Chapter 8

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You ever wake up unaware of what happen before you fell asleep and you're not aware of your surroundings. Well that's me this morning. I woke up in a bed and room that wasn't mine with arms wrapped around my waist. Something poked me in my leg and I automatically jumped out of the bed and landed on the floor.

I look to see who was in the bed and was relied it was just mason. Whoa.... Wait a minute, Why am I here and why was I in his bed? I need down at myself to see I was in nothing but my boxers, now I slept with clothes on last night.

Did he undress me?

Just the thought of that made a shiver go down my spine. I got up and looked at the clock on the dresser by his bed and quickly went to find my clothes that I had on, which wasn't hard because they were folded up on top of his table. The clock said 6:30, My class starts at 9:00.

Once I had on all my clothes I shook on Mason trying to get him up. He mumbled something I couldn't hear and reached his arm out and pulling me forward making me get back in the bed on the other side of him. I turned to face him and poked at his chest and then noticed he didn't have a shirt on.

I'm not gonna lie, yes I let my eyes flicker over his chest and I'm kinda a shame that I couldn't pull my eyes away from it either I heard a light chuckle and looked up to see bright green eyes looking down at me.

He was awake this whole time. Cocky ass.

"Like what you see?" I felt heat running up to my cheeks but then quickly shook my head push away from him.

"Nope. Now let me go and get up and get dress."


"Cause its Monday, I got school, I know you got work and I need to get to my house so I can change my clothes."

"I don't have work until 10:00."

"So I still need to get home, take a shower and get dress. That can kill some of your time right there." I finally got out of his grip and got out of the bed walking to the door with my hand on the door knob.

"Oh and ever undress me again I'll put hot coal on your back."

"Doesn't matter next time you'll be begging me to." I rolled my eyes and open we d the door.

"Keep dreaming."

I went down stairs and the smell of pancakes hit my nose and my stomach growled. I forgot that I didn't eat last night. When I went into the kitchen I saw Shelia in the kitchen by the stove. The table was full of different breakfast food and fruit.

"Morning sweetie." She turned to me with a bright smile. I smile and walked towards her.

"Morning. Can you help me get him out of the bed, I need to get to school."

"Sure thing." She walked over to the stairs then turned to me signaling for me to keep quiet.

"Mason get up you lazy sack of bones." She yelled.

"Leave me alone." I heard him yell back down.

"If you don't get up in the next minute I'm coming up there."

I heard footsteps from up stairs and I smile thankfully at her.

"Thank you."

"No problem, more are you hungry?"

"Yeah but can you just make it for me to take with me.


A half an hour passed and he finally came downstairs ready to go. He had on a grey suit with a black tie and his hair gelled back. I must admit he is really attractive, but that doesn't change anything.

"OK let's go."

I got up and waved by to Shelia taking the food that she packed for me. I walked out the house and went straight to the car. He unlocked it and I got in telling him where to go when we got in. When we pulled up to my house he stopped me before I got out.

"One hour or I'm coming in to get you."

"Yeah yeah." I opened the car door and got out going to my front door and going up to my bathroom to take a shower.

I set the warm to a warming temperature and stripped away my clothes. I stepped inside and just let the water pound onto my body. I grabbed the body wash and started to scrub all over my body until I felt clean. I put some shampoo on my hand and went through my hair with it. After I was all done I got out and finished the rest of my business I went into my bed room and then straight to my closet.

I just picked a pair of black jeans and a red and white stripped T-shirt my red vans and my black beanie since I'm to lazy to try and do my hair. I grabbed my bag of the chair with my phone and left out of the house. When I got to the car I tapped on the window and he unlocked the door. When I got in I could feel his gaze on me and when I turned my head to look I was right. He was eyeing me up and down with a look of lust in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You look very fuckable." He said facing the street and driving off.

"Keep on wishing."

"Don't worry my wish will come soon." I told where my school was and we got there in twenty minutes. Before I got out he turned me around to look at him.

"What now?"

"This" He pulled out a gold chain with a little angel pendent on it. He put it on me and I just raised a brow at him.

"Why and what for?"

"So I can keep up with you. It have a tracker in it so I will always know where you are at, so don't take it off. I'll know if you do." I rolled my eyes, getting out and he drove off.

God I hate my life right now.

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