Chapter 30: True Colors

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Chapter 30: True Colors

Natasha’s P.O.V

I was really tired on my way back home. I didn’t know who had written that obscenity on my door. I didn’t even care. I was about ready to give up.

“Do you think that it was Stephanie?” asked Sean.

“Couldn’t be” said Wade, “She was with Jude”

“Yeah but she had enough time” with that Sean took his cell phone and called Jude.

“Jude is Stephanie with you? Uhuh, ok. No nothing bye” he turned to me and said, “she is with him”

I sighed and rested my head against the seat. Once we reached Wade’s home I ran straight into the bedroom and plopped on the bed. I called Joanna, “Nats I am so sorry about the other day”

“Its ok”

“Nats what’s wrong?”


“Nats you sound really low, is your mom ok?”

“Yeah she’s fine” I sniffed and told Joey about the vandalism at my home.

“Oh Natasha! Why didn’t you call me earlier? Hold on I am coming there right now!”

“No its ok I am at Wade’s!” then I immediately bit my tongue and Joey asked, “Why are you at Wade’s? where is Jude?”

“He is not in town, he had to visit his parents, I took a rain check” I felt horrible lying to my best friend. But it couldn’t be helped.

“Alright let’s meet up for lunch tomorrow?”


I went and washed my face and ventured outside the room. I saw Wade and Sean deep in conversation. As soon as they saw me Sean beckoned me to sit by his side. I sat down and rested my head on his shoulder.

“We were thinking that we should go to the cops tomorrow and tell them about tonight’s incident.”

“No! please I have enough drama going on in my life, I don’t need this.”

“But Natasha-“

“No Wade! Besides you do realize that I am now associated with the Smith family the press will have a field day.”

“Ok, fine”

“Who do you think must’ve done that?” asked Sean

“I have no clue”

We sat there in silence and suddenly I spoke up, “I want to take her down”

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