#9.3 Someone Breaks Into Your House: Calum

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Sooo I just realized I never finished the Someone Breaks Into Your House part hehe.  Enjoy!

"Mmm, dinner smells amazing!" Calum sighed as he walked through the door. He hung his police  uniform jacket on a coat rack by the door. In the kitchen, you smiled at his compliment. In truth, you can't really cook, so you got a pre cooked chicken from Kroger and made some boxed macaroni.

"I hope so! I slaved away because I definitely didn't get this chicken from Kroger and just threw together boxed macaroni," you laughed, rolling your eyes.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you can't cook," Calum joked, and you hit him with a plastic spatula. "I'm joking around!"

"I know, smart ass," you laughed, and he pecked your lips before going upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes.

You were going to miss seeing him in uniform. He found that being a cop wasn't for him, so he decided to quit tomorrow. He told the station in advance, so he was going to hand in his badge tomorrow after his shift. He plans to go back to school with you to study something else instead, and so far, he's been looking into a music career with his friends Ashton, Luke, and Michael.

He came down the stairs in sweatpants and a tank top that showed off his gained muscle from the police force. "Thank you for making dinner. You know I could've just gotten takeout from somewhere."

"It's okay," you shrugged, "but you have to do the dishes."

"Fair enough," Calum sighed, and he sat down to eat what you prepared for the both of you.


You woke up as you felt the bed mattress shift. Calum silently got up, you presumed to use the restroom or get a glass of water, but then you heard a pistol click. Your eyes shot open, and you were quietly hushed by Calum, who handed you a phone, mouthing "call 911" in the pale moonlight.

You didn't hesitate to do as he instructed, telling the emergency operator that the police needed to come catch a break in culprit.

Calum practically glided over the carpet as he reached the door, opening it quickly. He looked down the halls, never dropping his guard. He ducked back into the room, pressing his back against the wall, and you feigned sleep.

Footsteps stomped into your room, and a racket sounded through the room. You opened your eyes to see Calum take down the hooded man in one swift movement.

However, the man didn't stay down, and he knocked Calum's gun out of his hand. It skidded across the floor toward your side of the bed, and you snatched it, sitting up abruptly.

"(Y/n)! Be careful!" Calum grunted, getting nailed from a sucker punch in the jaw. Calum turned around viciously, returning a powerful knuckle sandwich. They tousled as you steadied the pistol in your hands.

You couldn't shoot yet. It was too risky as they were moving so much: you could hit Calum! You looked at their feet instead, your eyes adjusting to the darkness. Their feet weren't moving too much, so you looked for an opportunity.

A glint of metal caught your eye, and you realized with a painful lurch in your stomach that the man had a knife. Your eyes widened a little as your focus increased, and you took a breath, pulling the trigger.

A deafening shot echoed through the room, the ringing in your ears almost muting the yell coming from one of the men as he fell on the carpet. You opened your eyes, a relief with an intensity you've never felt before washing over you. Calum was standing over the man with pain in his face, but the man on the floor was the one who had been shot in the hip.

"Calum, look out for his knife," you pointed out, not noticing it was, in fact, sticking through Calum's right thigh.

"Yeah, about that," he groaned, taking his pajama shirt off to press against the bleeding stab wound.

You stood up from the bed, placing the gun on the mattress, facing the wall, and you switched on the light to get a better look at the metal object sticking out of his leg.

"Great, now we need new carpet because this asshole is bleeding all over it," I huffed. "Another thing I can't afford."

Calum ended up needing stitches, medicine, and a blood transfusion. The man was arrested on the scene, and he was also treated. You were even more relieved you didn't shoot Calum when you found out the man you shot was going to have trouble walking for the rest of his life.

"Calum, what happened to you?!" Luke gasped looking at Calum's leg as he hopped into your living room.

"Well, our house got broken into-"

"I shot someone!" You yelled from the kitchen, sounding too triumphant.

Laughter erupted from the living room. "Keep an eye on your girlfriend, there. Don't trigger her or she might fire shots at you next!" Luke snorted at his own joke, and I couldn't help but join in.

"I hate you two and your stupid jokes," Calum held a fake gun to hit temple.

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