Levi x Reader ~ One Long Night

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After a hard day working with the Survey Corps, you felt as though you need some alone time. You had to fight against a titan and protect all your team members, so it wore you out quicker than expected. Once you got back to your room, you threw off your jacket and put it back on its hanger. Before you could land face-first onto your bed, you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in..." you groaned sleepily before sitting on the edge of your bed. The door opened and you buried your face in your hands before you could see who it was.

"Cadet (L/N)." a familiar voice stated. You unconciously stood up as quickly as possible and saluted your Corporal before he could punish you with laps.

"There's no need to do that at this time of night, idiot." your Corporal, Levi, muttered. "It seems uneccessary to do it this late. Now put your hand down."

You instantly put your hand down, but remained standing straight. To your surprise, you just now realized how short you were. You were actually slightly shorter than the man before you, but you didn't utter a word about it.

"Since no one else is up except me, I decided to thank you for the rest of the team." Levi told you. His features were dusted with a little pink. "So thank you for protecting us against the titans."

"I-It's no problem, sir." you said blankly, your features now being dusted with pink, as well. Levi approached you and lowered his eyebrows slightly.

"Your hair's a mess, (F/N)." he said as he sat on the edge of your bed, ignoring how thrown off you were by the fact he called you by your first name. "Sit down, I'm fixing it."

You were thrown off again by the behavior of your Corporal, but followed his orders and sat down in front of him. You faced away from him as he began messing with your hair.

"First of all, this ponytail you have is a complete disaster." Levi sighed frustratedly. He grabbed hold of your (h/c) haired ponytail and yanked out the band keeping it together. You didn't yelp in pain, but you knew that hurt a lot. "Second, your hair is completely tangled. Why didn't you fix this sooner, you troublesome brat?" Levi asked as he looked around for a hairbrush. He took the one off your bedside table and ran it through your tangled hair, practically pulling out locks of your hair in the process. The pain had reached your limit, and you yelped in pain as you swatted the brush out of his hand. The hairbrush fell to the floor and Levi sat in slight shock for a moment.

"That really fucking hurts!" you almost yelled at him as you put your hands to the back of your head. Levi noticed your eyes were about to spring tears and tipped your chin to make you look at him.

"Listen to me, and listen good, you blithering idiot." he said rather harshly. "I'm trying to fix your hair for you, so sit still and let me fix it."

"But you're practically pulling locks of my hair out, Corporal!" you cried quietly. Suddenly, you felt a thumb wipe your fresh tears away, causing you to freeze in shock.

"This won't take long, so let me fix it, got it?" Levi ordered you. You hesitated to respond, but nodded your head in response. Levi turned your head back to its original position and he reached for the hairbrush again. He brushed your hair from its tangles, and you tried not to complain about the pain emitting from your skull. Once he was done, he told you to face him, which you did as quickly as you could. Levi removed the bobby-pins from your bangs and brushed them from its tangles, as well.

You decided to ask him something since you felt awkward, watching him brush your hair. "Corporal, why are you-"


You looked at Levi confusedly as he looked back at your (e/c) eyes, his stoic face rather calm. "Call me Levi." he smirked gently, bringing shades of pink back to your cheeks.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora