#16 What You Two Fight About A Lot

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Credit to Nae_Albert for the idea :)
Y'all, please do leave suggestions in the comments so I can find more to write :) sorry I haven't updated in a couple months. But please leave ideas, and I'll give credit!

Ashton: Usually, it sparks from seeing a boy being overconfident around you, and you smiling back at him to start a conversation. He'll get jealous and worried he isn't good enough for you, and he'll be distant for a while. You'd ask him what was wrong, and you'd hear the whole "why aren't I good enough" and "you're going to leave and I'll never recover" deal. You'd normally end it by comforting him and getting him a beer, and everything would go back to normal once his tears were gone.

He was a charmer, alright, and he'd have fans all over him no matter where he went. You wouldn't get mad at him because you never thought he'd ditch you, but you'd get mad at the girls who'd be too handsy with him. You'd come home angry every once and a while, and he knew exactly what to do every time to make you feel better. Normally, he'd give you a warm bath, both of you sitting and relaxing in the tub together before sleeping peacefully in bed.

Luke: The cause is normally many things added up together, like family friction, and it just adds to the stress he already has piled on his broad shoulders from the band, fame, and friends. He'd be unlike his usual self; he'd grow impatient, snappy, rude, and a little rough and reckless. You never wanted to confront him about it, seeing as he was like a zillion times bigger than you, but you pulled yourself together every time, telling yourself he'd never hurt you. He'd explain everything and get it off his chest as you sat and listened.

You always get overly stressed about school and projects, and he'd notice almost immediately. He was good at math, and he'd try to help with your schoolwork as much as he could. However, he'd leave the artistic projects to you. He knew when to step back, but his help always helped take some stress from you.

Calum: He'd get easily frustratable due to a bad day at work; sometimes getting mad at slow songwriting, a bad show, or stressing out over not feeling good enough for his fans. You'd take a while to notice, seeing as he's good at masking his feelings, but when you did, you'd make him sit and tell you everything. He'd take a day or two to be back to normal, but he'd come around eventually.

You weren't upset easily, so Calum knew that when you were upset, it was probably something huge, like a death. He'd sit you down and speak softly, and you'd sit and cry into his chest as he rubbed your back comfortingly. You were always thankful he was such a kind human being, and you'd eventually make his efforts up to him. ^-'

Michael: Whether it'd be getting embarrassed by a videogame, falling or embarrassing himself onstage, or stressing over a hurting fan, he was a little oblivious when he was mad. He'd accidentally hit you with something, blame you for something he could've sworn you'd done, or ignore you sometimes. You had several methods for calming him down, since almost every situation was different. He'd always come back around eventually, though.

If you were in the dumps, he would be, too. He cared about you most, and he tried his hardest to help you. His attempts were awkward, cheesy, and cute small acts that always made you smile. They always made you forget what you were upset about, at least for a little while. After you were over whatever the problem was, he was always more ecstatic than usual, like a little kid on a caffeine overload.

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