Child Levi x Child Reader ~ Thieves

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You wandered through the streets of your hometown, your small hoodie protecting your hair from getting too soaked. As you walked down the streets, you began to realize how small your perspective was. Everything seemed as though it was towering over you, and it scared you greatly.

Living this kind of life was awful. Not only were you homeless and lost, but you were also way too young to be wandering in the rain alone. It internally terrified you, what with your wild imagination, but at this point, you had grown used to the fear and seemed rather calm about it.

"What're you doing out here?"

You whipped your head to a dark alley when you heard a voice. In the alley was a small boy who sat on a box and was protecting himself from the rain with clothes hanging over him.

"I said, what're you doing out here?" The boy asked again. You flinched when you realized you had to answer a question and looked away.

"I-I lost my family." You said rather bluntly. "They were taken away by what they called titans."

The boy hesitated before he instructed, "Come here." You followed his order and headed to where he sat. Sitting down next to the box, you pulled your knees close to your face.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" The boy asked. You shook your head and looked up to meet his ice-blue eyes. He didn't answer for a moment before looking away.

"You can stay here if you want."

"Really?" You asked, a few sparkles in your eyes.

"As long as you help me collect enough money to get something."

"What are you getting?"

"You'll see. So, do you agree?"

"That doesn't sound too difficult."

The two of you sat as the sound of rain soothed you for a moment. "How long have you been like this?" The boy asked after a few seconds.

"For as long as I can remember." You responded. "What about you?"

"I'd have to say the same."

Silence came back between the two of you. The boy looked back at you and asked, "What's your name?"


"I'm Levi."

"Alright, (F/N), as soon as the rain stops and people are back outside, I'll train you to get money."

"I'm still confused on what you mean by that, Levi, but okay."

You returned your attention to the sight of all the rain around the two of you. It was so dark that the only light that could help you see was the lights from inside nearby houses and the dim lantern that Levi had next to the box he was sitting on.

"What's in the box?" You asked curiously.

"Just supplies." Levi said, patting the box a little. "You know, decent food and clothing. I filter water at the nearby lake."

"You really know what to do, huh?"

"Yeah... You should probably get some sleep if you're gonna help me tomorrow."

"Don't you need sleep too?"

"Don't worry, I'll fall asleep soon. I just like to keep an eye out to make sure there aren't any late-night thieves."


"It's only happened once. It was also a while back, but I assume the paranoia settled in and I've just been doing this since."

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now