#20.3 (Just because the crazy amount of reads) Calum

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You hit your head on your desk as the bell rang. You don't understand a thing in your AP Chemistry class, but when you ask for help, the teacher only confuses you more with her nonsense.

"(Y/n)," your teacher called as you were about to exit the room. You turned around hesitantly, your heart pounding. Did you get in trouble?

"Yes ma'am?" You asked as you slowly made your way to her desk.

"I've signed you up for tutoring in chemistry. You seem to be struggling?"

You bit your tongue to hold back all of the nasty remarks about her trashy teaching methods. Otherwise, you'd be in detention for sure. "Yes, I am. Who is my tutor?"

"You'll see next week. I've asked for a familiar face to be your mentor," she waved her hand dismissively after wrapping up the conversation suddenly. You blew out a breath as you left the classroom to go home.

The next week came, and your teacher called you to her front desk again after the bell rang. This time, you froze as you saw the student sitting behind her.

His silky black hair was cut neatly off his soft face. His brown eyes were framed with think black rimmed glasses, but they didn't give off a nerd impression in the slightest. His thick lips remained a straight line in a blank expression that gave his chiseled jaw a strong appearance. He was tall and slender, but his sleeveless Led Zeppelin shirt showed his biceps and a couple tattoos.

"I believe you know Mr. Calum Hood, correct?" Your teacher snapped you out of your shock.

"Well, we don't really know each other. We're acquaintances," you replied quickly.

Of course she had to pick your crush. "You seem quite fascinated by him in class, so I figured you'd pay attention as he taught you." You rubbed your face in embarrassment. "His grade in this class excels in comparison to everyone else in here, so don't take it harshly."

"I won't," you shook your head. After all, it's her fault you're failing, not your mental capacity.

The next couple weeks of tutoring were very awkward between you and Calum, but you two slowly grew accustomed to each other's presence. You were both shy and awkward, but you found yourselves laughing and joking about the smallest things.

You two were currently sitting in your room with the chemistry textbook and notebooks over in the opposite corner of the room. Neither of you felt like working today.

"You've been mentoring me for the past two months," you broke the silence. "Finals are almost here, and I've gotten far better now that you're teaching."

"I'm really not the person to give credit to," Calum rubbed the back of his neck with his slender fingered hand.

"Who would I give credit to?" I laughed. "The worst teacher on Earth? She hasn't taught me a thing all year."

"That's true," he chuckled. "We'll see how well I've been teaching in a couple weeks, though. Until then, we won't give me too much credit."

Turns out, he did need all he credit you were giving him. You passed your exam, earning a B+ as your overall grade in the class. If Calum hadn't become your tutor, you probably would have failed the class.

"I'm paying. You're the reason I passed AP Chemistry," you flicked Calum's money back at him as you paid for lunch. "Your money's worthless today."

"Wow, okay then," Calum slid his money back in his wallet. "Look at you with the big bucks."

"Yeah, I could make it rain in dollar bills when I get my change back!" You giggled. "I'm almost broke now."

"That's why I was going to pay," he chuckled, and the waitress walked over to give you your change, breaking up your argument.

"Movie at mine?" You offered, and Calum happily accepted. "What movie do you want to watch?"

"I was just hoping for some regular Netflix series," Calum shrugged, and you nodded.

"Whatever you feel like, Cal."

Before the movie, you two ended up building a pillow fort using every pillow you could find in the house. If you had to say so yourself, it was the best pillow fort known to mankind. Especially since it was small enough to give you a reason to have to cuddle up to Calum. He wrapped a long, muscular arm around your shoulder, and you smiled.

"What series did you have in mind?" You asked, and you felt Calum shrug.

"I didn't think this far ahead," he admitted bashfully. "I was just looking for a reason to snuggle up with you in a pillow fort. It's quite comfortable."

You blushed. "It is comfortable. I could stay here all night, but my parents would kill us."

"Hey, we still have a few hours until they get back," Calum's lips were quickly pushed against your neck, making your cheeks flare up.



"Can I tell you something?" You asked nervously.

"It better be something romantic," he smirked as he began kissing up to your jaw. "And it should be quick before I cut you off."

"I like you a lot," you admitted, butterflies knocking around inside your stomach.

"I like you a lot, too," he chuckled, and he pushed you onto your back, causing the pillow fort to fall over. His lips travelled up to the corner of your mouth, and his sweet lips soon found yours in your first kiss. You had waited for 18 years to have your first kiss, and it was completely worth the wait.

His hands travelled up and down your sides, and you soon found him without a shirt. When you two finally broke apart, your lips were puffy, and he didn't even need to ask you to be his girlfriend. It was an unspoken agreement between you two, and both of you were equally relieved by it. Needless to say, you were the fun couple who were perfect for each other, pranks and all.

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