#19.2 You're the New Kid (Luke)

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Sydney was less insane than you thought it was. You expected a place like Sydney, Australia to be overcrowded and bustling since it was so famous, but outside of the main part of tourist attraction, it was like a peaceful suburban neighborhood. Of course, living in Sydney was going to be too expensive, although transportation would be much more convenient seeing as your new high school is in Sydney, so you moved a little closer to a place called Hornsby.

Your alarm clock woke you up with a start. You smashed the off button as quickly as your tired arm would let you, and you rolled out of bed. Maybe I'll get lucky. Maybe I'll be bitten by a huge venomous snake or spider, and I'll scream, "Crikey!" as I die from the toxins, you thought to yourself as you shuffled tiredly into the bathroom.

The day was perfect for your first day of school. Ominous thunderclouds covered the sky, making the world as black as tar, and rain threatened to spill as thunder and lightning crashed and boomed from the sky. Maybe I'll get struck by lightning, you rolled your eyes, half hoping you would.

You climbed into your car, and you began to drive to the school. On your way, you passed a swerving car, and you wrinkled your nose in disgust. "Drunk bastard," you hissed. You hated drunks. Your father was one, as well as your mother who died in a drunk car wreck, and you constantly spent your days at home barricading your bedroom door to keep your violent, drunken father out of your path. A few times, he almost broke your fingers by slamming your hands in a door, like the fridge or your bedroom's if you didn't run fast enough, and that's most of the reason why you moved here. Not only was it far away from your dad, but it was (one) a completely different country and (two) he had no idea whatsoever that you moved.

Besides, he probably wouldn't notice you were gone, and if he did, he wouldn't care, anyway.

You kept driving until you stopped for a red light. You sat there impatiently drumming your white fingernails on your steering wheel for a minute, and you screamed when you felt something ram your car so hard it sent you flying into the middle of the intersection that was, of course, flooded with moving cars.

Almost instantly, your right door was smashed by a car that slammed its breaks a little too late. You were flung into a ditch, and you know your arm had been broken or at least sprained. You screamed in pain, and the airbag erupted into your face. You felt pieces of broken windows slice into your body in many different places, and you shivered as cold rain began to pour into your car through the broken doors and windows.

You were swimming on the border of consciousness, and you barely noticed the tall blonde, kiwi, and punk Aussies taking your beaten door off of its broken hinges, unbuckling your seatbelt, and pulling you out of your car before you passed out.

You woke up in the middle of sirens, and you were being put into an ambulance. You caught the dazzling eyes of an Australian teenage boy before you passed out again.

You woke up next in a hospital, and you were being rushed through the white building with frantic nurses hooking you up to water and blood bags. You could smell the metallic, chemical smell of the hospital before you passed out again to the words "We're losing her again!"

You woke up for the final time in a hospital room, and you felt a wave of panic run over you in sync with a tidal wave of pain. You yelped weakly, and almost immediately, a sweet-looking female nurse rushed into your room. She gave you a large white tablet, and she stayed in the room with you, checking your vitals and other things until the sweat stopped running down your face. She told you to rest and take it easy for a while, and you didn't realize you were hungry until she mentioned bringing food with her later.

You sat in the bland room with the now dull aching, and you were trying to recall everything that had happened, but all you could remember was getting rammed from behind and those blue eyes.

You stopped before you got too frustrated, and you looked around the room again. This time, you noticed flowers and a couple cards on your side table, as well as a cup of water and a new phone. First, you grabbed the cards, and you drank some water before reading them.

Who were Michael, Luke, and Calum? You reread the cards a few times, but you couldn't recognize the handwriting or the names. You huffed in annoyance, and you put the cards back. You pondered the names for an eternity until a knock echoed on your open door that was blocked from your view by a wall.

"Come in?" You tried to say, but all that came out was a weird raspy grunt. You cleared your throat and repeated yourself, this time using English.

The first thing you saw were those blue eyes, and everything came back to you. The three boys you had seen earlier walked into your room, and you saw them clearly for the first time.

"Is it okay if we visit?" A thick Australian accent came out of the punk boy with black and red hair.

"Knock yourselves out. You're already in here," you said, physically unable to raise your tired voice above a whisper. "Well," you rolled your eyes after they stood there awkwardly, "sit down and visit, you know, talk."

They sat down, and the blonde spoke up first, "uuh, well, my name's Luke, and this is Michael," he gestured to the punk, "and this is Calum," he pointed to the black haired boy.

The names rung a bell almost instantly. "Did you guys write the cards?" You asked.

"Yeah, sorry we didn't say anything epic like 'hey, it's the guys that saved your life,' but we didn't wanna push it cuz we kinda braked too late and hit you in the intersection," the punk, uh, Michael rambled.

"Give her a minute, Mike! She just woke up!" Calum hissed.

"Sorry," Michael blushed, putting his head down.

"It's not you guys' fault I'm stuck in this damned bed; it's the dumbass that hit my bumper first," you felt yourself get frustrated by the boys blaming themselves. "Please tell me they caught the idiot."

"Yeah," Luke nodded.


"Yeah," Luke replied.

"Of fucking course," you growled to yourself. "Damned drunks are everywhere. Fucking hate them. One of them is the reason I moved here in the first place."

"It was your dad, wasn't it?" Luke said more to himself. Instantly he realized he said it out loud, and, before you could say anything, he began apologizing quickly. "I'm sorry! I know that's probably to sensitive. I shouldn't have said anything!"

You felt a little amused by his panicky apologizing, and you couldn't help but giggle through your damaged throat. You shivered in pain a little before you replied, "It's okay, Luke. I'm used to it."

A few days after your awkward encounter with the boys in your room, you got released from the hospital. The boys visited you every day after school, and you accompanied them to school. You quickly grew very close to them, and you soon found out they had made themselves a band. Their drummer lived right next to you in Hornsby, and you made friends with him, too. You were now a gang, and, not long after they put a few covers online together, they suddenly became a sensation when One Direction (a band you never really got into because you didn't like boybands) discovered them and invited them on tour.

You, of course, were dragged with them to Europe to tour with them, and they eventually got off the ground. They went on a tour by themselves, and soon after, you and Luke found yourselves enchanted by just the thought of one another. Luke sheepishly asked you out one day in, don't throw up because this is cheesy, none other than Paris.

Get this: you had the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower one night, and he started with "you know what's more beautiful than this?" You know what happened next, so I'll leave the rest to your imagination. ;)

It all started with you getting hit by him one stormy afternoon on your first day of school...but you probably had no use in going to the stupid school anyway, since you dropped out with Michael and Calum. You frequently found yourself asking the same question over and over again: How did we end up here?

this whole thing was made up as it went, but i wanted to make it as long as I could stand to make up for not publishing anything in so long :/ sorry hahah. Should begin to update more frequently because school is out in 2 weeks!

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