#15 What He Does When You're Sick

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Credit to Nae_Albert for this idea :)

He'll make you soup and take extra precaution to keep the house as quiet as possible. When you complained of a headache, he'd get you medicine, and he made sure you kept warm and comfortable. The only time he'd ever leave the house was for various things from the store like medicine or food.

He may be a tall, lanky clutz, but when you were sick, he was careful not to break anything. He didn't want to wake you up when you slept, and he didn't want to cause a heavier headache. He was never much of a cook, so the soup he made from a can was never quite right, but you weren't complaining. He tried his best to take care of you, and that's all that mattered to you.

Growing up around girls, he learned a thing or two about caring for sick people, but he still wasn't very good at it. He tried his hardest to help, and you thought it was quite cute. You had to get up yourself and sneak to the cupboard to get the right medicine sometimes, and, when he left for groceries, you had to make yourself soup and toss the food that would upset your stomach.

He would baby you until you were better. Being the nerd, he would always research what the best ways to help you were, even though he's usually lazy as fuck, but you were more important to him than even pizza or videogames. Also, despite being potentially, and usually, contagious, he'd snuggle with you in bed, after you gave up opposing, and he'd be the next one sick in bed. Of course, he didn't care. He got the attention he needed ;)
Sorry I haven't updated in a month, but I was busy with school, boyfriend presents, and Christmas. What did y'all get? I mostly got clothes, but they're super comfortable though :)

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