#23.3 Superhero (Calum)

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(M/A) = music app

Your best friend Calum has been acting very strange lately. He's been texting you less, getting no sleep, and he hasn't been able to hold a conversation for more than 30 seconds. He never gives you the honest reason why he's been acting weird, either, which doesn't help. 

"Calum, you are coming over to my house right now. Get in the fucking car," you hissed at him after your last college class of the day.

"But-" He objected.

"I don't want to hear it. In the car, now," you forcefully grabbed his arm and pulled him to your passenger seat. He complied, and the ride to your place was silent. 

You pulled recklessly into your driveway, and you came to a sudden stop before jumping out of your car and slamming the door. Calum followed you cautiously to your front door and into your living room. You closed and locked the door behind you, and you whipped to face your bestie.

"What the hell is up with you?" You narrowed your eyes.

"I don't know what you mean," he lied.

"That's not true!" You listed every strange behavior he's picked up in the past couple weeks, but his reply was no different from what it has been. 

"I'm just tired. I'm okay, (Y/n)."

"Bullshit, Calum! You know I know something is wrong, so why don't you just tell me? Do you not trust me?" You frowned more, and his expression turned to guilt before he replaced it with an unreadable emotion.

"I do trust you! Don't turn it around like this! I hate it when you do that!"

"Then just answer me!"

"I have. I'm just tired, I swear."

"I don't believe you."

"Maybe you're the one that doesn't trust me," he frowned, and he unlocked your door to leave. "I'll see you later."

You didn't bother to give him a ride a couple blocks to his house, and it was no use running after him. You slammed your front door in anger, and you sunk to the floor as tears fell down your cheeks. 


Later that evening, you decided to go for a walk to clear your head. Your mind has been racing since your conversation, or rather argument, with Calum earlier that day. It was dark out, and the stars were shining brightly. It was almost a full moon, which meant it was bright enough outside you didn't need a flashlight.

You slipped on an over-sized navy blue hoodie with a pair of black leggings and knee high boots, and you set out in the cool autumn night air. You put in a pair of earbuds and pulled up (M/A), selecting a playlist you called "Crying" for situations like this. 

You turned up the volume as high as you could stand it, and you walked down the sidewalk, getting lost in your own thoughts. You don't know how long you were walking, but you found yourself on the other side of town when you snapped back into reality.

You looked around, puzzled about how you didn't realize how far you were walking, and you decided to go into the grocery store while you were in the area. you had your debit card in your phone case between it and your phone, so you decided to just get some ice cream and brownie mix to drown your sorrows in later. 

You walked out of the Walmart, ignoring all the people around you, and you started your long walk home.

At least I'm getting my workout for the day in, you thought to yourself, trying to keep yourself from thinking about the . . . situation at hand. 

You were so caught up into your thoughts that you didn't notice the men in the alleyway calling to you. The two of them got irritated that you paid no attention to them, and they yanked your arm before you could scream. 

They ripped out your headphones and grabbed you by the neck. "Hey, we were talking to you, bitch," One of the men snarled.

"I was ignoring you, asshole. Let me go," you choked out.

"I'd listen to her if I were you," a voice called, causing the two men to turn their heads. 

"Who the hell are you?" The same man asked, and the other snorted.

"Are you wearing tights? Oh no, look out! This guy's wearing tights!" The other one started laughing.

You took this opportunity to headbutt the man holding you to the wall, and he pulled his hand off of you to hold his face. Your head pounded, but you took the opportunity to fight back while you could. The superhero guy didn't hesitate to kick the other guy's ass at the speed of light, and soon he knocked out both men and tied them to a bench.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" A familiar voice called, and you looked up with your blurry vision.

"Yeah, I think I lost my contacts. Who are you?" You squinted as you tried to make out facial features, but you couldn't.

"Your eyesight really is terrible, isn't it?" He laughed. "What's more concerning is that you can't recognize your best friend's voice. Do you need a hospital?"

"No, I'm fine. Calum?" You asked to make sure. 

"Yeah. You seem to have dropped your stuff," Calum handed you your phone, but he held onto your groceries. "C'mon, I'll walk you home. You can't see two feet in front of you."

Sorry it's shit xD i tried lol

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