#5 You Get Him In A Cuddly Mood

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Prepare yourself! Its a lot of reading!
Ashton: Ashton has three months off tour, and you wanted to stay right by him the whole time. However, when Ashton called you downstairs to join him on the couch, you fell down the stairs and broke your arm. You told Ashton not to worry because it wasn't that bad, but Ashton, being the big hearted worried he is, refused to leave your side, even in the hospital. You woke up in the hospital with Ashton holding your uninjured hand (your right one). "Ash? Did you get any sleep at all last night?" You asked. He smiled and replied, "Only 5 minutes, but I tried!" The nurse then came in the room. "This is (Y/n)'s room, right?" She asked. You nodded your head, and the nurse smiled. "Lucky for you, your breakage wasn't bad at all, so you will be better in 6-9 weeks. You may go home now, if you'd like, but you'll need to take it easy." You and Ashton nodded. "Have a nice day, you two." She exited the room, and Ashton drove you home. "Ya know, Ash, your cuddles will have to be a lot less crazy," you laughed. "I know, and it's gonna be hard to stay off my 'Ashy-style' for so long!" He winked, helping you out of the car. He picked you up, and he ran into the bedroom after locking the front door with one hand whilst still holding you. He gently laid you on the bed and ran out if the room to grab a few snacks. When he got back, he climbed onto the bed, and he put the snacks to his side. He put you on his lap, your back against his chest, and he put his arms around your stomach. He held you so tightly, you could barely breathe. You noticed he had a remote in his hand. You took it out of his hand hesitantly when he tapped your hand with it twice, and you flipped the TV on. You gasped when your favorite movie came on. "Ashton! I love you!" You squealed. "I know. I try," he giggled. You rolled your eyes and relaxed against his chest. He put his face into your neck, his hold on you loosening. "I love you," he whispered before falling asleep, catching up on the sleep he missed last night.

Luke: He sat on the bed while he waited for you to change. You were taking your sweet time in the bathroom, changing into your PJ's, but Luke was impatient. He sighed and stood up, saying, "I'll be on the couch watching TV, okay?" He sat down and turned the TV on Netflix, selecting, what else, Mean Girls. Eventually, you opened the bathroom door, but instead of walking to the unusually huffy Luke, you walked into the kitchen instead. You knew he was in one of his cuddly moods, so you decided to tease him a bit. Luke groaned and got up to follow you. You were in the middle of getting the ingredients out to make his favorite double chocolate and peanut butter Brownies, but Luke didn't care. He grabbed your waist and pulled you back really hard, making you drop the peanut butter jar on the counter. He whipped you around to face him quickly, causing your hair to come around and smack you in the face when you stopped. Luke's eyebrows were furrowed in frustration, and his thin lips were pursed a little bit. His blue eyes were sharp instead of gentle, and they stabbed you with their stare. "Luke, I was about to make your favorite brownie-" You were cut off by Luke. "I don't care. I know you're teasing me, so I'm gonna punish you for it. I'm in charge of what happens on the couch tonight." You nodded and smiled. Luke usually lets you be in charge of you guys' cuddles. However, Luke's version was your favorite; they were a bit rough. "Let's go, then," Luke growled playfully, throwing you over his shoulder. He put a hand on your bum for "support." He was right; the Brownies can wait for tomorrow.
Tonight's going to be fine.

Calum: You finally got out of school. Calum was away on tour, but that didn't stop him from endlessly texting you. After 5 texts in your first period, you were told by your teacher to turn your phone off. Now, on the bus heading to your lonely house, you turned your phone back on. Calum had texted you 27 more times, and you started crying to yourself quietly while you read them to yourself:
How's school? I shouldn't ask. I know the answer LOL
Miss you! I wish you were next to me.
OMG Luke just found cereal with penguin marshmallows XD he's not gonna buy another brand for the rest of his life!
Playing in Michigan next! Pumped for the show next week!
Need you in my bunk tonight! :'( Need your love!
Oh, no. Michael found a pizza hut while we we're walking around the town! ;)
I found the cutest necklace for you! I'm gonna buy it! ;)
Need to feel your hands!
Give me one of your kisses!
I need to write you a song!
Never been so lonely!
OMG I found a pet store! Going to go look at the puppies!
Michael winked at a girl...chemistry? ;)
Check out these hats me and Ash found! #swag
Awwww, I found a kitten that reminds me of you!
Dang! Management told us to leave so we can stay on schedule:(
OOH! Despicable Me is playing in a theatre!
I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you!
Michael said I'm texting you too much and I told him he's a sad bitter old man who wishes he was as lucky as me! XD
Ash thought it was hilarious
Can I have a hug?
Awwww! The minions are so cute! They remind me of Luke! ;)
EEP! A little girl grabbed my leg and asked me for a picture and an autograph! Of course I said yes!
Gonna send you a picture! She's so cute!
Oh I forgot you were at school and your teachers probably caught you XD text me when you can! ♡
You sighed and texted him: Miss you too Teddy Bear! Need one of your bear hugs! Had a rough day! Love you!
He texted back almost immediately: Then come open the front door... ;)
The bus stopped, and you ran off of the bus to your front door. You swung it open to see Calum with a stupidly cute grin and open arms. You threw your backpack in a corner, and you immediately hugged him as tightly as you could. He picked you up and threw you on the couch. "You're gonna have fun with me tonight after this cuddle session," he smirked, hovering above you on his hands and knees.
You missed his voice so badly, and now you had control over the noises he made. '-^
{That one was too long!}

Michael: You and Michael were in the store looking for a dress for a friend's party. You and Michael agreed on each choosing three dresses for you to try on and model to Michael. After about 15 minutes of looking, you and Michael had made your choices. You walked into the dressing room to try them on, and you decided to try your three picks first. You slipped your first one on: an ocean blue dress, trailing a bit past your knees, elbow length sleeves, and form fitting. It still allowed movement but it showed all of your figure's curves. You walked out insecurely, and Michael smirked, snapping a quick pic. You walked back into the dressing room, hanging the dress on the hanger. You really didn't like it much. You went to the second one: bright purple, ankle length, tight from the hips up, loose below the hips, and one inch sleeves. Michael winked, studying you up and down and he took a photo. You went back in to try your third choice: bright pink, shoulder length sleeves, knee length, and loose around the hips to allow movement. You walked out, and Michael said, "no offense, but not your style." You replied, "I agree," as you turned back to hang the dress on the hanger. Michael's choices were what you were usually hesitant about because they were usually short. You sighed as you tried the shortest one on first. It was a pale vanilla color, three inches above your knees, and almost inch long sleeves. It was kinda tight, which restricted some movement of your hips and shoulders. You walked out, saying, "I don't really like this one, Mikey." He nodded, not taking a picture. You we're happy Michael respected your judgement and comfort zone, even if he was disappointed sometimes. You moved on to the next dress: dull orange, knee length, long sleeved, and it had one of the splits in the skirt part that stopped about mid thigh. You walked out, and Michael smiled, snapping a quick picture before you turned back around. When you closed the changing room door, you heard Michael shift impatiently, but you ignored it and tried the last dress on: silky silver, spaghetti straps, knee length in the front, and it lengthened as it went around the back. This was your favorite. "Michael! Michael! I love this!" You smiled, skipping out of the room. Michael looked up from his phone, and his mouth dropped. He sat there, speechless. "Do you not like it?" You asked, shuffling your feet insecurely. "No, I love it," he said in awe. He whispered to himself, "How did I get so lucky," but you didn't hear him. He slowly stood up, and he walked over to you. He stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He inhaled deeply, kissing your neck slowly and repetitively. "This is the one," he sighed. You smiled as he whispered, "This dress would look fantastic on the floor." He winked at you, and you smiled.
He always gets naughty when he gets cuddly.

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