Chapter 20: Cinderella's Ball

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Chapter 20: Cinderella’s Ball


“Natasha stop annoying me!”

“Ok I will but you tell me what are you planning to do? Are you going to reply?”

Natasha’s P.O.V

I saw a lot of emotions flickering on his face. There was confusion, hurt, affection, sadness and finally determination. I saw him press the reply button but turned away to give him privacy.

“Don’t you want to know what my reply is?”

“Not really”

“Oh you so wanna know what I replied”

“No I don’t!”

“Oh yeah you do!”

“God!” I whirled around to look at him and saw him sitting with a goofy grin. “For the last time Jude I don’t want to know! Its none of my business anyway.”



“Yep! You don’t want to know I don’t want to tell!”

I stomped my foot and walked away. If Jude was going to act like an idiot then its his problem. If he really thought that gold digging bitch still had feeling for him he was in for more heartbreak and I really hope that he had enough sense to save himself the trouble. I returned to the house with a frown on my face.

“Whoa!” said Sean.


“Girl don’t frown so much please! You will get frown lines! Keep it smooth. Breath in breath out. Inner peace.”

I started giggling uncontrollably. Sean was really adorable.
“What?” he asked annoyed, “It actually works ok? Try it!”

“I will” I said, still giggling.

“So what happened to you?”

I hesitated just a moment before I poured my heart out to Sean. Something told me I could trust him. He was my only confidante in the Smith household. Besides I was really worried about Jude. We were sitting in the room allotted to Jude and I. After I finished relating the entire incident Sean sighed.

“He really loved her you know. I couldn’t stand her for a minute but I pretended to get along with her for Jude’s sake.”

“Its difficult to believe you don’t get along with someone.”

“Oh believe me. Besides she was always dressed as a skank!”

“Sean!” I said laughing.

Sean rolled his eyes dramatically and said, “She was an ace bitch I tell you!”

“I believe you!”

We both started laughing and stopped abruptly when Jude entered with a huge smile on his face.

“What are you guys laughing about?” I was still annoyed with him and said, “What are you smiling about?” His smile dropped a little and he furrowed his brow and said “Nothing.”

Sean and I looked at each other and shrugged. Jude walked in and put his mobile to charge when suddenly his father called him down. He went and immediately Sean got up and took his mobile phone.

“Sean what are you doing?”

“Well I want to find out what he replied”

“Sean don’t! You are violating his privacy!”

“What? Its not like I have placed cameras in his bedroom to watch him do the hanky panky.”

I started laughing again and in between laughing and trying to breath said, “I cant believe you used the term hanky panky!”
Sean frowned and quickly went into Jude’s sent items. I was sitting on the bed watching him.

“The idiot!”

“What? What did he say?”

“I thought this was violation of his privacy?”


“Well he said he misses her too!”

“What?” I yelled then quickly clapped a hand to my mouth. I felt sick, I felt my stomach twist and a strong wave of nausea. Why am I having such a strong reaction to this? It is not my business if Jude wants to go ahead and screw himself some more.

“I know right?” said Sean sitting down next to me on the bed. I just nodded. Jude came back and said, “Dad wants to keep a party in honor of our engagement.”


“Duh! Didn’t I just say in honor of our engagement?”

“Ok. When is the party?”

“Day after tomorrow.”

“Dear God!” squealed Sean, “so many things to do! Shopping to be done! Clothes to be bought and I have to take an appointment with my beautician!” I looked at Sean a little amused. He was fanning himself with his hands.

“What are you grinning at! You and I both have to go shopping. I will take you the best boutique and well all the best shops. This is going to be so much fun!”

“Er one more thing”, said Jude, “it’s a masquerade ball!”

“Wow! Natasha I get to play dresser and you shall be my doll” said Sean while I just looked at them horrified. I hated parties and I hated all the fuss that went on during the parties. They heard a knock on the door and in came Jude’s mom.

“I trust Jude has told you about the party Natasha?” I smiled and nodded.

“Well that’s wonderful. Tomorrow we can go shopping! We need to buy you a gown and well all the necessary things!” I tried to look enthusiastic. “Oh Auntie I want to come too!”
“Of course Sean! What would all of us do without your expert advice?” Sean beamed at us and scampered away happily. I smiled at him, his enthusiasm was contagious.

Soon it was just Jude and I.

“So I uh” started Jude hesitantly and I raised an eyebrow at him, “I invited Stephanie too.” I stared at him. Was his crazy? What would his parents think? What would everyone think for that matter?

“Don’t look at me like that! I am nervous as it is! Dad and mom will kill me when they find out. They despise her.”

I nodded and licked my lips, “So what are you going to tell your parents?”

“Well I will tell them that I forgave her and we decided to bury the hatchet.”



“Yeah if you think that will convince them then ok. But tell me this why have you invited her here Jude?”

“Natasha I have been thinking about it and I think that Stephanie and I were meant to be. I just need to be sure this time though. I have never truly forgotten her.”

I looked at him in disbelief.

“Jude are you sure about this?”


“So do you want to call off this engagement?”

“What are you crazy?”

“We are getting married no matter what!”

“I don’t understand!”

“Well Natasha I have the perfect solution to the dissolution of our marriage! Stephanie! We can just say that I couldn’t forget her and it led to problems in our married life and voila! Everybody will buy it!”
I nodded and couldn’t trust myself to speak. I went to the washroom to change and couldn’t for the life of me understand why I had tears in my eyes.

I awoke the next morning and felt the now familiar weight of Jude’s arm on my waist. I got up and went to freshen up and change when I came out Jude was still snoring away. I decided to let him sleep in. After all he had been up for most of the night texting Stephanie! Argh! What is it with good guys? Why do they always have to fall for the bitchy girls? Couldn’t they see the nice girls? Is bitchiness some sort of a magnet for good guys? I shook my head as I went down. When I went to the dining room only Sean was sitting there eating his breakfast.

“I see you are an early riser like me.”

“Yeah well I am a lighter sleeper and Jude’s snores are worst than a freight train.”

Sean laughed and snorted fruit juice from his mouth. I sat down smiling and ate a bowl of cereal, two toasts with an egg and sausages. Sean stared at me wide eyed.

“Wow. You must be working out real hard to stay in shape!”

“Nope! Quick metabolism. Its hereditary.”

Sean groaned and glared at me while I smiled back and he muttered something about girls having all the luck and something like that.

Soon the others had come down for a breakfast except Jude. I was sent to wake him up as all the elders smiled at me indulgently. I smiled back, grinding my teeth. I went upstairs and tried waking Jude up. When he wouldn’t get up I started shaking him violently. All of a sudden he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me down. I yelped as I fell on top of him.

“What are you doing?”

“Now is that any way to greet good morning to your future husband?”

“Very funny Jude!”

“Actually its not”

“What do you mean?”

He didn’t reply but gave me a quick peck on the lips. I squealed and started squirming.

“Natasha stop squirming” he said huskily. I froze as I realized what was happening. I sat up next to him pretty sure by now my face had turned red.


“Its ok”

“Get dressed everyone is waiting for you downstairs.”

I went down and as soon as I entered the room everyone had a huge smile on their face. I looked at Sean in confusion and he pointed at his hair discreetly. When I still frowned in confusion he took me outside the dining room and said, “Rule #1 always straighten yourself up after a roll in the hay!” I stared at him mortified as I realized in my haste to get out of the bedroom I had forgotten to straighten my clothes and hair. To anyone else it might have seemed that Jude and I had been doing more than we had actually been doing.

“I did not roll in the hay!” I said indignantly as I ran a hand down my hair.

“Sean! What does he mean by saying he loves Stephanie and then he kisses me!”

Sean’s eyebrows rose.

“So you were rolling in the hay!”

“I wasn’t! I tried waking him up and then he pulled me on top of him and them pecked me on my lips! What does it mean?”

“I am as clueless as you. But tell me why are you so flustered about it?”

“I am not flustered just confused!”

“Yeah right! Natasha its apparent that you care about him.”

“Yes I do but as a friend”

“Hmm I guess Jude was just messing around. You are kinda cute when you’re all annoyed.”

I glared at him. He raised his hands in surrender and said, “I am just guessing!”

“Anyhow, aunty said that you and I could leave ahead of them and Jude and she will join us.”

I nodded and wore my shoes. I went upstairs to grab my bag and Jude was getting out of the room. I grabbed my bag and told him the plans for the day and he said that he would see me later.

I went outside to see Sean sitting in the backseat of the car for me. We were being driven around by a chauffer. It all felt surreal to me.

First we went shopping for my gown. I t was really tiresome because I had to try a lot of clothes and I hated doing that but Sean wouldn’t take a no for an answer. What was more irritating was that he wouldn’t even choose one. He was too fussy. Finally we went entered a boutique and Sean and I both became breathless as we saw a gown on the display. It was a beautiful sapphire blue gown with tiny sapphire colored crystals sewn on the border, neck, sleeves and at the waist. It was simple yet elegant. When the light fell on the right places it looked like a million stars were sewn into the gown. It was a boat neck and the back dipped into a modest V shape. It was gorgeous. I wet to try it and when I looked at myself in the mirror I just stared. Was that really me? The dress hugged the upper half of my body perfectly and flared a little at the end. It was a mermaid style gown and I loved it!

I went out to Sean how it looked and saw Jude and his mom were here too. Sean gave a low whistle and said, “Babe that dress was made for you!”

I looked at Jude and saw him just staring at me.

“You look ravishing my dear.”

‘Thank you Mrs. Smith” I said smiling.

“Er Jude stop staring at her like that! Say something.’

“You look good.” He said a little hoarsely, then cleared his throat and said to the salesgirl, ‘We’ll take this.”

“So what are you wearing?” I asked Jude.

“I got a tuxedo.” He showed it to me, it was a conventional looking tuxedo but I already knew that Jude would look good in it. After that we went shopping for Sean, He was a really fussy shopper. By the time he chose his outfit all of us were tired but we still had to buy shoes for Jude’s mom and I.

We entered a shoe shop. I saw determination on Jude’s mom’s face. She was tired and she was going to make sure this was our last stop. I didn’t mind in fact I would pick up the first pair of shoes that my eyes landed on. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Just then my stomach growled. Correction, I wanted to eat and then sleep. While I sat there Sean came to me excited about something. When I saw him come near me I saw what all the excitement was about. He had a beautiful pair of heels in his hands.

“Natasha they match your dress!”

“Yay Sean! Now can we please go and eat?”

“Try it!”

Luckily they were a perfect fit. Mrs. Smith joined us and she had in her hands elegant looking black sandals. Jude made the payments while the rest of us went out across the street to a small restaurant. We ordered food quickly and then Sean spoke up, “Natasha we have an appointment at the beauty salon.”

“I don’t need to go to a salon Sean! I need to sleep!”

“Nonsense! I took an appointment for the both of us and my beautician is the best around. Pampering yourself is the next best thing to shopping therapy.”

“You should go Natasha, it would relax you a little.” I nodded politely at Mrs. Smith.

“You can come too Jude” said Sean. Jude chocked on his sandwich. “I don’t need a beautician Sean!” Sean shrugged as if to say your loss. After we ate Jude left with his mother while Sean and I went to the salon. There we were treated with a kind looking woman who had beautiful skin. I was shocked to find out she was in her fifties. She looked like she was in her mid thirties.

Sean was taken to the men’s side and I was taken to the women’s section. She gave me a gown to change into. After that I was taken to a room that had a mild lavender fragrance. I was asked to lie on my stomach while a lady massaged my back. I felt like I was in heaven! It felt so good I almost fell asleep. When it was time to get I wanted to protest a little. Then I was taken to another area where I sat on a chair and the lady whose name was Lily massaged olive oil into my hair. I hadn’t realized I was so tensed. I felt myself relax as she massaged my head. Then she placed a steamer on my head and I sat there in bliss.

After 15 minutes I was taken back to the previous room and was told to lie on my back this time. Lily gave me a facial and I dozed off when she put a mask for me.  I woke up as I felt a wet cloth on y face. Lily was wiping off my face mask. After this she massaged my back once more to completely relax me and then I was sent to soak in aromatic water. The bath tub was lined with aroma therapy candles and I felt total bliss. I felt myself relax completely. Once I got out I changed into my clothes and then Lily washed my hair and told me not to heat treat it until tomorrow. Then my hair would really shine.

I thanked her as I was getting out and gave her a generous tip. She beamed at me and thanked me. Sean came out just as I reached the reception he looked rejuvenated as well. I was about to pay for the both of us when he stopped me and said, “It’s a gift sister in law.” He wouldn’t let me pay no matter how much I tried.

As we were on the way home Sean suddenly screeched and said, “Turn back! Turn back!”

I looked at him in alarm.

“Sean what happened?”

“I forgot to pick up the masks! Natasha how can we have a masquerade without masks?”
I slapped my hand to my forehead. “Sean! Don’t scare me like that again!”

“What? I just averted a major disaster.”

Luckily we didn’t have to search a lot. There was only one shop where we would get masks and Sean was interested in finding the best one for Jude, himself and I. The rest could be common, he didn’t care. His words, not mine.

He was satisfied when he found a silver one with blue stones and feathers that went perfectly with my dress. He found a black and blue one for Jude and a plain black one with black stones for himself.

Half an hour later we were home. It was already dinner time, today had just whizzed past us. Everyone went to bed quickly because tomorrow was a long day and a lot of preparations were to be made. The menu was a lavish one and the best caterers in the county had been given the order.

After dinner Sean and I were walking around the lawn while Jude sat with his cousins. Suddenly Sean clapped his hands and said, “You will get to meet Wade tomorrow!”

“Is he your boyfriend?”

“I wish! Nope, he is Jude’s cousin. His father’s brother’s son while I am his mother’s sister’s son.”

“Oh. You have a crush on him?”

“Totally! But sadly he doesn’t swing this way.” He pouted and I giggled.

Soon everyone had gone to their bedroom. I went up to mine to see that Jude had already fallen asleep. I smiled as I saw his slightly open mouth and heard his snores. His gorgeous hair was falling on his face. I changed and got into the bed and moved his hair behind. I turned around and fell into blissful sleep.

I woke up and immediately realized something was missing. Then I realized that Jude wasn’t in bed. I went down and saw that the whole house was in chaos. The decorators were here and everyone was yelling out orders. Some of Jude’s cousins had arrived already with their children. I was introduced to them but soon forgot their names. The children were running in between and making it very difficult for them. I quickly rounded up all the kids and took them out to play. Jude’s mother smiled at me gratefully and I smiled back.
We went to the game room and the children soon became busy. I just sat there watching over them. Soon we were called in for lunch and everyone went to catch a quick nap. I went up and saw Jude sitting on the bed frowning.


“Natasha, I haven’t seen you all day. Where were you?”

“Jude I was watching over the kids in the game room!”

“Oh. It was weird not seeing you all day.”

I felt warm all over and giddy.

“Well yeah I just realized that we hadn’t seen each other all day.”

“I guess we should try and catch a nap. Its going to be a long night.”

I nodded and fell asleep promptly. It was a hobby! I love sleeping.

We were awakened very rudely by Sean entering our room and yelling, “I hope you are decent!”

“What if we weren’t Sean?’ grumbled Jude rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

“Well then that would have been awkward!” Sean said and sat down on the bed. “Jude you need to get out. We need to get Natasha dressed.”

“So what? I need to get dressed too.” Said Jude indignantly.

“Yes well with the way you dress it would only take you an hour.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean Jude that you aren’t a girl and nor are you gay so move on!”

I laughed as Jude got out stomping his foot childishly. Sean smiled at me, he called a girl who had been waiting outside.

“Natasha meet Diana, she is your hair stylist and make up artist for the evening. I leave you in her charge. Diana make her shine!” he winked at me and left.

“Hi” I said to Diana. She smiled at me and said, “You should change into your dress so that I can work on your hair and make up.”

I nodded and showered quickly then carefully got into my dress which had been hanging in my closet. Diana helped me get into it. She then blow dried my hair and set into an elegant French twist. She then took a blue orchid that matched the color of my head and set it on the side of the French twist. It looked beautiful in my red hair. She had let a few tendrils of hair escape and curled it up while leaving my fringe side swept and straight. She then took a chain that had a huge sapphire stone hanging from it and secured it firmly around my head. I felt like an Arabian princess.

Sean had obviously briefed her on how I looked and my dress. She was prepared with everything. She then started working on my face. She applied a light layer of foundation on my face and neck. She dusted pressed powder on it that left a pinkish tinge which made it look natural. She then started working on my eyes. She applied a thick liner of dark blue kohl the proceeded to seal it in place with an eyeliner. She gave my eyes a smoky look with a dark eye shadow. She put mascara on my lashes and used a nude pink long stay lip gloss. When I looked at myself in the mirror I gasped in shock at the transformation. I was fit for the cover of a fashion magazine!

I thanked Diana for her help and slipped my shoes on. There was a knock on the door and Mrs. Smith entered. “Natasha! You are looking like a princess!” I blushed and thanked her. Diana discreetly left the room. Mrs. Smith had a small box in her hands. She gave it to me and said, “It’s a gift from Jude’s father and I”

“But Mrs. Smith you have given me a gift already!”

“Nonsense that was just an heirloom!”

I opened the gift and gasped, a pair of beautiful tear drop earrings and pendant lay in there nestled against a soft tissue. The main stone itself was a sapphire that was lined with tiny diamonds.

“We thought it would match your engagement ring.”

“Thank you so much” I said my voice thick with tears.

“Now now, you don’t have to thank me! Please do not cry! You look lovely and I am very sure my son wouldn’t be too happy if I made his fiancée cry.” That made me laugh a little and as if on cue Jude entered the room.

As soon as he entered he stopped and looked at me as if he had never seen me before.

“Natasha” he said a little breathlessly, “you look you look you-”

“She looks gorgeous!” said Sean stepping in as well. I looked at Jude and he looked well he looked HOT! I think he should wear tuxedos everyday! Hell, he made the tuxedo look good. He had gelled his hair a la wolverine style and it really looked good on him.
Mrs. Smith and Sean went down as I clasped the ear rings and chain. Jude came and put his hand out and asked, “Cinderella are you ready for the ball?” I took a deep breath and said, “Ready!”

Hello my lovelies! Its 2 a.m here and i ahve been writing for the lst 3 hours and its a really long chapter so I deserve a pat on my back and a few votes :p So what do you think will happen when stephanie makes her grand entrance? This is un edited so if there are any mistakes let me know and i will take care of them. As usual lend your support to me and spread the word! Love you guys <3

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