Chapter 28: Miscommunication

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Chapter 28: Miscommunication
Just as we were about to begin eating, Jude said, “I have something

important to say” I looked at Wade nervously and licked my lips, my

heart was thudding so loudly I was sure they could hear it. Was he

going to call off our engagement now? Was he going to call off the

wedding? I felt close to tears and felt like a fool for even

thinking that Jude had been jealous. It seemed like whenever I took

a step forward at the end of the day I ended up two steps back.

Wade’s P.O.V

I looked at Jude and rolled my eyes. I stopped myself from banging

my head on the table. When was this idiot going to understand that

Stephanie was bad news? When was he going to get around his stupid

head that she had come back to him not because she loved him. Most

importantly it was high time he kept his stupid male ego aside and

he realized that he was and had always been Stephanie’s back up

plan. I made a mental note to call Sean and update him on this

latest development. He had named this whole agenda of getting

Natasha and Jude together ‘covert ops bringing douche Jude to his

senses’ yeah it was too big to even make an acronym out of it so I

had just given up and refused to call it that when Sean asked me to.

I stared at Stephanie and gave her the evil eye; I wanted her to

know that I could see through her act.  I smirked in satisfaction as

she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Then I turned to look at

Jude who looked away immediately. He had definitely been jealous

when he had seen Natasha and I goofing around. Of course he didn’t

know that I was goofing around. I turned to look at Natasha who was

licking her lips nervously. I felt really bad for her, the moment

she became happy Jude burst her bubble. Well more specifically

Stephanie burst her bubble. I had become incredibly fond of Natasha

in the short time that I knew her; she was just the kind of person

you instantly became friends with. She was perfect for Jude. She

complemented him perfectly; all of us could see that except for

“So” I looked up to see Jude was finally speaking, “Natasha I have

something to tell you. I didn’t realize you’d be here too Wade but

anyway, Natasha I still have feelings for Stephanie.”

“Oh k” Natasha looked so confused it was hilarious! Its like she was

torn, she didn’t know whether she was supposed to pretend to be mad

or not react at all because we didn’t know yet whether Stephanie

knew the truth or not.

“Its ok Nats. She knows”

“Oh alright”

Stephanie smiled and said, “We were just discussing how do we take

things forward from here”

“What do you mean?” I asked her coldly.
She smiled that sickeningly sweet and fake smile of hers again and

said, “Well obviously I wouldn’t be comfortable with Natasha staying

here with Jude, all alone”

“Seriously?” I asked, now I was furious “you’re the one to talk? Its

Jude’s decision and not yours!”

Jude looked like a deer that had been caught in headlights. “What?

Yeah, Stephanie and I spoke about it-”

“And?” Natasha cut him off before I could. I had to agree with Sean

Jude was being a douche.  “Well I realized that she is right, I mean

I was uncomfortable with her staying with Nick”

“So” spoke up Stephanie whom I shall name THE BITCH from now on, I

was getting really pissed. “We decided you could stay at your place

and Jude stays here and you can come over when his family is here

and pretend all is good”

If I was the kind of guy who hit girls, Stephanie would be knocked

out cold by now. I hated her guts. Who the hell was she to come

waltzing in and disrupt everyone else’s lives, as long as she was

happy. “Ok” I began really annoyed right now, “Who died and made you

the queen of all humans? Who the hell said that you can just come in

here and tell everybody what to do?”

Natasha placed a hand on my knee and whispered, “Wade its ok”

“No! Its not ok Tasha. She cannot order people around. She walks in

right here pretending that everything is alright, that she didn’t

break my brother’s heart three years ago, what’s the guarantee that

she won’t do it ever again? Huh Stephanie? What’s the proof?” I got

up and my chair fell over.

“Wade calm down man!” said Jude.

“Do not ask me to calm down. Jude I was there when she broke your

heart and left you alone to mend it by yourself. I know what she did

to you then and I know what she will do now.”

“Oh really?” asked Stephanie, good lord she even had fake tears in

her eyes; I will kill this woman, so help me Lord! “I know what I

did was a mistake Wade. I am truly sorry for what I did. It was

rash, impulsive and the biggest mistake of my life. But I have

changed I swear, I would never do that ever again, yo-you have to

believe me! Jude I-”

“Shh its ok babe” Jude got up and hugged her. I looked away in

disgust, he was actually consoling her. While Natasha just stared at

the scene numbly.

“Ok er Natasha and I spent the better part of the day cooking this

food. I am hungry and I want to eat. So just complete what you

started so we can all eat”

“Ok well I guess we will do what Stephanie just said”

“Ok” said Natasha.

“Cool” I said, “but when your parents come here to give you a

surprise and find Stephanie here with you, don’t tell me”

“Oh but Stephanie won’t be staying with me”

Both Natasha and I raised our eyebrows and he rolled his eyes and

said, “Really! We have decided to take this nice and slow”

“Ok then when your mom calls you and asks to pass the phone to

Natasha and you run out of excuses, I ain’t helping you”

Both Jude and Natasha looked at each other, I saw Jude’s face soften

and I was sure he almost changed his mind when the bitch spoke up

again and said, “So we’ll call them before they call us.”

Ok did I say I hate Stephanie? I hate her!

“Whatever” I said ignoring Stephanie, “your call” I said looking at

I started eating, the food was delicious. If I ever got married I

would want my wife to be like Natasha. That girl was perfect!

Natasha ate in silence; she had barely uttered a word tonight. Just

moments ago she had been so happy and all chirpy while cooking. I

had to call Sean tonight; we needed to step up on our game.

“This is delicious!” said Jude


“The mushrooms are cooked perfectly and the garlic bread is


Silence, I was really enjoying watching Jude squirm, he was trying

to get Natasha to talk. He looked at me pleadingly but I ignored


“Natasha” I said, “the chicken curry is absolutely delicious”

“Thanks” she said smiling at me. I smirked at Jude who was sulking

now. He had completely given up. Natasha finished eating quickly and

got up and left the kitchen. I sat and took a second helping. So did

Jude, Stephanie finished but stayed there. I ignored both of them

and ate leisurely. Natasha came back with a backpack.

“Wade will you drop me home?”

I glared at Jude and said, “Sure”

“Ok cool when you’re done we’ll leave”

“Oh I almost forgot the dessert” she said with false cheerfulness.

Jude and I got up and started clearing the table while Natasha

served the dessert and Stephanie, well lets say she was sitting and

surveying everything like she was the queen. When Jude was near me I

coughed ‘Douche!’

“I heard that” whispered Jude.

“Good you were meant to hear it”

Jude glared at me and was about to say something when Natasha cut

in, “Wade here’s your dessert and Jude I have kept yours on the


Neither Jude nor I moved. We continued our glaring match, when

finally Natasha stepped in between us and smiled at me, “Wade come

on! I wanna go home” she pouted. I smiled and gave in. I quickly ate

the delicious chocolate mousse and asked, “Ready?”

“Yep” she got up and picked her bag.

“Is that all you had?” asked Stephanie, in what she thought was a

kind tone when really it was condescending.

“No but the rest of the stuff Jude has bought for me so I will keep

it here”

“Oh alright”

Then Natasha wore the jacket that I had bought her and Jude spoke

up, “When did you get that”

“Oh this? Wade bought it for me”

“Oh, I thought we had decided I would buy you one?”

“No actually we had decided no such thing”

“Besides” I said, “I insisted on buying her one”

“Well let’s leave Wade”

“Yep” I said picking my jacket.

“Call me when you reach?” Jude said.

“Yeah” said Natasha and walked out without looking back even once. I

got my car out and she got in without saying a word.

“Are you alright?”

“Is it weird that I feel discarded? Unwanted?”

I sighed and pulled over. “Natasha you are beautiful, smart,

intelligent, you have a sense of humor and you are an excellent

cook. Who would not want you?”


“Oh he’s just being a douche, he’ll come around eventually”

“What if he doesn’t? What if it’s too late?”

“It won’t be” I said with more confidence than I actually felt. She

smiled and said, “Can you drop me off to Joey’s, I really don’t want

to be alone right now”

“Sure, but don’t you want to call her and check first?”

“Yeah sure” I started the car as she dialed her friend’s number.


I listened to the monologue with amusement.

“Oh God! I am sorry how I was supposed to know that you were busy!

Well why did you answer? Argh no nothing urgent I will call you


I looked at her and said, “Well?”

“er she was busy”

“Doing what?”

“I’d rather not say”

I started laughing and said, “Why did she answer, I pity the poor


“Oh shut up” said Natasha burying her face in her hands in


“Ok so I was thinking you could bunk at my place”

She looked at me incredulously, “Er Wade we don’t have to keep

pretenses, Jude isn’t here”
“Well he may be your pretend husband but I am your true friend. So

we are going to my place. Oh yippee we will have so much fun. Lets

see a movie and then some good old gossip and”

“Oh and swapping ghost stories”

I looked at her in alarm,  “gh-ghost stories?”

“Oh my God! You’re scared too!” she started laughing.

“Hey! Not funny. Jude and I saw The Exorcist when we were wee kids.

We were scared for months!”

She started laughing harder, “O yeah we are so gonna swap ghost


I smiled and said, “Alright if that makes you happy”

We reached home soon enough. The weather was chilly. I tidied up the

spare bed room so that Natasha could sleep in there. She kept her

bag in the room and changed. By the time I had changed and come out

she was going through my DVD collection. She kept shaking her heads

at all the movies, and finally picked one. Speed, my all time

favorite. “The rest have too much blood and gore for me.” She said.

We watched the movie in comfortable silence and as the end credits

rolled I yawned and glanced at Natasha. She got up and went and sat

in one of the bean bag chairs in my balcony. I followed her after

switching off the TV.

“What are you thinking about?”

“What my life has become, you know sometimes I wonder if my parents

ever thought that their daughter would be in a situation like this?”

“Well I don’t know about that Tasha but I know that they would be

really proud of you”

She laughed bitterly and said, “Proud of what? Proud of the fact

that the only way I am earning money is by being someone’s pretend


Uh oh she’s really moody and emotional right now. All my male

instincts were telling me to run away, soon the crying would start,

no sooner had I thought that I saw tears roll down her cheeks. I was

really bad with this, I looked at her helplessly as she vented out

her feelings.

“Natasha they would be proud because of the person you have become.

You are strong and you do what it takes to keep your loved ones


She smiled tearfully and said, “You think?”
“I know” I got up and hugged her. I sat down next to her with one

arm around her shoulder and she leaned in and put her head on my

shoulder. “Thank you Wade, you are a good friend”

“You’re most welcome”

“So about those ghost stories..”

“Natasha!” I groaned but she just laughed and started, “Well have

you heard the urban legend of a Japanese woman who face was

disfigured by her husband?”

I jumped as there was a breeze and said “No”

“Well they say that her husband caught her cheating on him and

slashed her face with a sword and disfigured it”

“oh kay” I really didn’t want to hear the rest but it seemed to

distract Natasha so I went along with it. “He then told her now no

one will find you beautiful. Legend has it that she roams the

streets of Japan till date and wears a mask”

I looked at her disbelievingly, “No listen, in Japan a lot of people

wear surgical masks when they have the flu, so then she stops

strangers randomly and will ask ‘Am I beautiful?’ If you say yes she

will kill you for lying, if you say no she will kill you in rage.

They say that the perfect answer to give is average because then it

will confuse her and give you time to escape”

“Wow I sure am glad that I don’t live in Japan, but I wish Stephanie


Natasha stared at me for the longest time and then busted out

laughing. “oh God Wade, you are so funny!”

“I know right?”

“Yeah now you go next!”

“Er I don’t think so I am pretty sure I am going to have nightmares

about women with disfigured faces”

Natasha giggled and said, Oh you are so funny Wade! Are you sleepy



“Me neither. There are so many stars tonight! Just like yesterday!

Lets just stay here”

“Yeah its cold though let me get some blankets”

I got the blankets and we lay on them and covered ourselves with a

quilt. We lay there in silence staring at the sky when suddenly

Natasha started singing,

“Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting

stars I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish

right now.”

I glanced at her and realized she had been crying silently.

“Don’t worry Tasha he will come around”

“Yeah one can always hope right?”


We lay there staring at the sky and I didn’t even know when we fell

asleep over there. I was woken up in the morning by a very harassed



Both Natasha and I woke up with a start and looked around. Natasha

glanced at me and sat up blushing. Sometime during the night her

head had landed on my shoulder and my arm around her waist. However

I didn’t feel anything wrong. We were good friends and none of us

had dirt on our mind.

“On days like these you make me regret giving you a key to my


“Oh no no no. No mister you do not get to say that. I got to Jude’s

and I saw him and Stephanie on his couch, I come here and I see you

and Natasha in each other’s arms! What is the world coming to? Is it


Yep that’s why we all love Sean, forever the dramatist, I sighed and

got up.

“You saw Jude and Stephanie on the couch together?” asked Natasha. I

winced, she could’ve done without knowing that.

“Yes and”

She didn’t let him complete, “were they you know?”

“No they weren’t thank goodness for that!”

“Sean buddy Stephanie and Jude are back together and Stephanie knows

about their arrangement”

“Uhuh I already figured that out Mr. obvious”

“Dude stop with the yelling early in the morning” I said.

“Don’t call me dude”

“Ok. Hold on let me brush my teeth, lets all have breakfast


“Sounds good to me”

Natasha was silent, she went to the washroom and I pounced on Sean.

“What did you have to mention Jude and Stephanie sleeping on the

couch together in front of Natasha for?”

Sean stared at me and said, “Damn! I didn’t realize. You guys

startled me! What were you guys in one blanket for?”

“Dude we were star gazing, we didn’t realize when we fell asleep”

“Oh star gazing” he said sarcastically, “why on earth why were you

star gazing like a love struck couple?”

“Long story” I quickly brought him up to date on the situation and

told him about the whole fiasco.

He smacked his palm to his forehead and said, “this just keeps

getting worse” Just then Natasha came out and asked us “So what are

you guys going to have for breakfast?”

“I’ll have French toast and a glass of juice” said Sean, Natasha

nodded. “What about you Wade?”

“um I will just have a cup of coffee but I will make breakfast while

you catch up with Sean, what are you going to eat?”

“I am not very hungry, I’ll pass”

“Nonsense” said Sean, “you will eat. Just make French toast for both

of us Wade”

“sure sir” I muttered and started cooking.

Jude’s P.O.V:

The scene from the evening kept playing in my head. Wade licking

chocolate off Natasha’s fingers. The way they jumped apart when I

came in. He even bought her a damn jacket! I was going to buy her

one. Then I realized what am I doing? She seemed happy with Wade. I

was annoyed with Stephanie for putting me in a spot. I hated telling

Natasha to leave but it wouldn’t have been fair, after all I wasn’t

happy with the idea that she would have been living with Nick. I

hated myself for making Natasha feel dejected but if she liked Wade

then I guess it was ok right? I glanced at Stephanie thinking yeah

it was ok. Natasha liked Wade so I guess I was giving them a fair

chance to work something out. Stephanie and I had fallen asleep on

the couch and were awakened by Sean entering and yelling,

“Surprise!” but he stopped short when he saw Stephanie.

“Jesus Jude!”

“Hi Sean” said Stephanie waking up and leaning into me.

“I wasn’t talking to you” said Sean rudely.

“Sean let me exp-”

“Er no I think I’ll pass but you know what Jude you are an idiot”

and he walked off.

I looked at Stephanie who looked at e and smiled, “Don’t worry we

will win them over”

We? Did she just say we? I didn’t have to win them over she did and

she had better start quick. I needed my cousins with me on this. I

still had to go ahead with my crazy scheme and I would need their


I had just gotten out of the shower when I got a call from Sean.

“Jude we are all at Wade’s place drop in for lunch”

“Sure. Who is all?”

“Nats, Wade and I”

“Wait a minute what is Natasha doing there?”

“Oh well” gushed Sean and lowered his voice, “she stayed over here”


“Ow! What did you yell for?”

“Sorry but how did she end up at Wade’s?”

“Dunno. All I know that they looked really cute all snuggled up in a

blanket on his balcony when I came here this morning. They

apparently fell asleep while star gazing! Isn’t that cute?”



“Yeah its cute” I whispered.

“Come drop in for lunch and just for your information, Stephanie

isn’t invited”

“Yeah I’ll meet you guys there”

I hung up and stared at my phone for a minute. I got up and went to

my closet I searched for my clothes I began pulling them out then

stopped as I thought Natasha will kill you and then I realized with

a pang that she wasn’t here. I glanced at her clothes that were

folded neatly and kept one the other side. I touched them and

sighed, she was gone one day and I missed her already. Fair chance

said a voice in my head; I am giving Wade and Natasha a fair chance.

A/N: So you see people there is a bit of miscommunication, Jude thinks Natasha and Wade may have something going on :D Ok there is a lot of drama coming up I am excited and i hope you are too! I have no idea why there are so many annoying spaces between the lines when i haven't inserted them :s I hope you enjoy it and trust me the fun is about to start!!! So what do you guys think?  why has Stephanie come back to Jude? Please leave your comments I love reading them. please vote it means a lot :) As usual lend your support to me and spread the word. I love u guys <3

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