Chapter 28

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Hey everyone I'm back and thank you everyone who waited and texted me. I am so grateful to have such wonderful followers. Everyone of y'all are so awesome to me and I thank you.

Angel's P.O.V

I shot straight up in the bed and winced in pain as I glared at Mason sleeping form laying next to me. Damn it do he even know when to go slow I'm to young to have backs problems. Last night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I might do something else and see what I get. Whoa my mind is really out of the park but oh well. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it read 8:00. I groaned and laid back down, then felt something poke at my side.

"Groaning before I even do anything. Guess I'm just that good." I heard mason say with a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself tiny Richard." I said and he scowled at me and I chuckled.

"Wanna see how tiny he is inside of that ass again"

"Hell no"

"Then stop insulting him he's sensitive" he said and I raised a eyebrow at him.


"Yes him you met him before"

"You just...................Nevermind" I said and he kissed my forehead.

"That's what I thought. Now come on and take a shower with me."


"I can always pick you up." He stated and I just shook my head at him.

"Nope you're not allowed to touch me without clothes on."

"You didn't complain last night."

"Shut up big head."

He just shrugged his shoulders and walked off into the bathroom when I heard giggles coming from by the door. I knew it was only one other person that was in the house with us.

"Sheila I now you're out there get your sexy ass in here now." Soon after the door open and in came my favorite blonde still in her PJ's.

"Chick Why you always spying on us. I know we sexy but damn "

"I'm not I just heard balls hitting my wall last night and thought that they might need something to kill the pain." She handed me two pills and some water. I love her but really want to strangle her sometimes. I took the pills and she took the cup from me and sat on the bed at my feet.

"Am I getting details?"

"Fuck no."

"Should had waited to give you those damn pain killers."

"You was gonna leave be in pain unless I gave you details about what happened last night."


"Meanie. That's why you don't know."

"Fine I guess you won't know if I hid a camera in here or not while y'all was gone."

"Shelia you didn't."

"I don't know and neither will you. Bye babe" she walked out and closed the door behind she as I just watched her leave. Shit now I gotta start looking for damn cameras. I didn't even notice that I was lifted up off the bed until I felt the covers fall off of me.

"Put me down I'm naked." He hummed and looked down at me.

"Ain't much.Nothing I haven't seen before." He said and I hit his chest which showed no effect on him whatsoever.

"Rude ass put me down."

"Fine fine I'll put you down." He put me down like I said just not on the floor but instead he put me down in the bathtub full of warm water and bubbles. I swear it was so relaxing when he put me in.

"Are you gonna stand there or are you gonna cover yourself."

"Nope I'm just going to get in with you."


"Because you took my shower time."

"Nobody said to draw me a bath."

"No one said to get a sore back."

"NO ONE SAID FOR YOU TO FU- you know what never mind. Just get in." He stepped in behind me and slid down into the water, I just really had the urge to just slap him.

"Why so mean little one." He took ahold of both of my hands and intertwined our fingers and wrapped our arms around me.

"Did you just call me little. I'm not little." He hummed and I felt his head on my back.

"You're shorter than me so............ you know the rest."

"Fuck you."

"Again doesn't your back hurt." He said and I bit his hand causing him to tell out and me smile in victory.

"That's what you get smart ass. Now wash me."

"What's wrong with your hands?"

"Nothing I'm just lazy. What's wrong with yours?" I bend my head back to look at him and giggled when he just scrowled at me.


"Not that hard you big baby."

"You left teeth marks." He showed me the marks and I just shook my head.

"They look to big to be my teeth marks." I said and kissed the side of his mouth.

"Now wash me so I can get dress." I said holding my arms up.

"Yeah yeah."

"You know you love me"

"Yeah I do love you." and from that my heart started to flutter.

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