Levi x Reader ~ Secret Drawings

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"Hey, Commander Levi!" Hanji exclaimed as if the person she was trying to talk to was on the other side of the world.

You were sitting at the dining table with the rest of the squad, silently eating and observing the others' conversations. Unfortunately, you had to sit next to Hanji tonight, so you put your hands over your ears, hoping you wouldn't go deaf. Levi glanced at Hanji after a moment.

"Shut up, Hanji, you'll make Cadet (L/N) go deaf." he muttered aggitatedly. "Now what is it? And sit down, or I'll make you do laps, again."

Hanji finally realized she was standing and sat back down in her chair. "So, I heard it's a few days before Valentine's Day." Hanji said to Levi, suggestively cocking her eyebrow. "Do you plan to ask anyone to be your Valentine, Commander?"

For a moment, you just now realized you were the only one in the squad that called Levi "Corporal". You've been in this squad for a very long time, now, and you just now realized that. You mentally slapped yourself before hearing Levi's response to Hanji's question.

"I've already explained that to you." Levi growled a bit. "I have no intention on falling in love with anyone, so there's no need to ask such questions. Now shut up and eat your food, I wasted my time making that for you brats."

A strange feeling emerged in your stomach, causing you to contemplate whether or not it was a good or bad feeling. For a moment, you thought it was both. Good, because you knew you had a crush on the Corporal, but bad because you knew he was set on not falling for anyone. He even explained it to you, as well; he doesn't intend to fall for anyone because he thinks it'll be a distraction and a nuisance during battle. You suddenly snapped back to reality and put your hand over your mouth, your cheeks burning quietly and your eyes beginning to water slightly. Luckily, no one was paying attention to you well enough to realize your sudden change in behavior, so you quickly stood up from your chair and went to your room. You thought no one was paying attention to you, at least until you felt a pair of eyes staring at the back of your head. You shook your head in disbelief and continued to your room.

Once you entered your room, you shut your door as quickly as possible and sighed, your breath shaking badly. You were on the verge of crying, but you held it back and tried to distract yourself from the fact that you might never end up together with the Corporal. Since you felt as though that was nearly impossible, you threw yourself onto your bed and pulled out a notebook you brought along with you a while ago. You flipped it open and browsed the drawings you had made last time. Small hearts surrounded Levi's full name, while another had a heart with an arrow through it. On that heart was the words, "Levi+(F/N)" written in strong cursive. You lowered your eyelids and almost giggled at how cheesy you were when it came to drawing during thoughts about Levi. You took out your pencil and began drawing again, except this time, you put your drawing skills to the test.

"How should I start this...?" you asked yourself quietly. You snapped your fingers in realization and began drawing light lines to help with details. After what felt like hours of drawing, you were finally done with what you wanted to call your masterpiece. You dropped your pencil exhaustedly and admired your work. It was an exact replica of Levi, drawn from his head to his lower forearms. You smiled to yourself, proud of what you had created. Shutting your notebook and slipping it under the organized items in your bedside table, you felt a strong blush appear out of nowhere, just because you were so proud of how exact your drawing was of Levi. You smiled to yourself and sat back up in bed. A few moments of silence passed by before you slowly drifted down your bed, your eyelids drifting down, as well.

{[The Next Morning]}

"February 13th..." you whispered to yourself as you stepped out of your room. "Oh joy, I wonder what'll happen today..."

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