Levi x Reader (Modern Time) ~ Out On The Town

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{[Modern Time]}

The regular sound of your alarm clock went off. You slowly woke up and turned your head to the bedside table, slamming your hand down on the snooze button. You took a moment to work up the strength to get out of bed, but immediately stopped when you heard the sound of your phone go off. You glance at your phone, which was also on the bedside table, and picked it up to see its purpose for going off just seconds after awakening.

You enter you usual passcode and see that you recieved a text message. Curiously, you open the message app to see who had texted you. To some surprise, it was your boyfriend, Levi, who hasn't talked to you in little over a week. You assumed he was busy, but it almost surprised you to see him texting you moments after awaking.

Levi: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to town for a while.

You rubbed your eyes so you could understand what the message said. It threw you off for a moment. I wonder why he wants to go to town with me, you thought to yourself. I thought I embarrassed him in public.

You quickly type a response and hit send.

_____: Sure, but I thought I embarrassed you in public, considering how awkward I am.

Levi: That doesn't matter, now, idiot. Are you coming or not?

You took a second to laugh at his personality. It honestly appealed to you when he acted a little aggitated.

_____: Yeah, alright. When should I leave?

Levi: Be at the bookstore near your apartment complex in thirty minutes, got it?

____: Yes, Levi. See you, then.

You put your phone away and stepped out of bed, quickly becoming excited to see your close friend, or to be more precise, practically your only friend in the outside world. You spent a lot of time inside and on the internet, so it wouldn't be a surprise that you couldn't gain many friends that way, but luckily, your greatest friend from high school was still friends with you. Even though he acted as though he hated you in some way, you knew he still wanted to be friends with you.

You quickly take a shower and do all the neccessities required before leaving. You decided to wear a simple pair of dark blue jeans that were slightly snug along your thighs and shins and a black long-sleeved shirt with a few decorative designs around the bottom lining. For your ebony hair, you brushed it into a fringe that brushed to your left and covered all of your forehead. You put it in a ponytail, leaving the fringe supported above your eyebrows with two bobby-pins. You never really used that much makeup, so all you did was put a light layer of skin-colored foundation to cover up any blemishes along your face. You put on a pair of black boots that tucked under your jeans and threw a thin white scarf around your neck, as you remembered it was around winter time.

You exited your apartment complex and headed towards the bookstore near your complex. Luckily, Levi knew about your obsession with books, so you were able to find the bookstore with plenty of time to spare. You pull out your phone to check how much time you had left to get here.

Surprisingly, you still had at least ten minutes. You shoved your phone back in your pocket and decided to look around before Levi showed up. You went to your favorite section, Drama/Romance, and began to look at the various titles. You couldn't help but stroke the spine of several of them, knowing you didn't have the money to buy them, quite yet. As you continued browsing, your other senses were drifting off. Your hearing was picking up any slight noise, whether it be someone's footsteps or someone quietly muttering something to another. The scents of books, coffee, and hot chocolate wafted past your nose, which was still rather cold from the frigid airs outside.

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