#4 He Finally Asks You Out (Luke Imagine)

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You and Luke have been friends for a long time. Everyone says he flirts with you all the time, that it's really obvious when he does, but you've never noticed. You just liked him for who he was. The awkward, funny, adorable, cuddly boy you called your best boy friend, but he was honestly probably your #1 best bud over all. His best friends, Calum, Ashton, and Michael, weren't even close to you and Luke's friendship level.
You and Luke were out with Michael and Ashton at the mall to get the sick kiwi boy some supplies, like the doctor's prescription, a new pair of PJs (he had thrown up on the other ones as well as the bed sheets), and some soup stuff. Throughout the drive to the mall, and leading up to the present, you could tell Luke was anxious about something.
"Luke," you began, "are you alright? You seem tense."
It was true. His broad shoulders were tensed up like he was about to get beat up by someone bigger than him (good luck finding someone that big lol).
"Yeah, (Y/n), I'm fine," he replied. You sighed and shook your head. You placed a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped. He looked down at you with his blue eyes, and you raised your eyebrows.
"Luke, you know you can talk to me about anything."
"I know, (Y/n), but..." He sighed again.
"Luke, I'm not gonna judge you. You know that," you said softly.
"We're gonna go ahead and get some of the soup stuff if you want to catch up later," Ashton awkwardly shuffled off.
"Fuck," Luke hissed under his breath. He shifted his feet, and you walked him over to a bench. You two Sat down, but Luke stood back up shortly. "Uhm, (Y/n), can we go talk over there?" Luke asked and pointed to an empty spot on the second floor of the mall. You nodded, and Luke gently took hold of your wrist, leading you to the escalator. You rode up in silence, and you felt Luke's hand shake a little more and more as you got further up the escalator.
You got to the railing, and Luke's breathing got shaky. You put your hand on his shoulder again, and he sighed for the tenth time in the past five minutes.
"(Y/n)," he stuttered with your first name, "I-I've had a rather large...crush on you f-for a long time..."
You smiled softly. "That's alright, Luke. I-I've actually had one on you for a little while, too."
Luke's face lit up like the sun. "Really?!"
You nodded your head sheepishly, and Luke hugged you tightly. You smiled and hugged back, giggling at his happy laughter. "Then would you be okay with being my girlfriend?" He asked as he pulled the hug apart.
"Of course, Lucas Hemmo, I'll be your girlfriend," you beamed. His shoulders relaxed for the first time that day, and he smiled at you in relief (picture above ;) ), causing you to giggle.
"Thank goodness!" He sighed happily this time.
He took your hand with a huge smile on his face, and you found Ashton and Michael.
"Ash! Luke finally grew a pair and asked (Y/n) out!" Michael yelled loudly, causing you, Luke, and Ashton to feel embarrassed when people turned to look, and pulled you and Luke into a big hug. Ashton giggled and joined the group hug before you all went back to shopping for Calum.
Thank goodness that's over with haha XD jk it was fun to write that in like the twenty minutes I could have been using for homework ;P

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