#14.3 One Of You Has Cancer (Michael)

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You had always told him to stop dying his hair or he'd go bald, but that was a joke. Now he really is bald, but because he's fighting cancer. However, neither of you found this very funny...but Michael wouldn't stop laughing about it later.

He was himself, even if he was scared about what would happen. You always admired this about him, and you wished you could do that, too, through the tears you cried every night.

Today, you drove to the hospital, like every day since you found out he had cancer, but this time you had a bad vibe. You stepped on the gas because of it. Every second you grew more anxious; you already felt your heart about to bust.

You walked quickly to his room, and you were almost knocked over by a nurse who was running out of his room. "Sorry ma'am!" She panted as she kept running. You jumped into Michael's room to see him shaking and jerking everywhere.

"Michael!!" You gasped. You dropped your flowers you bought him, and you ran to his side. You grabbed his hand, and he calmed down almost immediately.

"(Y/n)," he wheezed pitifully, "(Y/n), I'm so cold. So cold...(Y/n), I...love you."

His eyes went glazed, and his mouth curved into a smile as he squeezed your hand for the last time. He mouthed the word "babe" as you came in for a small kiss. He shakily lifted his hands to cup your cheek, and the other to rest on the back of your head. His dull eyes closed as his strength left his body with his last breath.

You pulled away, crying. "Michael," you cried as a bunch of doctors busted into the room to try to revive him, but they couldn't.

He was gone.
Sorry it was so short and blunt, but I had no ideas :/ midterms are coming up, which means STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH
But other than that, I'm fine :)
I might not be as active until our Christmas break, but I'll try! ♥

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