Chapter 14

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Mason's P.O.V.

To say I was pissed at Sheila did yesterday would be an understatement, I was way beyond pissed. But what she said did made me think and she was right about everything she said. Except for me being whipped for him. I fall for no one.

Anyway It's 9:00 in the morning and just dropped angel off at school. I was going to go to work but I decided against it and went somewhere else instead. That place would be his house. Now that I think about it how do he even afford thus place I know it's not that much but I do know he goes to school and that where he work doesn't pay him enough to keep this house.

I came here to see if that son of a bitch would come over here today and if he do, I make no promises that there may or may not be blood on the floor. I been sitting here for an hour and saw no one just when I was about to leave I saw some one go up to the house. He turned around to make sure that no one was looking and I thank God my windows are tinted.

He didn't look to bad in his features. His hair was her black and cut short. He was tall but not taller then me. He had on light blue jeans and a white tee with some sneakers. He pushed open his door that I forgot to lock on Monday when I took him out. When he walked in that's when I got out and followed him into the house. I closed the door loudly behind me when I didn't see him in the front room.

"It about time you came back here if I knew any better I would think that you're running from me." He said walking into the living room but when he saw that it wasn't who he thought it was he stopped.

"Actually I think it's the other way around." I said calmly.

"Who the hell are you?"

"A friend of someone that you I know you know."

"Oh yeah who?"

"A boy named Angel."

"What makes you think I know a boy with that name?"

"Week for starters, you're in his house and secondly I don't think you would forget about an Ex that you abused for years and beat in a couple of days ago." I said walking closer to him

"That's still doesn't tell me why the fuck you're here?"

"No, but this does." Before he could get a word out my first connect with his face and he stumbled back a few steps. He nose was bleeding and he looked angry.

"You fucking bitch." He swung but I caught his first and twisted it, turning him around and with his while twisted behind his back.

"Get off" he yelled and I quickly took out my pocket knife and brought it to his neck, making him still.

"Now I'm not very happy that you put your hands on someone that's not yours and I don't appreciate it at all."

"So what the hell are you going to do about it?" Really I have a knife to his neck and he still a smartass.

"I don't have to do anything, but my brother can."

"And who the hell is he?"

"Does the name Matthew Grady ring a bell." I felt him tense in my grip and u threw him to the floor and I put my knife back in my pocket. He turned to me with big eyes. He looks scared not that I give a shit.

"Matthew Grady as in the Mafia boss." I smiled and nod.

"Yep that's my brother and all I need to do is make one phone call and you're gone. Permanently." I said my voice dark. He looks scared not that I give a shit that's exactly what he deserves to be. What goes around comes around.

"What do you want?" I bent down so I was close to him.

"I want you to leave what's mine alone and I swear to god if I hear anyone talking about you harmed then in any way you'll be dead and never to be found. Got it?" I nodded his head kind of fast and I stood up straight and fixed my clothes.

"Good now get out of my damn sight." I yelled and he got up quickly and hurried out the door. I left out a few minutes after ward and got in my car heading off to work.

Angel doesn't need to know what happened today do he.

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