead I am not sleepy at all. I’ll just watch some TV till I fall asleep”

“Ok goodnight” Then he completely surprised me by kissing my forehead and that put a goofy smile on my face, a huge goofy smile.

I kept surfing the channels but didn’t find anything interesting. I sighed and opened the cabinet below the TV to check if there were some movies I could watch. Most of them were gory, action packed movies. Suddenly I came across this CD that had HOME written on it. I picked it up and decided I would watch this. I guessed it would have Jude’s home videos which would be amusing to watch. I put the CD on and settled on the couch. A blank screen came up then suddenly it was lighted with a beautiful view of a beach. Suddenly I froze as I heard Stephanie’s laughter and saw her running on the beach. I realized it was on of their vacation videos. Then I saw Jude chasing her on the beach and lifting her and spinning her around in circles while Stephanie squealed like a child. They both looked perfect together. Why would anyone leave Jude for that pig Nick? Suddenly I didn’t want to watch this video anymore. I felt a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat every time I saw Jude looking at Stephanie with his eyes so, so full of love! It was so evident that you’d have to be blind to not be able to see it! I found myself wondering why Stephanie had cheated on him. And I felt myself wishing not for the first time that I had someone who looked at me that way! I had this crazy urge to cry but I didn’t want to give in to that urge. So I switched off the TV and kept the CD back where I had found it. I walked in the bedroom and saw that Jude was sleeping peacefully. I changed into my night clothes and lay down beside him. I stared at him. He was snoring softly which made me giggle and his mouth was slightly open and he drooled a little. He looked so adorable. Suddenly he frowned in his sleep and whispered, “Why Steph?” I froze and stared at him. It was then I realized he still cared about her. No matter how much anger he felt towards her he still had feelings for her. Right about then I was filled with this inexplicable anger to take my pillow and beat the crap out of him while yelling, “What on earth is wrong with you?” I mean, couldn’t he see? Didn’t he realize that she didn’t deserve him? That he would have hundreds of girls falling over themselves to be with him and give them that look that he gave Stephanie? I turned on my side and tried to sleep before I actually hit him.

Jude’s P.O.V

I woke up at 7.00 a.m just before the alarm went off. I turned on my side to see that Natasha had fallen asleep on my shoulder and had her arm around me as she clutched my elbow. She was clinging onto me like a child clings to their stuffed teddy bear. I winced as I realized I had just compared myself to a stuffed teddy bear. I tried moving without waking her up but realized it wasn’t possible. I sighed and fell back on my pillow and smiled. For some reason I felt peaceful and content when she was around me. Sure she had her crazy moments and her short temper but she was alright. Alright? Who am I kidding? She’s smart, kind, caring, loyal, trustworthy and fiery! She’s gorgeous looking! Which jerk would not be happy to have her? I realized with shock that this was the first time I had noticed a girl as a person first and not her looks. This thought left me a little dumb founded. I looked at the time and saw it was 7.15. if we were supposed to leave at 8.00 then we would have to really get going. I shook her slightly to wake her up. She frowned a little then blinked a couple of times before finally sitting up.

“I am going for a shower we need to leave by 8.00 Natasha, pack an overnight bag for you quickly.”

She nodded still sleepy, while I rushed throwing in stuff in a small trolley bag and left it open for her to keep her stuff in it and ran into the shower. As I showered I realized I had left my towel and clothes outside in my rush. I cussed and got out of the shower. I opened the door slightly and checked if Natasha was still in the room. As luck would have it she was still in the room.

“Natasha can you please give my towel? I left it out.” I closed my eyes in embarrassment as she giggled and stuck her hand inside the bathroom door as she passed my towel.

“And my clothes?” I wrapped my towel around my waist while she got my clothes but this time she was in the mood for mischief just as I stretched my hand to grab my clothes she pulled her hand back. She did that thrice when I finally caught her hand and she squealed. I pulled her right inside the bath room and she thudded against me. I smirked at her as I saw here eyes go wide in panic. She stared at me with her green eyes. I saw her eyes travel from my wet hair to my perfect abs and stop at my waist and then she looked up quickly into my eyes and gulped. I brought my head down close to her and she gulped. Then I went closer and shook all the water from my hair on her.

“ewwww Jude! Stop!” She said breathing heavily. I laughed and let her go as she scurried away like a little mouse.

Natasha’s P.O.V

I ran right outside the bedroom and into the kitchen my heart pounding crazily. I quickly made some toast for Jude and I. Today was Mrs. Bowers’ day off. I had thought that Jude was about to kiss me. That jerk, I thought as I slammed the refrigerator door shut. Playing with my mind like that, freaking me out for the heck of it! Then I started feeling disappointed that he hadn’t kissed me. I mentally shook myself up and started putting marmalade on toast.

“Aw Honey you made breakfast!” said Jude. I jumped as I hadn’t even heard him coming into the kitchen. I gave him a bright smile and said, “Don’t get used to it!” I cook when I feel like it.

“You call this cooking?” he asked incredulously. I shrugged and told him not to be a smart ass and eat quickly as I showered.

I had decided to wear a pair of jeans and a white knit blouse. It was really gorgeous with pearls sewed into it. I decided that if I had to get his parents’ approval I would go all out to make a first impression. I quickly dried my hair. I had ironed out my fringe where as I let the rest of my hair dry naturally so that they fell into a mass of curls down my back. I put thick kohl and added a dash of eye shadow to bring out my green eyes. I clipped on white pearl ear rings and checked my image in the mirror. Yep I would totally take myself home to my parents if I was a guy. Jude walked in and let out a low whistle, “Nice!” I smiled and said, “Thanks”

“Are you ready to go?” I nodded and picked up my purse while Jude picked up the trolley, well dragged it is more like it. I glanced at him and admitted to myself he looked gorgeous in a pair of khakis and forest green shirt.

On our way Jude once again took me through his family’s likes and dislikes. It was quiet simple really. He was the only child. His mom was a dentist and had quit practice a few years ago and now helped his father sometimes. She loved chocolates and he stressed on it quiet a few times. So I went out and bought her a huge hamper of chocolates. His father though tough on the outside was a major softy inside. Though his father was the decision maker he never made any decision without consulting with his mother first, which was sweet really. As we kept nearing his home I felt myself become nervous, my hands grew clammy and I wiped them on my jeans. Jude must’ve noticed it so he told me to relax and not get worked up and that his parents would love me. Jude glaced down at my hands once more then went pale and suddenly pushed the brakes. The car halted with a squeal and I looked at him in panic.

“Whats wrong?”

“Natasha we are supposed to be engaged!”

“I know, so?”

“You don’t have a ring!”

“Dear God! How did we forget that?”

“I don’t know. What am I going to do? Now dad will know something is fishy, if he doesn’t think something is fishy then he will definitely lecture me about not getting you a ring and bringing shame to the Smith family!”

I laughed out loud, “That’s ridiculous!”

“Trust me I am not exaggerating!” Ok now he had me panicking too. I looked at him worried. Then suddenly he took his cell phone and called someone up. I tried asking him what he was doing but he held a hand up signaling me to shut up. I glared at him when he spoke up, “Sean buddy! I need a favor!” He got out of the car and started speaking. I could barely make out any words but I did hear the word ‘ring’ often.

He finally came back and started driving again, I looked up incredulously and he just smiled at me and said, “It’s all sorted!” I shrugged and sat back and enjoyed the drive.

The scenery was beautiful we passed a field of daffodils, a stream and saw a lot of mountains. A few minutes later we pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home. Did I say home? My bad, it was a freaking mansion! Its architecture was based on a Greek theme.  The whole home was white on the outside and looked gorgeous. There was a beautifully kept lawn. The entire plot was surrounded by tall bamboo trees that formed a sort of fencing around the whole mansion hiding it from the rest of the world. I remember Jude mentioning they had a tennis court and a swimming pool and also a Jacuzzi. As soon as we got out of the car a group of people approached us. I saw an elegant woman with blonde hair twisted in a knot on top of her head and sky blue eyes approach me. She had a warm smile on her face and I guessed it was Jude’s mother. The resemblance was uncanny. I smiled and leaned forward to hug her.

“You are as beautiful as I thought you would be Natasha! Even more if I say so myself!” I blushed and murmured my thanks.

“Now Elaine let the rest of us meet your future daughter in law!” We turned to see a distinguish looking man smiling at us with twinkling blue eyes. This had to be Jude’s father. I moved forward to shake his hand but he pulled me into a hug.

“Welcome to the Smith family my dear!”

“Thank you” I felt tears pricking at my eyes as I felt a pang of guilt. I blinked my eyes several times.

“Hey! I am your son! Don’t I get a hug?” We all laughed at Jude as he scowled at us. His mother pulled him into a hug while his dad caught him in a headlock. The two of you goofed around a little. All this while I had kept my hands stuffed in my jacket pocket as instructed by Jude. As everyone walked in Jude and I stayed behind to retrieve our bags. Jude quickly pulled my hand and slipped a beautiful ring on my engagement finger. I stared at in wonder.

“It’s beautiful!” I whispered.

“Yeah Sean is good at this stuff!”

I smiled humorlessly, even my fake engagement ring wasn’t picked up by my fake fiancé. It was a huge solitaire that had tiny sapphires surrounding it. It must’ve cost a lot. We walked into the house and I stared at my surroundings. A man wearing a butler’s uniform took our bags from us. He looked so intimidating like the butler from the Addam’s Family! But when he smiled his face transformed into a kind one and he didn’t look like a surly butler anymore. “Gerard! How are you?”

“I am fine thank you Mr. Jude. How are you doing?”

“I am fine too and how many times have I told you not to call me Mr.”

“My apologies Mr. er sorry Jude.”

“Gerard meet my fiancé Natasha!”

“Pleased to meet you ma’am!”

“Glad to meet you and please call me Natasha!”

“Let me show you to your room”

Jude and I followed Gerard. “This is your room Natasha”

“What! She and I are in different rooms?”

“Well yes Jude. You do know that your parents are old fashioned.”

“I am going to have a word about this!”

I looked at him amused and giggled while he glared at me.

“Jude its fine really!”

“No its not!” He stepped forward and grabbed my hand and said, “You know I don’t like spending a moment apart from you!” I looked in shock at him as winked at me slightly. I realized then that he was putting on an act for Gerard who was looking at us with a fond smile and his eyes were glistening with tears! Gerard walked out discreetly closing the doors of the room. As soon as his footsteps faded I kicked Jude in his shin.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“He was crying!”


“What do you mean so?! We just keep digging our graves deeper everyday!”

“Natasha can we not focus about the end? Let’s just think about the beginning which by the way is going to be beautiful.”

I just scowled at him and looked around the room. It was beautiful and had antique furniture. The window over looked a beautiful garden that had colorful flowers growing in it. I put our clothes in the closet. Putting Jude’s on one side and mine on the other. There was a knock on the door and Jude’s mom walked in. She smiled at me then turned to Jude and said, “Gerard said that you have a problem with the living arrangements?”

“Not a problem per se but yeah I don’t want to stay in a separate room.” He looked up at his mother with puppy eyes and she immediately melted.

“Oh alright then! Now freshen up quickly and come down. Everyone is waiting to meet you two!”

Jude and I nodded. We freshened up quickly and walked down the stairs to the dining room where everyone was waiting for us to start with brunch. I quickly counted and saw that there were twelve people seated not including Jude and I. We quickly sat down and the introductions began. I was seated between Jude and another boy. He looked about my age and had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and looked like a model. I guess it ran in the family! He smiled at me and said, “Hi I am Sean!” I smiled at him widely and shook his hand. “Sean! Its nice to meet you finally!” Sean looked at me in surprise and said, “Well I guess Jude has been talking about me” Then Sean started introducing me to the others, “The beautiful lady on Aunt Elaine’s right is Elaine’s sister Maria also known as my mother” he added. I smiled and nodded. “That’s uncle Harvey!” Sean said a little loudly.

“Its not Harry boy! Its Harvey!” I looked at Sean in confusion, who explained that Harvey was hard of hearing and both of us stifled a giggle.

“Seated next to Harvey is aunt Mathilda” I nodded and the kind looking woman who smiled back.

“The stern looking gentleman next to Jude’s dad is Jude’s paternal uncle Jacob” Jacob scowled at Sean but smiled and nodded to me. “And next to him is his wife Martha” I nodded at a regal looking woman in her 50s. She nodded back at me.

“Those four there are our cousins, Leah, Annette, Jerome and Jared”

I nodded at all four of them trying my best to remember all the names and faces.

“Now lets eat!” Everyone laughed and started eating. It was a delicious spread and had cold cuts, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, fruit juices, coffee and tea, buttered scones, puffs and toasts. I ate in silence occasionally talking to Sean while Jude caught up with his cousins. They swapped stories about what they had been doing while they were away. His cousins were only a year or two younger than Jude. I looked around and felt warm inside. This was the closest I had to a family. Even if it was only for a year I was determined to enjoy it as much as I could. After all it was only the beginning why bother about the end right now? After we all ate the men went outside for a smoke while I stayed inside with the women. Sean stayed back with me and made me comfortable.

“So Natasha have you decided on a wedding date?”

I looked up in panic to see all the ladies staring at me expectantly.

“umm not yet”

“Well honey you’ll have to decide soon because it would require a lot of preparations and we need a lot of time” smiled Elaine.

“Well I will talk to Jude about it tonight?”

“Aw isn’t that sweet?” said Martha or Maria I couldn’t remember. I smiled and pretended to blush.

“Hey come on let me show you around” said Sean and I sighed in relief.

He took me out the front door, we saw all the men sitting on chairs in the lawn. Jude looked at me confused but I just waved back at him. Sean took me around the back and showed me the pool and the tennis court. Then he took me to the gym and recreational area. The gym had every fitness equipment imaginable and the recreational area had a fooseball table, a pool table, a few video games and an xbox 3. I stared in awe at my surroundings. Sean shut the doors of the recreational room and locked it. I looked up at him questioningly and Sean looked at me with a serious expression and narrowed his eyes and said, “Ok what’s going on here? And try not to lie to me!”

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