#13.4 Hes In Marching Band (Michael)

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Okay, this is going to be kinda long :/ my apologies
Band camp. Two words that mean hundreds of things: sweltering heat, sweat, dehydration, and dealing with idiots are a few. However, through all of this, it's the memories that makes it one of your favorite parts of marching band. That is, the previous ones. You're new to this school, and its marching band. You don't know anyone, so you have no one to make those memories with.

Naturally, you stuck to yourself, not socializing with anyone. You preferred to stay in the shadows to see how the new people's personalities played out without you around. From what you've gathered, there are about 7 "social classes," and you managed to memorize the members' faces.

1.) The annoying kids. Every band has those annoying people that no one really wants to interact with. The misfits of the herd, who people pretend to like.

2.) The clarinets and flutes. They kinda stuck together in their pods. Everyone liked each other, and they were all inseparable.

3.) Percussion. This consisted of about seven people, and they all hung out here and there. This also included about 2/5 of the annoying kids. They all fluctuated in the social groups. They were all comfortable with most other groups. Also, they are about the loudest people in the whole band.

4.) Guard. They consisted of about 7 people, not including yourself, and 2/5 misfits were in this group. These people were smart and feisty, excluding a couple shy people, and there were three guys, including the celebrity boy guard member, Luke Hemmings. If you messed with any person in this group, the rest will gang up and beat the hell out of you with their equipment, "accidentally" throwing their rifle, sabre, or flag in your direction because the toss was difficult or "due to the wind".

5.) The nerds. This group were the cool nerds, though. Dispute their knowledge of all things videogame related, they were quite cool. Only 1/5 of the annoying kids were in this pod.

6.) The cool kids you do not need to mess with. This was a red flag for you, screaming "DO NOT APPROACH" because you were not one for the spotlight. Besides, these were the kinds of people, with your experience, who were typically the two-faced people. This included the bad boys, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, and, the biggest bad boy, Michael Clifford.

7.) The rest of brass. These were the loud, crazy people of the band, ignoring the Nerds and Cool Kids. They would prank everyone else, and they were "second-in-command", if you ignore the existence of the director.

*Snap back to reality*

Loud saxophone sounds came from the band room, making up the song Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. This explosion of noise was followed by a Trumpet and Tenor drummer joining in with the music. The three bad boys were at it again.

You rolled your eyes, letting everyone walk into the band room, but you stayed in the cafeteria, eating your lunch and scrolling through (your favorite social media base).

"Hey, (Y/N), right?" A male voice asked after the ruckus stopped.

"What about it?" You snapped.

"Geez, feisty! I was saying hello," the boy chuckled.

You looked up, finding yourself glaring at a boy with bright green hair. Michael Clifford himself. You took in every detail of his face, and you realized he was quite attractive. You were too smart for being charmed by looks, though.

"I'm not one for socializing," you smiled sarcastically, looking back at your phone.

"Evidently not," Michael grunted, sitting across from you. "You know, I'm trying to strike up a nice conversation. You could at least try."

"I said I don't socialize with people," you hinted again.

"Who do you socialize with, then?"

"I have a cat," you grunted.

"See? Now we're getting somewhere."

You rolled your eyes, still looking at your phone...until it was snatched from your grip by a certain chameleon.

"Give it back!" You objected loudly.

"Not until we get to know each other. The easy way, or the hard way, your choice."

"Teenage boys are such pricks," you growled to yourself.

"Sorry? What's that? You want the hard way? Okay," Michael shrugged, looking at your phone.

"No no no!"

"Too late!" He chuckled, messing around with your phone. You stood up to take it, but he was much taller than you, preventing you from taking it back as he raised it above your head. Michael skimmed through your pictures, and other various things, and he tossed you your phone. "Not much to go on, but enough to know you don't have any friends here...yet. I've never seen the people in your selfies before, so I'm guessing you need a pal to hang with."

"Who would you recommend?" You rolled your eyes, shoving your phone in your pocket.

"The kind young man standing in front of you," he said plainly.

"Who? The guy I see right now must be in the way. He seems kinda like a dick so far," you shrugged, only half serious. He was silent for a second, and you looked up to see him staring at you blankly. You sighed resting your head in your hands. "Look, Michael, I didn't mean it."

"I know," he sat down across from you, "but you're right. I've been a little pushy. Don't tell anyone about what I'm about to say because it will hurt my ridiculously large ego, but I'm sorry."

"It's fine," you shrugged, looking back at him. "I'm used to things like that. You have no idea what my old school was like."

"Ooh, do tell," he said like a Mean Girl. "Besides, I did say I wanted to get to know you better, didn't I? Or do I have to take your phone again?"


Hes going to be one interesting 'buddy'.

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