#19.3 You're the New Kid (Calum)

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You sat alone at lunch due to your absence of new friends. You had met a girl named Mali, but she hangs out (makes out) with her boyfriend at lunch. You quickly scratched that opportunity out of your book, and it left you with one option: sitting alone. It was okay with you, though. You didn't like much attention, anyway. You pulled out your phone to text your friend Kyra to see how her day was going back at your old school when a tall, skinny boy (who somewhat resembled a kiwi) walked over to you.

You looked at him as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck for a second. "Can I sit down next to you? You seem lonely," he blushed.

You shrugged, and you looked back at your phone as your friend texted you back. You didn't mean to ignore the shy (and good looking) boy with black hair (who had bleached highlights in his bangs that complemented his looks very well), but - one - you were texting your friend and - two - you had no idea what Aussies typically talked about. Big snakes? Spiders? You could hear it now.

"Aye, mate, I killed a giant spider in my living room with a can of hairspray and deodorant. What have you fought off recently?"

Did they use that phrase you heard about? "Well I'm not here to fuck spiders"?

You quickly texted your friend about the awkward situation - of course mentioning the fact this guy was H.O.T - and she quickly replied to send her a picture. You glanced over at the boy, and you took the opportunity to snap a picture while he wasn't looking.

It was an absolutely perfect picture. However, to your immediately following panic, your sound was on. You played it off for a few seconds as you sent it to your friend before you stealthily looked at him...only to find him looking back at you with a mixture of shock and a smirk.

"Frick frack," you hissed, dropping your head on the table. You didn't feel the pain of contact, but you noticed how your phone was slipped out of your hand by the cute kid. You objected with a grunt, but he was too tall, not to mention your phone didn't have a password.

He opened the text you sent, and you reached for the phone. He laughed, "Well, this is a flattering picture, isn't it? Might make this my Twitter's profile picture."

He snapped a selfie from above, showing you struggling to reach the phone, and he sent it to Kyra. You huffed after a minute of him conversing with Kyra out of your reach, and you sat down with your head in your arms. You heard a picture snap, and you knew he sent that one to Kyra, too.

After a minute or two, he chuckled. He put a hand on your lower back and gave your phone back. "Sorry, hun. It was irresistible."

You looked up at his smiling apologetic face, and you pondered forgiving him. You decided to shrug it off, and you smiled back. "I'd say I'd do the same thing to you, but you're five feet taller than me."

He laughed at this, and you joined him. "What's your name, babe? I don't want to keep calling you pet names because it's insensitive," he asked. "My name's Calum."

"I'm (Y/n)," you blushed, shaking his opened hand.

"Beautiful name. Wanna hang sometime?" He asked. You shrugged 'sure', and he gazed at the hand you shook as if it was made of gold. "Now I can say I was touched by an angel."

You blushed, and he laughed. The bell rang, signaling lunch was over, and he gave you a quick, friendly hug before walking you off to class.

He hugged you again outside of your class. You felt his hot breath on your ear as he whispered, "My place, 6:00, movie date. I'll text you the details."
sorry it sucked, but school's finally out, so i can start updating again!

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