Chapter 29: Its so on

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Chapter 29: It’s on.

Jude’s P.O.V

I got ready and made my way to office. Stephanie had already left and we had decided to meet for dinner. I went to office and my time was immediately consumed in meetings, and approving designs.  Before I knew it, it was time for me to go to Wade’s for lunch. I hurried up and got into my car and drove to Wade’s apartment. I rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door. Wade opened it and Natasha was hanging onto his back. 

“Hey Jude! Come on in was just giving Natasha a piggy back ride”

“You were?” asked Natasha. I looked at them in confusion and Wade forcefully said, “Yes I was, now lets not keep Jude standing there, come on in Jude” I stepped in and Sean waved at me and turned to watch the television. Great so he was now sulking with me.


“Yes?” he asked not turning away from the television.

“Dude at least looked at me”

“uh oh” said Wade, “he doesn’t like being called dude” and right then Sean threw a pillow at my face.

“Sean! Not cool” I said running a hand through my hair. 

“oh no no no” said Sean and Wade muttered, “here we go again”

“You don’t say what’s cool and what’s not cool”

“What do you mean?”

“What the hell was Stephanie doing on your couch?”

“Sean” interrupted Natasha, “let it go. We decided to meet for lunch and that is what we are going to do. We are going to eat ok?”

Sean took a deep breath and nodded. I looked at Natasha and smiled at her gratefully. She looked away and started warming the lunch. Oh great, now she is going to ignore me as well. Perfect. 

We sat down to eat and Wade asked, “How is your project shaping up?”

“AS good as I can expect it to be”

“That’s nice”

Natasha and Sean ate in silence. 

“Oh come on guys!” I exclaimed unable to take this anymore, “look before Stephanie cheated on me I had been really happy with her.”

Sean snorted and said, “that is not called being happy its called being ignorant.”

“Come on guys give her a chance. I really want to make it work this time”

Silence again.

I gave up and finished my lunch quickly while Wade tried to make conversation. I looked at Natasha she had been studiously avoiding my gaze and she looked visibly upset. I wanted to talk to her but not in front of these baboons. We finished our lunch when Natasha got a call, she excused herself and went in the guest room to talk. Wade and Sean stared at me and it was making me uncomfortable.

“I don’t get it guys, I thought you’ll wanted me to be happy”

“WE do” said Sean, “that is why we think Stephanie is bad news”

“But I am happy, so be happy for me”

“You know I have a gut feeling that she is just not nice” said Sean, “call it women’s intuition”

“Sean!” exclaimed Wade, “you are a man”

Sean shrugged and said, “I am in touch with my feminine side”

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