#21.2 You're on Your Period (Malum)

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"As you go down and to the left of the periodic table, atomic mass increases, but you all should know that by now. You're in college, not high school," your college professor droned on until the time to dismiss came around. You were relieved when he dismissed you, but your smile dropped when you felt a warm liquid rush out of your . . . yeah - when you stood up.

You thanked heaven you put a pad in as you have been for the past 2 weeks in case your unpredictable cycle decided to catch you off guard, much like today.

Being your paranoid self, you tied your jacket around your waist just in case you had a stain. Our backpack was tossed in the passenger seat, and in no time, you pulled into your driveway to see Calum was home, much to your surprise. Most of the time he comes home a little bit after you get back from your class.

The first thing you did was go into the bathroom and raid the cabinet for cramp medicine. The door was locked, but a soft knock sounded from the other side.

"(Y/n), are you alright? You slammed the door pretty hard," a soft voice called.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, throwing the old pad away and putting a tampon in.

"Are you on your, uh, you know...?"

"Maybe," you groaned, and you heard footsteps walking away.

Rude, you frowned, your hormonal temper kicking in, but you relaxed a little when you opened the bathroom door before hearing, "I'll be right back, babe. I gotta run to the store!"

Much to your delight, your favorite show came on your bedroom television. The cramps only eased a little from the medicine, and the fact you were laid down now helped 10x more. 20 minutes into the movie, a knock caught your attention.

Your creaky door opened, and Calum laughed. "You need to oil that thing."

"Yeah, hush. I'm more preoccupied with the blood flowing from my vaginal area," you smiled at his blushing cheeks.

"Well, let's not talk much about that and move on to the food I got for you," he blew out a breath to dismiss the topic, and he hopped into the bed with you.

You beamed at Calum, who nodded to the bag, and your smile spread as you saw your favorite candies and snacks in the bag.

"Now I'm not worrying about cramping anymore. Now I need to control myself around all this food!" You giggled, snuggling into your boyfriend as the movie continued on the television.


I went to school for once today. Are you sick?

Your head pounded when you looked at your bright phone screen in your dark room. You only had your television playing quietly on a dim light setting.

I'm on my period and I really don't feel like school.

It only took a second for Michael to text back, and you rolled your eyes. He's not paying attention in class like usual.

Sit tight. I feel like skipping too.

You're not on your period, Mike. You sassed, and you could picture his smirk. Besides, it's senior year and you should finish with decent grades.

We're going to start a band. Why do you make us go through school?

You huffed. You have this conversation almost every day. You know why. If you're going to skip I'm not in the mood to fucking argue rn just do it.

Ok, Hitler, I'm sorry. Be there in about an hour and a half.

You left him on read, but then he sent you a heart emoji, which you had to reply to. He stopped texting you after that, until he had to ask you to open your front door for him.

It was pouring rain outside, so you summoned the last of your kindness and hurried down the stairs to open the door.

A smile spread across your face for the first time this week as the smell of pizza wafted through your house.

"Happy to see me or the pizza?" Michael laughed.

"Both, but mostly the pizza, you wet dog," you laughed, not missing a beat.

Michael put the pizza down on the bedside table in your room, and you followed him before he turned around to look at you with a crooked smirk. "Now for that, you get a hug from a wet dog, not a dry one!"

He wrapped his arms around you before you had time to react, and you felt lips press against your neck, trailing hot kisses up to the corner of your mouth. "How do you always find a way to fill me up with energy?" You asked before you were shut up by a kiss.

"What kind of energy would that be?" He chuckled deeply.

"An energy I can't use right now because I'm on my period," you winked, shoving him on your bed. "I'll use that energy to eat pizza and watch a movie though."

"And?" He kissed you again, more roughly than the last time.

"And what?" You teased, reaching for the pizza. "Maybe I'll talk after my food."

"Fine," he pouted tucking you in with him as you cuddled into his side. "But I'll take it easy because you're internally dying in your ovaries," he quoted you.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," you giggled, and he just rolled his eyes as he held you tighter, reaching for a slice of pizza.

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