#9.1 Someone Breaks Into Your House: Ashton

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The night was quiet and blissfully calm as you fell asleep in Ashton's strong arms. His soft snoring was lulling you to sleep, sending you into soft dreams of innocent fairy tales. However, this heaven only lasted through half the perfect night.

CRASH! The sound of a broken glass object startled you and Ashton awake so badly, you and Ashton were both shaking. Obviously, this night wasn't completely perfect. Close, though, very close...kind of.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, puzzled and concerned. A BANG echoed through the house, but more quietly than the glass crashing. "Babe, don't move. I'll be right back. Call the cops for me. I love you," Ashton said quickly, kissing you quickly, but passionately with his perfect, soft lips.

He got up stealthily, silent as to not let the intruder hear him. He picked up a large, metal bat, and got into swinging position, crouching slightly. "Be careful," you whispered as he walked out the door. You knew he didn't hear you, but you didn't care. He was the biggest treasure you had, and you didn't want to lose him.

You grabbed Ashton's phone, and you dialled 911. (Still too lazy to type the conversation) You gave them all the information they needed, and they sent the cops in your direction.

You worried about Ashton. There wasn't a noise, not a single whisper, and you feared the worst. You shifted uncomfortably, and you considered getting up to check on him. There's no harm in just peeking around the corner, right?

Your thoughts we're interrupted by a loud grunt, and the sound of a bat hitting a hard object. You panicked. Flipped your shit...silently.

Did the criminal take the bat from Ashton and hit him with it? One more loud hit from the baseball bat was heard by your ears, and you began shaking.

What if it was Ashton?

He would have been seriously hurt! Hit twice by a baseball bat. A metal baseball bat! You set the phone down beside you, and you buried you face in your hands, starting to cry. You didn't hear the footsteps coming up your staircase.

Was it Ashton? The intruder? You were too busy crying quietly from worry.

"(Y/n)," you heard a whisper saying your name. A large hand touched your shoulder gently, but you couldn't tell who the hand or voice belonged to. You jumped back onto the bed, and you couldn't catch your breath from the hair-raising fright in your chest.

You felt a strong wave of relief as your eyes landed on your boyfriend, 100% unscathed. "(Y/n)," he said again with a smile on his face. "He's unconscious, and he will be for a while. You called the cops, right?" You nodded. "I love you, babe," he said the words you longed for.

"I love you, too, Ashton," you smiled. He hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead. You looked up at him, and he kissed you as the sirens wailed outside of your home. He pulled away, and he smiled at you.

You heard footsteps running up the stairs, and you both assumed they belonged to a cop. The both of you continued smiling at each other.

Then you heard an awful noise, like a sharp instrument piercing through someone's skin. Ashton's face fell almost instantly as he collapsed on the floor. "You thought you we're safe," a growly voice cackled from the doorway. "Your boyfriend here hit my best friend with a baseball bat. Now it's your time to pay!" He pulled out another knife, and you dived to the floor as you heard a gunshot.

"Is everyone okay?!" A cop called from the doorway as the murderous thief fell, dead, on the floor. You couldn't say anything. You could only point to Ashton, who was dead on the floor with a knife sticking out of his back. It had cut clean through his back and pierced through his heart. Blood stained the floor around him, and his eyes were staring in your direction lifelessly. His once happy face smiling no more.

The cop grabbed his walkie talkie and yelled code language into it quickly. "Man down" was the only thing you understood. You kneeled down next to Ashton's lifeless body, not caring if you got blood on your knees. He was dead, and he had died on a perfect night.

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