#2.4 He's a Mermaid: Michael

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I'm kinda proud of Michael's ^-^

You and Michael had invited the other boys, Luke, Calum, and Ashton, over to you guys's place to have a bit of a party; just you five. You had gotten a couple Bud Lites for the boys, since you weren't old enough to drink, and you had made a batch of cookies for snacks. The boys all say your cooking is the best, so you made sure to make it extra good.

You changed into your two piece bathing suit quickly, grabbing a towel on your way out of the bathroom. Honestly, you don't know how to swim, you've never told anyone but Michael either, but you loved the pool in your backyard anyway. You walked downstairs to find Michael in swimming trunks. "Well, I'm assuming you aren't swimming again, just 'tanning?' When are you going to actually get in the water?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n) but I don't really like to swim much. I've had really bad experiences with water."

You sighed. "It's alright, Michael. You don't have to if you don't want to."

He took a deep breath and pulled you into a tight hug by your waist. He kissed your forehead softly before moving down to your lips, where he started a mad make out session. You both suddenly pulled away as you heard a knock on the door.

Michael opened the door, and Luke, Ashton, and Calum all walked in. "So, (Y/n), ready for some fun?" Calum smiled. You nodded, and all of you walked outside with your swimming stuff and towels. Ashton and Luke cheered as they saw the cookies and beers on a table. They both gave you a big hug before running off to the food. Calum stayed behind with you and Michael, and he walked over to the pool with you. Michael stood by the edge of the pool to watch, just in case.

"Sooo," Calum started slowly, "who's going in first?"

You shrugged your shoulders, standing there awkwardly. You didn't want to go first, since it was the deep end where you were standing, so you just stared at the water.

You felt a pair of arms pick you up, and you began to panic. The air left your lungs as the water ate you like Michael ate the leftover pizza. You sank, despite your desperate attempts to swim back up to the sweet, sweet air. You began to feel light headed and dizzy as you looked back up to Michael.

You were a little surprised as Michael dived into the water. He didn't even blink as the water swallowed his head and body; he was a natural.

Then, you weren't sure if it was because of your vision going black or you were hallucinating, but you thought you saw Michael's legs begin to melt together into a large, purply blue scaled tail. Your eyes met, but not even for a second before you plummeted into unconsciousness.


You felt two hands push down on your chest and a familiar mouth connect with yours and gust air into your lungs. You coughed and spluttered like mad, and you clenched your eyes shut against the burning sun.

Hot liquid began to sneak up your throat, and you got on your hands and knees, hurling water out of your mouth, into the grass below you. You finished, and you heard a body struggle and grunt to haul itself into the pool.

As you caught your breath, you unsteadily stood up, and you looked around desperately. "Michael! Michael!" You called several times, but no answer. You looked at the boys, who were looking, shocked, at the pool. You walked over to join them, following their gazes until you found a balled up boy, with a fish tail, under the water.

He seemed to be crying, his shoulders moving with every breath and sob. He was breathing underwater? Well, he has a fish tail! He should be able to! You scolded yourself. He was pale, really pale, so you knew who he was...ignoring the fact he had bright red hair.

He was at the shallow end, so you decided to go and try to comfort him in some way. You snuck around the pool, avoiding the water you threw up a minute ago, and you were now standing above the mermaid.

You jumped into the water, causing the boy's head to whip up to look at what made the disturbance, and he swam away from you quickly. Popping back above the water to catch some air, you pulled yourself out of the water to sit on the edge of the pool.

You began crying, covering your mouth with your hand, and your tears falling into the pool. You didn't know why you cried so hard. Maybe it was because you thought he was leaving you, maybe because of the shock that he was a mermaid, never told you, and didn't want you around him anymore, but it was most likely because you didn't think you would get any of his hugs, cuddles, and kisses anymore. He made you feel like you mattered, but if he was gone, you didn't have any reason to not cut or to exist.

A cold hand gently took hold of your ankle, and you jumped. Your eyes looked into the water at your ankle, and you followed the wrist, arm, and shoulder up to the boy's face. He was crying, too, as you saw earlier, and he looked at you with large, green eyes. "Y-You mean y-you're not leaving me?" You asked.

Michael replied with a question, "Y-You mean you don't want to leave me?!"

You shook your head. "I really don't want you to leave me!" You whispered, not able to make your voice go any louder. He smiled at you, and you smiled back.
"So," you began slowly, "are there other kinds of mermaids, er, men?"

He chuckled, "Only you would ask that, but, yeah, there are. Mainly different tails, like sharks, whales and dolphins-"

"But aren't they mammals, not fish?" You asked.

"Don't ask me how that works because I don't know. Anyway, things like that, and different kinds of specific fish tails and stuff. But, there are special kinds, like me, that can be any of those. Just gotta think of the kind you want, and poof, there you go."
He smirked, and you saw his teeth sharpen and his tail turn grey, the fin at the bottom of the tail (whatever the fuck it's called) sharper, and you gasped. "Want to go swimming with a shark?" He asked.

You nodded. "That's so cool," you laughed as you slipped into the pool again. He gently took hold of your hand, and he pulled you closer to his chest.

"I love you," he whispered as he leaned in slowly.

Idk what's next honestly haha comment or message me any ideas anytime

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