Levi x Reader (Eren's Sister) ~ Unwanted Relations

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{Requested by ZerosPrincess & HarukoKiryu}

"Eren, where are you going?!"

You chased after Eren and followed him down familiar streets. A giant titan had shown up and kicked a hole into the wall, giving all the titans a welcoming hole to enter through. You continued chasing him, not caring if your (h/c) hair got in your face or you felt like you were about to vomit.

When you were able to catch up with him, you found him struggling to lift up a section of a roof. Rushing over to where he was, you looked at what got caught under the roof and gasped.

"(F-F/N)!" your mother screamed. Her legs were caught under the roof, preventing her from moving. "Take Eren and leave! Before it's too late!"

You quickly knelt down to help Eren, whether or not you were making any progress. While your mother kept screaming at you to leave, you refused to listen and continued struggling to lift up the roof.

Suddenly, the ground began to shudder. Glancing up, you froze and realized a titan was close to where the three of you were. You turned your gaze to Eren, who was still struggling to lift up the roof.

"Eren, we need to leave." you stated, not growing loud or scared.

"What?!" Eren looked at you in shock. "(F/N), don't give up now! We can get her out! Now keep lifting!"

"Eren! Listen to your sister!" your mother yelled at Eren. "Take (F/N) out of here! We know she's not ready to put up with this stress!"


Your mother looked at you as you hung your head down, your hair covering your face. You shook violently and looked up at her.

"I'm sorry...that we couldn't save you..." you mumbled. You stood up and grabbed Eren's arm, still crying. "I'm so sorry..."

"(F/N)!" Eren yelled. You yanked on his arm and made him go with you and the two of you began running in the opposite direction.

"(F/N), we could've saved our mom!" Eren yelled at you once you were a safe distance away. "Why would you do that?!"

Before Eren could do or say anything else, you threw your arms around him and hid your face. He looked at you confusedly before giving in and lightly returning the hug. The two of you let go after a moment.

"I'm sorry if you're pissed at me, Eren." you sniffed. "But we've already lost our mom, and I'm not intending on losing you anytime soon, either."

Eren's angered look slowly softened, but he still furrowed his eyebrows as he took your hand and lead you to the evacuation boats. "Let's just get out of here." he said, despite the endless trail of tears streaming down his cheeks.

This isn't like him, you thought. He wouldn't be this calm. Maybe the thought of losing me got to him.

You woke up in a cold sweat, your eyes wide and your breathing a bit rigid. You could feel the loud thumping of your heart and gave a moment to let everything calm down. I had that dream again, you thought. Dammit. I hate having to remember that.

A lot of people didn't believe it at first, but you were actually Eren's biological sister, despite the fact that the two of you looked nothing alike. Besides that, you two were practically the same personality-wise, except for what you called "Eren's little anger problem". Another difference you had from him was that you weren't as wild as him. You were more of the kind to be a bit more calm about situations, unlike your brother.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora