#23.1 Superhero (Ashton)

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(F/H) means Favorite Superhero :)

"Another bank robbery has been reported near the area of Sydney. We warn you to keep your windows and doors locked as they seem to be spreading like an epidemic towards Sydney. Who knows how long it will take," your television issued a warning, and you immediately took the advice coming out of your speakers.

"It's such an awful thing to do," you shook your head as you sat back down next to your best friend - and crush - Ashton. You flipped the channel back to the (F/H) movie.

"I know," Ashton casually put his arm on the back of the couch behind you. 

You sighed as you watched the movie unfolding on your screen. (F/H) just saved someone from the villain, and you muttered to yourself more than Ashton, "I wish we had a hero like that."

Ashton tensed for a second before shifting a bit. "Yeah."


"Ashton, you're late," you teased as the door opened and Ashton walked in. You looked up to see his face, and you gasped. "What happened to you?!"

"Turn on the TV," he mumbled, "it should be on the news by now."

"Oh my gosh, did you kill someone?!" Your eyes widened, but you listened to what he said, anyway.

"The robbery epidemic spread to Sydney tonight, but we had an unexpected turn of events take place," a flabbergasted reporter shuffled his papers quickly before continuing. "Superheroes are a thing of comic books. Well, that's what I would say if I hadn't seen this for myself. Let's take a look."

The screen changed to a security camera in the bank. As the robbers took out guns, a figure in a blue and red suit charged at them without hesitation. He was wearing a red bandanna, but he had a hood on. 

He fearlessly took a hold of both guns, chucking them into another room, and he was jumped by both men at the same time. He only dodged one fist, but the other man hit him with a blow to his right eye. 

Then, both men were picked up by the collar of their shirts, and they were thrown across the room with seemingly no effort from the hooded figure. They were both knocked out on impact, and the cops soon pulled up in front of the bank. 

The new superhero darted out of the back of the bank before the cops dashed in to see the shocked people that just witnessed this. 

You switched the television off, and you turned to look at Ashton, who was hiding his face and zipping up his jacket in a poor attempt to hide the suit he was wearing. You felt your mind and heart start to race wildly.

"Ashton, you-?" You couldn't find the words, and Ashton began to nervously fidget with the hem of his hood. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't know I had powers until then," he said quietly.

"Bullshit," you called, and you took his hand. "When did this happen?"

"Uh, well, a complete accident at the gym," he started, and you stifled your giggles. "Some equipment fell on me, and I got up feeling . . . different. I guess the temperature and humidity were right," he finished, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, now we have to come up with a name for you!" You smiled, and you took him to the bathroom to fix his eye up a little bit. You sat him on the counter, standing between his long legs. You patted his eye with a wet washcloth, and you ran through names in your head until your punny sense of humor kicked in. You snorted at your own name, loving it with your whole being.

"What??" Ashton pulled the washcloth away to look at you with an eyebrow raised.

"I am going to tell you a name, but you have to promise not to punch me in the face for it, especially because I would probably die of head trauma due to your new powers," you smirked, and he rolled his eyes.

"Uh-oh," he groaned, and you huffed before telling him:

"Sma-Ash!" You giggled, throwing your arms up into the air, and Ashton exploded into a fit of laughter.

"I love it!" He high fived you, and you beamed.

"See? I am funny!" You laughed, going back to fixing his eye. Then a thought came to your mind, and you froze, frowning.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Ashton placed his hands on your shoulders.

"You're going to meet so many more girls. You won't forget about me for another person will you?"

"No! Of course not! What would make you think that?" Ashton raised your chin to look into your eyes.

"I'm just an average, easy to replace girl, and you're so unique and attractive," you avoided his eye contact.

"Hey, just because I have powers doesn't mean I'm a different person. I still think and behave the same way," his voice softened. "I'll still love you no matter what, I promise, (Y/n)."

His legs wrapped around yours, pulling you close to his chest, and his strong arms crushed you against his chest. You began to cry, his warm embrace taking your strength out of you. His chin rested on top of your head, and his large hands rubbed your back as he began to hum to you. 

You stayed like that for an eternity until he lifted your chin to face him again. Your lips met each other for the first time, and he slowly worked on you until you both needed to breathe. You rested your foreheads against each other, bodies still pressed together. You ran your fingers over his back, causing a shudder from him.

"I won't leave you, (Y/n). I will always protect you," Ash whispered, and you smiled.

Your hands roamed down to his hips, and he pushed forward against you instinctively, his member hardening a little. "I need you here with me," he moaned, and he hastily made his way into the bedroom with you.

Let's say you both had your fill of Sma-Ashing that night ;)

Puns for the win!

but really though. I need a LOT of inspiration after this small part. I am out of ideas.

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