(Rewrite) Thug Levi x Poor Reader ~ Hateful Love

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"Where am I going, exactly?" you asked yourself as you wandered through the dark streets of an unknown town. You knew where you were, the bad side of town people are afraid to enter without coming out uninjured in some way. It also seemed like the perfect dramatic scene for a story. Rain poured down on you as you tried to find a place to hide until the sun was out again.

"I guess this will have to do..." you sighed before sitting down between two buildings with awnings long enough to block the rain. You pulled your only hood over your already soaked hair and pulled your legs close as a way of regaining warmth.

Ever since you were little, this was a daily routine. Not only were your parents dead, but there was no trace of any other relative nearby to help, and not having any friends only made the situation even worse. But you weren't the kind to complain much, so you dealt with what you were able to get, which wasn't very much. You wandered to each town, wondering if you'd ever be lucky enough to find someone that'd at least help.

Your vague thoughts about all this were interrupted by violent coughs erupting from your throat. Luckily, you weren't coughing up blood yet, but you knew you were probably close to doing so. Lack of food would soon cause you to eat anything you could find, which would quickly turn into scratching your lungs. Laying your head on the wall you were leaning on, you sniffed and let violent chills run up your spine.

"Excuse me."

You flinched when you heard a voice. It sounded deep. Turning your head, you looked up to see an unexpectedly short man standing before you. He had soaked black locks that were already stuck to his forehead and he wore loose clothes that stuck to his thin body. You ignored the fact you could see abs so that you wouldn't blush and kept your (e/c) orbs locked on his light blue eyes.

"What're you doing out here?" the man asked.

"I should be asking the same to you." you muttered loudly enough for him to hear.

"Answer the question first before you get snappy." he said before kneeling down to your level.

"I've been like this for as long as I can remember." you hesitated to answer, since you'd honestly never explained your situation to anyone until now. "Right now, I'm just trying to avoid getting sicker than I already am."

"You're not the only one." the man said before finally deciding to sit down.

"Now can I ask you why you're out here?" you asked. The man locked his eyes on yours again, furrowing his eyebrows by a fraction.

"I'd rather not explain." he stated. "What's your name?"

"(F/N). You?"

"Rivaille, or Levi. You can call me either one." the man, Levi, said as he looked away for a moment. "What caused you to end up out here?"

"My parents died a long time ago. And since I have no trace of any other part of my family, I ended up wandering to different towns." you explained. "It's been a long time since I've had anything to eat or drink without getting sick. I think I'm going to die, soon..."

"I could help you get food and water." Levi muttered. You looked at him, your eyes wide with shock and sudden happiness.

"Really? Thanks, Levi!" you smiled. Knowing you didn't have the strength to hug him, you tried your best to show your graditude without much effort and movement. Levi somehow took notice quickly and raised an eyebrow at you.

"Are you unable to move?" he asked. Before you could speak, you coughed violently again, except a few drops of blood shot out from your throat. A few landed in front of you while a few more dripped from your mouth after your coughing fit. You didn't realize you had blood dripping down your mouth until you felt a thumb at the corner of your lips.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now