#23.4 Superhero (Michael)

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You're basically like Spider-Man :) AND slight smut warning near the end because I felt like trying it.

"Are you okay, Mike?" You asked your best friend, Michael Clifford, who blinked at you through heavy eyelids.

"I haven't been sleeping well," he replied shortly.

"Why not?" You raised and eyebrow, but he only shrugged to end the conversation. You brushed it off, figuring he would come around in a few days.

Your phone buzzed loudly, indicating you were receiving a call from an unknown number. Michael raised his eyebrow suspiciously, but you didn't notice as you quickly picked up without hesitation.

"Who was that?" He asked as you jumped up from your chair at the small coffee shop.

"Um, my, uh," you fished for an excuse, but you couldn't think of one, "my friend just got admitted into the hospital, and I kinda need to go. Are you okay with paying?"

Michael sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine, I guess. Are we still on for the mall tonight?"

"Probably, I mean, I don't know. I'll tell you if I can't make it, but otherwise just assume I'll be there." You started running away from your table. "Thanks, Mike!"

"You're welcome," he mumbled, "but the hospital is the other way...?"

The truth is you're the new superhero on the block. You're still trying to get used to the whole secret identity/making up excuses thing because you're a terrible liar. The call you got was from your partner, Dr. Fluke.

You two were looking into a series of robberies with strange patterns. These robberies were not only in unpredictable locations, but were thefts of unrelated things. The only reason you knew they were connected was because the same people were described as suspects.

"What did they steal this time?" You asked as you walked in wearing your getup.

"This time they stole seven rolls of Lysol wipes and two shovels," Fluke's eyebrows were narrowed. "What the hell are they up to?"

"Hey don't swear!" SmAsh called from the kitchen.

"We'll listen to your rules when you start helping with figuring this shit out," you retorted.

"Hey, I'm just as lost as you are alright? Where have you been all day, kissing your 'friend' Michael?" He snapped back with just as much sass.

You blushed, "no, actually. We were at the coffee shop. Now let's start thinking about the important stuff-"

"But you and Michael are importanttt-"

"Shut up, Fluke," you and SmAsh chimed together.


You three were exhausted trying to think of a pattern of any kind, but no luck. "These are so stupid! Where is the correlation?! Ugh!" You sighed, slumping into the beanie chair.

"I can't help you there," SmAsh shook his head, and Fluke ran his fingers through his hair for the thousandth time.

Then, a call for SmAsh echoed from the other side of our hangout. "Well, gotta go guys. I'll see you later," he waved as he dashed out the door.

"Lucky bitch," Fluke huffed. "I'm ordering pizza. Want some?" You nodded, and he left through the elevator.

You sat by yourself, and, honestly, you daydreamed about Michael until Fluke returned. Michael was everything you wanted in a guy, but there was no way he'd ever like you back. You'd never get that lucky. Besides, if you dated, you'd be sure to accidentally show him who you really were.

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