The End

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This probably should've been made a long time ago, but oh well. Anyway, hello everyone, the old fans and new fans of this rather popular one-shot series I created a while back (not even two years yet...).

So, for those just finding this series, you probably aren't aware that this series came to a complete halt a while back, with the false promise of one-shots continuing. I'm really sorry to those that had high hopes about the series being revived, but when you've lost interest in something, the creativity involving it begins to fade. Thus why I stopped.

But, it always irked me how there was never a "proper" ending to this series, hence why the false promise was made as a way to introduce the final one-shot before shutting down for good. But, it never happened. Plus, is there really a way to "properly" end a series based on one-shots? To me, it doesn't seem like there is, so what should I do?

I can't exactly do some grand finale because there was no main plot throughout all the parts, so I guess the only ending I can think of is an introduction to the author of this series, me!

Now, this might be a touchy subject, but to those that have been with the series since the beginning (and if you still are to this day, congratulations, I never would've had such dedication), or have seen my old descriptions at the bottom of a few early one-shots, you would know that I had a name. Not a username that I'm ashamed of or anything like that, but an actual name. I won't mention it because I do not want to make things terrible for myself, and to those that do know, please DO NOT post that name in the comments!

Anyway, the reason I'm saying this is because a few one-shots into this series, I began to change. After realizing that doing such a thing was, well...a thing - I decided that I must be transgender. To those that don't know the term, I changed my identity - from identifying as female, to identifying as male. There are other ways to be transgender, but being male was what I wanted, so I became male.

Now that that's out of the way, I can properly introduce myself.

My name is Matthew.

Now, there's probably people that are going to ask, "Why did you still write the one-shots with the reader being referred to as "she"?" It's simple. It's the term "fangirl". Most fandoms consist of mainly females, so to pander to more people's identity, I still wrote the reader as if they were female, despite it not being the same in my case.

But, that was probably one of the top reasons why I left, besides losing interest and motivation. Because I kept referring to the reader as "she", it caused me to begin to misgender myself countless times. So, to prevent further issues involving gender dysphoria and whatnot, I quit.

So yes, I am a transgender male. In other words, when or if you are referring to me when talking to others, such as this account being inactive or that I have moved to my separate account, refer to me with male pronouns, as well as my name, Matthew. It will be very appreciated.

That's all I have to say for now. I've introduced myself, explained situations as to why I quit, and explained other issues I've had involving the series. I hope you enjoyed my Levi x Reader One-Shots, and if you have any other questions (besides continuing one-shots or taking charge of this account), please find me at my separate account, princelyboo.

Thank you.

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