#17 Smooth Criminal pt. 2 (Luke)

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She ran underneath the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom

It's not uncommon for you to get notifications on your phone about criminals in the area, but you still take extra precaution to ensure you don't get robbed or hurt in any way. That's why you were shocked and unsure what to do when your house was broken into as you were home one night in April.

"That was exhausting," you said to yourself as you collapsed on your couch. You locked the doors in your way in, you were sure if it, but you heard one creak open from the back of your dining room.

"What the hell?" You breathed as you stood up to casually close it and lock it. However, when you went to check the door, it was closed and locked. You scratched the back of your neck in confusion.

You shrugged, turning around to collapse on your couch again, but you froze as you saw a gigantically tall, muscular figure with very broad shoulders. As he slowly turned his head to face you, you ran under your dining room table, your heart pounding so hard it hurt and praying he didn't see you.

Unfortunately for you, your bad luck didn't reach the end of its reign of terror. His clutzy footsteps grew louder as he approached you. He bent over to find you huddled under the table in fear.

Softly, he chuckled at your paralyzed state, and you mentally glared at him for laughing at you. He reached for you, but you flinched from the dirty blonde's large hand. He pulled back a little bit, surprising you because normally a bold criminal waltzing in someone's house wouldn't flinch; they'd just keep reaching further for their victims.

He reached forward, taking your cheek gently in his warm, soft palm as you froze and stared at him. He smiled at you gently, biting his lip ring. You felt yourself sway a little bit into his lane.

"Hey," he whispered softly in greeting. You dashed out from under the table, sprinting into your room. He was left downstairs, stressing a little bit. He cut your phone lines, so you couldn't get help on your home phone. He also had your cell phone, so he wasn't worried about you getting him in trouble. Instead, he was scared of leaving you on bad terms.

This may sound stupid, but you were the only person that ever saw him, since he was such a smooth criminal. He climbed up the stairs, casually walking into your room, finding you scared and hiding under your covers like a little kid. He chuckled to himself lightly at this scene, and he approached your bed cautiously.

"Uhm," he started awkwardly. "I didn't come here to hurt you. I have been stealing food from people for my family, and I know it's bad, but my family will starve if I don't. I don't like hurting people, but I have to steal something, please?" He was begging.


I gathered enough courage to talk to the sheepish criminal. "If you ask permission, it's not stealing."

"Then can I have some food?"

I paused, and he stared at you with a hopeful look in his stunningly beautiful blue eyes.

"How big is your family?"

"Me, two brothers, and Mom and Dad."

I thought to myself for a second, holding the stranger in suspense that plastered a worried look on his face.

"Well, my house is very big, so I could house you guys until you get your feet back on the ground."

"Y-you don't have to, miss," his mouth dropped open a little.

"(Y/n). If you're gonna live in my house, you're gonna have to know my name."

"Are you sure?" He beamed from ear to ear.


"THANK YOU!" He yelled, picking you up in his strong arms and spinning you around. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" He hugged you for at least five minutes, crying into your shoulder.

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