Student Levi x Student Reader (Modern Time) ~ Studying

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{Requested by HeichouLin}


It's shorter than I expected it to turn out, so sorry about that. :c

{[Modern Time]}

"Wait up, Levi!" you shouted as you jumped down the flight of stairs at your school, hopping four stairs at a time. Your only friend stopped just as he was about to turn the corner and waited for you at the bottom of the stairs. Once you jumped off the last few, Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance for having to wait for you.

"Hey, not my fault my teacher hates me and made me stay after class." you giggled a bit. Levi thumped your forehead, earning a yelp of surprise from you.

"I can see why she would hate you." Levi said stoically. You smiled gently and rubbed the part of your forehead he thumped. He was always like this, but you didn't mind since you knew he still cared.

"Whatever." you laughed. "At least now, we're going to the only class we have together, and to make it even better, it's the last class before school's over, too!"

"But you hate science." Levi said as straight-forwardly as possible.

"So? I just ignore the teacher since we sit next to each other, anyway." you turned your head to him. He returned it with an aggitated look, furrowing his eyebrows a little.

"Yes, and you forced me to perform all the dissections since you were too squeamish to even watch."

"Don't remind me of that!" you cried, playfully pushing Levi a bit. He returned your action with an elbow to your forearm, making you laugh since his height made it a bit difficult to do so.

The two of you were able to get to science class before the bell went off. You sat down at your usual seat, Levi taking the seat next to you. Once class started, the first thing the teacher did was return the tests from the day before. The teacher scoffed before handing you your test. Confused, you quickly grabbed your test and looked at the grade circled at the top.

"Oh, fuck..." you said under your breath before putting your head on the table. Levi looked at his test then noticed your condition.

"I presume you failed your test?" he asked.

"You think?" you looked up at Levi, whose gaze was locked on yours. Your cheeks started burning a bit, for two reasons. You knew you had a crush on Levi, but you were also embarrassed about failing your test in front of him. "How am I supposed to raise my grade back to average after this?"

"Well, you could either do extra work or study for the next test that we're taking tomorrow." Levi told you. You shot up from your position and began to grow angry.

"There's another test?!" you practically yelled. Levi thumped you again and made you quiet down.

"Don't get too stressed about it, (F/N), I'll help you study." Levi suggested. After giving yourself a moment to process his suggestion, you turned a rather dark shade of pink.

"Really?" you asked excitedly. Levi shrugged lightly and turned his gaze away, giving himself a distant look.

"There's not much to do at home besides organize my things, I suppose I could help you."

"Thank you!" you said happily, trying your best not to throw your arms around him. The teacher shushed you, so you had to spend the rest of the class without another word.

As soon as class was over, Levi rode the bus home with you. It seemed a bit strange, considering you've never rode the bus with someone before, but you were still happy he was coming with you. It was oddly quiet the entire ride home.

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