Chapter 30

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Mason's P.O.V.

I swear I never drove so fast in my life. I believe I broke about every single law there is for driving but I could really care less as long as I get to see my baby.

I got to the hospital and parked my car kinda crooked, running through the doors. I saw Sheila sitting in the waiting room and I ran straight to her asking her what happened.

"I was going out for the day and told Angel he could come with Mr since he was bored. He asked if could drive and i told him yeah. Everything was going fine we was listening to music in the car and he turned his head. I told him to look at the road but before he could even finish his sentence the truck hit his side of the car."

"You let him drive?" I said and she nodded her head. I just kept cursing in my head, I'm not mad that she let him drive or that he wasn't looking at the road. I'm just scared that I can probably lose him and I don't want that.

"Wait why ain't you injured?" I asked my eyes looking over her body.

"I don't know we the other half of the car didn't crash into nothing and I had a helmet on.

"Why a helmet?"

"Angel's third time driving." IS SHE SERIOUS AND SHE LET HIM DRIVE. No Mason calm down. Damn it.

"I'm sorry but they wouldn't tell me anything yet."

"Why?" She struggled her shoulders and I sat down by her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder. We sat in the waiting room for hours until a doctor came out to talk to us.

"Are you guys here for Angel Romero." Romero so he's spainsh. Yeah I'm gonna ask him about that


"Well do have any contact with his family we can't get in touch with them."

"His mother died but for the rest of his family only he have the contact." She thought for a minute before she shook her head.

"Well at lease you're here for him. His left arm is broke and got a couple of broken ribs. He has a few cuts but nothing we couldn't handle." Oh Thank God

"Can we see him?"

"Sure you can he's awake right anyway. Follow me." I walked behind her down the hall until she came to a stop in the middle of the hallway.

"Y'all can got right on it and call if you need something." I thanked her and walked in the room after Sheila. He had a cast on his arm and his stomach wrapped. He was just looking at TV and didn't even notice us until sheila decided to run over to him.

"Omg Angel I'm so glad that you are ok you scared be half to death." She said hugging him tight and I could tell it was hurting him but he was just holding out for her.

"God Sheila let him breath." I said and she stepped back letting and walked towards him.

"Thank god you're ok. I left work and dripped my coffee that I needed so bad just to make sure you was ok." He laugh and grabbed my tie pulling me down, putting his lips on mine.

"You're such a dumbass."

"But I'm your dumbass." I said and he just smiled at me. I love his smile it warms my heart so much I really love this kid so much.

"Omg Mason that's gonna be our saying from now.'

"Sure babe." I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Ewww get a room." Sheila said and we turned our heads towards her.

"We are in a room even at home you are still able to somehow hear us." Angel said folding his arms

"Get a soundproff room."

"No we will get you some earplugs." He said and she put her hand on her chest pretending to be hurt.

"Well I never how rude."

"I love you too Sheila" I looked at my watch and saw that it said 9:00. Damn have we really been here that long. I need sleep.

"Sheila I think it's time for us to go home." I said and I heard a whine come from Angel.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm tired."

"Then go to sleep Angel."

"Nooo I want you to sleep with me." He said and I just looked at him.

"Baby I don't think I can."

"Pwease." He said pouting with big eyes. I swear he will be the death of me. I gave up and gave in making have a smile that reached his eyes. He moved over so I could get in and then he laid his head on my chest putting his good arm on top of me.

"Will you sleep now?" He nodded his head and closed his eyes. I looked towards sheila and told her that she could go home. She said ok and kissed Angel forehead before she left. I swear to god I don't know what I would had dine if I lost Angel. He's my pride and Joy, he's so special to that is hurts. He makes me so happy he gives me something fight for, something to live for.

A heart to love and take care of.

Hey you guys so this story is almost to a end. I know so sad right but I just wanna know one thing?
Who wants a sequel?

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