#23.2 Superhero (Luke)

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(H/c) = Hair color
(H/l) = hair length
(E/t) = English teacher
(F/I/C) = favorite ice cream

You gazed at your best friend Luke as he drowsily sat down next to you in your last class of the day. "How is your hair always so perfect?" You pouted, feeling insecure about your own (h/l) (h/c) hair. "It's raining outside, but your hair is fine!"

"I dunno. I found a good hair gel and I guess my hair is cooperative," Luke shrugged.

"Well, you're lucky. What kind of hair gel is it?" You asked, hoping you could run to the store after school to get hair product.

"I can't remember. I just grab the gel and put it in my hair," he yawned, and you rolled your eyes.

"But it doesn't even feel like you have gel in your hair. It's still soft and natural looking."

"Maybe I just have a natural talent," he tried to wink, but he couldn't, causing you to laugh.

"Well, your hair might be perfect, but your wink still needs a lot of work," you smiled, pulling out your homework to work on.

Needless to say, you and Luke got absolutely nothing done. You two had the usual banter and joking around, and you found yourself, once again, stuck with doing your entire mountain of homework at home. "Damn you, Luke," you teased, hitting his arm. "Why don't you have any homework to do, like, ever?"

"I get it all done in class cuz I'm super smart," he pretended to flip his wet hair in the rain as you threw your things in the car before they got soaked beyond repair.

"Sure you are," you giggled. "You don't have any projects or essays or anything?"

"Nope," he popped the 'p'.

"What about the essay in (E\t)'s class?"

"Already done," he shrugged. "Only took me an hour."

"Oh my gosh you maniac! How?" Your eyes widened as your hair progressively got more wet. "We just got that yesterday!" He only replied with a shrug. "Whatever. Get in the car, idiot."

"Aw, stop calling me names," he stuck out his bottom lip when you looked at him with a smirk.

"Sorry about that, moron."


Luke finally went to bed around midnight, but your growling stomach kept you awake. You made your way to your kitchen, and you opened your fridge and cabinets looking for something you wanted to snack on.

"(F/I/C) sounds amazing right now," you mumbled to yourself, finding your way back to your freezer. You grumbled as you remembered you ate it two weeks ago because you put yourself on a diet.

"You don't need to go on a diet, (Y/n), you're beautiful enough. You don't need to get any skinnier," you remember Luke telling you. You blushed at the thought.

"But I don't have abs like I want to."

"You don't need abs to look hot, (Y/n). You already are."

Smiling to yourself, you put on your raincoat, walking out into the rain without an umbrella. The cold rain gave your arms goosebumps, but it felt great tonight. The store was just down a block or two from your house, so you didn't mind walking that short of a distance without an umbrella. You like the rain anyway.

Did you feel dangered at the fact it was so late at night? No. You lived in a small town where everybody knew everybody, so you didn't feel the least bit worried about someone nabbing you.

You smiled to yourself as the rain was the only thing you could hear. A couple cars drove by, but other than that, it was quiet. A peaceful quiet.

You closed your eyes for a moment, but you kept walking, sighing in content. Your footsteps slowed their clicking on the sidewalk, and you relaxed, feeling the water down your legs.

Bright lights stabbed your eyes, which flung open at the sound of screeching tires, and you saw car headlights speeding straight at you. You froze like a deer in the headlights. You clenched your eyes shut, but you were yanked violently to the side rather than being flattened by a metal machine.

You opened your eyes to find yourself on the opposite side of the street with your hero's arm still tightly around your waist.

"You're okay. I did it!" He sighed, his perfect teeth glowing under the street lamps. You looked up to see unmistakable blue eyes behind a silver mask. You looked down at the strange outfit, smiling a little at it.

"Luke what did you get yourself into?" You giggled, laughing at the shock on his face when you recognized him immediately.

"How'd you know?" He huffed, sticking his lip out.

"How could I not recognize my favorite person in the world?" You rolled your eyes, hugging him tightly. "You save my life you beautiful human being!"

"Well, I sorta had a . . . well, I kinda knew this was going to happen, so I couldn't let you get flattened by someone who can't drive in the rain," he fumbled for words. "I called the police in advance so they should be here any second to take care of-"

"Wait," you held your hand up, "what do you mean you knew this would happen?"

"Uh, well," he stuttered, adverting his gaze from you. "Follow me."

You followed him through the rain, and he wrapped his warm hand around your cold fingers. He walked you to his house, and he pushed you inside quickly. He stripped some of his superhero getup off as he ran up the stars to change.

The TV played a random crime show, but it was muted, silencing the gunshots of the agents as they pursued the suspect. "(Y/n), you can come upstairs now," Luke yelled from his bedroom.

You climbed the stairs, finding Luke's room without even thinking about it, and you entered to find him nervously wringing his hands. "So, I kind of have superpowers," he started, and you raised an eyebrow, skeptical of this news.

"Okay? How?" You prompted.

"It's pretty stupid, and you probably won't believe me," he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

You looked up to his eyes. "Keep going."

"You know how we were taking about how I have perfect hair gel?" He took a deep breath. "I made my own and it gave me, I guess you can call them, psychic powers." He paused, waiting for a response from you before he kept going. "I could see vast universes, but most of all, I could see you."

"What do you mean," you narrowed your eyes. "I was taking a shower earlier-"

"Nonono! Not that! I mean I just saw you. You're beautiful inside and out," he took a step forward. "Most importantly," he reached for your hand, and sparks shot up your arm when your skin made contact, "I saw my feelings were mutual."

"W-what feelings?" You stuttered, but you didn't stop him.

"I really, really like you, (Y/n). Like, a lot," he blushed, and he bet closer to you until your lips brushed. "I want you to be my girlfriend so badly, but I don't know if you're comfortable with   this."

You've never seen this side of Luke, but you definitely liked it. "I don't see a reason why not to," you started, leaning forward a little to kiss him for a second.

"Hey," he chuckled, kissing back. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm hungry," you pouted with a giggle. A smile spread across his face.

"Want to settle this over some (F/I/C)?" He chuckled knowingly. "I bought some after school."

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