Chapter 23: Take me away to better days

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Chapter 23: Take me away to better days


I moved closer to see that Wade was holding Natasha bridal style. There was fear on

Natasha’s face I stepped forward and roared, “What the hell do you think you are


“Jude” squealed Natasha in surprise. She tried wriggling out of Wade’s arms but he

held on tightly to her. I walked forward and snatched her away.

“Wade what the hell do you think you are doing?” I repeated.

“Why trying to cure Natasha’s hydrophobia of course!”

“I don’t have hydrophobia” snorted Natasha.

“Well yeah but you don’t know how to swim, I was only teaching her how to swim.”

I looked at Natasha and she nodded. “Are you alright?” she nodded again in response

and said “Jude can you put me down please?”

I put her down and turned to glare at Wade. “Don’t ever force her to do something she

doesn’t want to alright?” I tried making it very clear what I meant by that.

“Er Jude” said Natasha “he was only trying to help me.”

“There’s no need! I will get you a coach to teach you.”

“Well we were just goofing around so calm down!”

“Wade I hope I have made myself clear.”

Wade nodded and smiled, he glanced at Natasha and said, “You are such a baby!”

“I am not!”

“You are”

“I am not!”

“Ok enough you two! Lets get going Natasha. We have to leave in an hour.”

We drove back in silence. When we reached everyone was up. I went upstairs to pack my

bag while Natasha and Wade ate breakfast. When I came back downstairs Natasha and

Wade were sitting on the couch while Wade whispered something to her and she listened

seriously. Suddenly she smiled and said, “I will think about it.”

“That’s all I’m saying.”

“Come on Natasha we gotta leave.”

Natasha got up and hugged everyone. When she hugged my mother, my mom held her a

little longer and said, “We can’t wait for the two of you to get married Natasha.

Please come back soon.” Natasha nodded teary eyed. She kissed my dad on his cheeks

and said goodbye. Dad hugged me and said, “I am really proud you made the right

decision son. Now decide the date quickly so we can start with all the preparations.”

I just nodded in return not trusting my voice. I turned around to see Natasha hugging

my cousins all of whom were asking to come back soon. She nodded at everyone teary

eyed. Then she hugged Sean and whispered, “I will miss you. Come soon from your uni

ok?” Sean nodded and sobbed unashamedly into his kerchief. Seriously? Are we going to

war? Well granted that I was a temperamental person but my parents need not be

afraid. I wasn’t going to change my mind. I will marry Natasha and we would be

husband and wife, well at least for a year. But why on earth were they getting so

emotional about us leaving?

Wade stepped forward and hugged Natasha and then kissed the top of her head. Ok, that

was so not needed. He wouldn’t even be missing her! He would be in the city with us.

Well, I shrugged whatever.

Finally after a few more teary goodbyes we were on our way. Natasha wouldn’t look at

me at all. She kept looking out of the window. I turned on the radio and a song that

I really despised blared from the speakers.

“I got I got a pocketful of sunshine”

“ I got I got a love that is all mine oh oh oh oh”

I tried changing the station when Natasha slapped away my hand.

“Ow! What was that for?”

She didn’t reply but instead started singing on top of her voice.

Take me away (take me away)

A secret place (a secret place)

A sweet escape (a sweet escape)

Take me away (take me away)

Take me away (take me away

To better days (to better days)

Take me away (take me away)

A hiding place (a hiding place)

At the last line she broke down and started sobbing. I stopped the car in alarm.

“Natasha! Natasha what’s wrong?” She just shook her head and sobbed harder. I looked

at her aghast. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know why on earth she was crying.

SO I just sat there and patted her back awkwardly. Finally she stopped and looked at

me, “They called me their daughter!” and she started bawling again. I sat there

trying to understand what she was saying.

“Your parents Jude they called me their daughter, they asked me to call them mom and

dad. And what am I doing? I am deceiving them! They are decent, kind, humble,

generous human beings and what am I going to do to them in return? I am going to

break their heart! After a year I will have to look at them in their eyes and say I

don’t love your son anymore!”

She let out a breath and stopped crying. She had started hiccupping now. I fumbled

around and found a bottle of water. I watched her as she drank it.

“Natasha, you wont have to do anything. I will take the blame on me.”

“Jude” she said softly, sniffling a little “you take your family too much for

granted. You shouldn’t do that. Remember you don’t know what you’ve got until you say


I smiled at her and ruffled her hair. “Don’t worry we’ll take care of it when we have

to.” She smiled back and leaned back in her seat. She almost instantly fell asleep.
I drove enjoying the view and kept glancing at her from time to time. She frowned in

her sleep as a strand of hair flew in her face. I reached out and tucked it behind

her ear and almost instantly she smiled. I smiled too I couldn’t help it she looked

really sweet smiling in her sleep. My phone beeped and I checked it was a message

from Stephanie.

‘When are you getting back? Can’t wait to meet you muah’

I smiled and replied, ‘soon.’

Forty minutes later we pulled into our driveway. I started as I thought how easily I

said our instead of mine. This tiny, feisty girl was growing on me. What was going to

happen in a year?

I prodded her to wake her. She sat up straight in her seat and rubbed her eyes. She

trudged sleepily towards the door while I carried our bags inside. I opened the door

and she walked I leaving me to get our bags in. I went in to find that Natasha had

kicked her shoes off neatly to one side and fallen asleep almost instantly fully

clothed. I shook my head at her. That girl loved sleeping and eating. I went into the

kitchen and found a note from Mrs. Bowers saying she had made lunch and dinner and

left it in the refrigerator for us. I once again thanked God for sending Mrs. Bowers

to me she was such a blessing.

My phone rang and I glanced at the display to see it was Gary.


“Are you back from the country?”

“Yeah just got back as a matter of fact.”

“Sweet, how was it?”

“Well you know the entire family was there which was kinda annoying but we had fun.”

I started telling him about Stephanie when I remembered I hadn’t told Gary about my

engagement being fake.

“So hey I think Nick and Stephanie wont be together for long”

My heart started racing, did Gary know something? “Why do you say so?”

“Well the word is she found him in bed with someone else and well you know how Nick

is. He just can’t help who he is.” Said Gary in disgust.

“I agree.”

“So hey lets meet up soon.”

“Sure maybe tomorrow I don’t know depends on what we are doing.”

‘Sure just call me and let me know”

‘yep” and I hung up.

As soon as I hung up my phone rang again, “Jude its Stephanie”

“Hey what’s up?”

“Jude” she couldn’t continue and started sobbing. Dude! Was it the international

woman’s crying day? I mean there is only so much that a man can take.

“Steph what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Jude can you meet me?”


“Well if it isn’t possible then maybe tomorrow?”

“Yeah tomorrow would be good”

“ok meet me at Italiano for lunch?”


I hung up and then called my mom to let her know Natasha and I had reached safely.

Once again mom reminded me about fixing a date so that all preparations could be

started. I assured her I would let her know in two days only then did she let me hang

up. I glanced at the clock it was noon I thought of catching a nap too.

I crept into the room and lay on my side of the bed. I tried falling asleep when I

heard Natasha whimpering in her sleep.

“Mommy! Mommy its me Natasha don’t you remember?”

“Natasha its ok you are having a bad dream.”

“Jude?” she asked still asleep, she thought she was hearing my voice in her dream.

“Everybody leaves me.” She whispered and drifted off into a restless slumber.

I looked at her felt really bad about what I was putting her through. I know that

Natasha craved for a family. Now I was giving her a fake one and after a year would

take it away from her. I knew she had become attached to my family as if it were her

own. How could I be so selfish? For the first time I found myself contemplating on

the consequences of my decision. I looked at Natasha once more, maybe I should call

this whole thing off?

A/N: Ok i am on a roll today! Third chapter uploaded on the same day within 3 hours!!! Vote Vote Vote!! Comment motivate me and i shall upload more tomorrow. I love u guys. P.S: Should Jude call this whole thing off? Dediacted to @AgnieszkaBuras because your comment made me want to write more. Its 4 a.m now people I am off to bed but please do leave your comments and vote like there's no tomorrow :D <3

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